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Carbon Ocelot's Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough


Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Disc 4
SeeD Tests
Side Quests
Other GF
Card Game
Card Mods
GF Abilities
Refine Abilities
Item List

Single Page Version



This section contains a list of items, and what they do.


Item List
Item Effect
Potion Restores HP by 200
Potion+ Restores HP by 400
Hi-Potion Restores HP by 1000
Hi-Potion+ Restores HP by 2000
X-Potion Fully Restores HP
Mega Potion Restores 1000 HP to all members
Phoenix Down Removes KO Status
Mega Phoenix Removes KO Status from all members
Elixir Fully restores abnormal status and HP
Megalixir Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all members
Antidote Cures Poison
Soft Cures Petrify
Eye Drops Cures Darkness
Echo Screen Cures Silence
Holy Water Cures Zombie, Curse
Remedy Cures abnormal staus
Remedy+ Cures abnormal status and Magic effects
Hero-trial Makes character invincible sometimes
Hero Makes character invincible
Holy War-trial Makes all characters invincible sometimes
Holy War Makes all party members invincible
Shell Stone Same effect as shell
Protect Stone Same effect as Protect
Aura Stone Same effect as Aura
Death Stone Same effect as Death
Holy Stone Same effect as Holy
Flare Stone Same effect as Flare
Meteor Stone Same effect as Meteor
Ultima Stone Same effect as Ultima
Gysahl Greens Summons Chocobo GF
Phoenix Pinion Summons Phoenix GF (Revive all characters + fire dmg to enemies)
Friendship "Moomba Moomba" (Summons Moomba, does up to 9999 dmg)
Tent Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all
Pet House Restores HP to all GF
Cottage Same effect as Tent plus restores all GF
G-Potion Restores 200 HP to GF
G-Hi-Potion Restores 1000 HP to GF
G-Mega-Potion Restores 1000 HP to all GF
G-Returner Revives GF from KO
Rename Card Changes GF's name
Amnesia Greens Makes GF forget an ability
HP-J Scroll GF learns HP-J ability
Str-J Scroll GF learns Str-J ability
Vit-J Scroll GF learns Vit-J ability
Mag-J Scroll GF learns Mag-J ability
Spr-J Scroll GF learns Spr-J ability
Spd-J Scroll GF learns Spd-J ability
Luck-J Scroll GF learns Luck-J ability
Aegis Amulet GF learns Eva-J Ability
Elem Atk GF learns Elem-Atk-J ability
Elem Guard GF learns Elem-Defx4 ability
Status Atk GF learns ST-Atk ability
Status Guard GF learns ST-Defx4 ability
Rosetta Stone GF learns abilityx4 ability
Magic Scroll GF learns Magic ability
GF Scroll GF learns GF ability
Draw Scroll GF learns Draw ability
Item Scroll GF learns Item ability
Gambler Spirit GF learns Card ability
Healing Ring GF learns Recover ability
Phoenix Spirit GF learns Revive ability
Med Kit GF learns Treatment ability
Bomb Spirit GF learns Kamikaze ability
Hungry Cookpot GF learns Devour ability
Steel Pipe GF learns SumMag+10% ability
Energy Crystal GF learns SumMag+30% ability
Samantha Soul GF learns SumMag+40% ability
Healing Mail GF learns GFHP+10% ability
Silver Mail GF learns GFHP+20% ability
Gold Armor GF learns GFHP+30% ability
Diamond Armor GF learns GFHP+40% ability
Regen Ring GF learns HP+20% ability
Giant's Ring GF learns HP+40% ability
Gaea's Ring GF learns HP+80% ability
Strength Love GF learns Str+20% ability
Power Wrist GF learns Str+40% ability
Hyper Wrist GF learns Str+60% ability
Turtle Shell GF learns Vit+20% ability
Orihalcon GF learns Vit+40% ability
Adamantine GF learns Vit+60% ability
Rune Armlet GF learns Spr+20% ability
Force Armlet GF learns Spr+40% ability
Magic Armlet GF learns Spr+60% ability
Circlet GF learns Mag+20%
Hypno Crown GF learns Mag+40% ability
Royal Crown GF learns Mag+60% ability
Jet Engine GF learns Spd+20% ability
Rocket Engine GF learns Spd+40% ability
Accelerator GF learns Auto-Haste ability
Moon Curtain GF learns Auto-Shell ability
Steel Curtain GF learns Auto-Protect ability
Glow Curtain GF learns Auto-Reflect ability
Monk's Code GF learns Counter ability
Knight's Code GF learns Cover ability
Doc's Code GF learns Med Data ability
Hundred Needles GF learns Return Damage ability
Three Stars GF learns Expendx3-1 ability
Ribbon GF learns Ribbon ability
Normal Ammo Normal Ammo
Shotgun Ammo Ammo that attacks all opponents
Dark Ammo Ammo with status changing effect
Fire Ammo Ammo with Fire element
Demolition Ammo Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo
Fast Ammo Ammo for rapid fire
AP Ammo Armor-piercing ammo
Pulse Ammo Ammo that contains powerful energy
M-Stone Piece Stone with a little Magic power
Magic Stone Stone with Magic oower
Wizard Stone Stone with strong Magic power
Ochu Tentacle Strong, flexible tentacle
Healing Water Water with life force
Cockatrice Pinion Feather with petrifying power
Zombie Powder Powder with Zombie effect
Lightweight Shoes to make you light on your feet
Sharp Spike Long, sharp claw
Screw Used to remodle weapons
Saw Blade Serrated blade
Mesmerize Blade Long, sharp blade
Vampire Fang Fang that makes Vampire attack
Fury Fragment Stone that contains morale
Betrayal Sword Sword that betrays allies
Sleep Powder Induces sleep
Life Ring Ring with life force
Dragon Fang Dragon's fang with recovery force
Spider Web Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves
Coral Fragment Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Electrocute
Curse Spike Quistis can learn Blue Magic, LV?Death
Black Hole Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Degenerator
Water Crystal Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Aqua Breath
Missle Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Micro Missiles
Mystery Fluid Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Acid
Running Fire Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Gatling Gun
Inferno Fang Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath
Malboro Tentacle Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath
Whisper Quistis can learn Blue Magic, White Wind
Laser Cannon Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Homing Laser
Barrier Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Mighty Guard
Power Generator Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Ray-Bomb
Dark Matter Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Shockwave Pulsar
Bomb Fragment Stone with Fire element (Compat Ifrit +1)
Red Fang Dragon's Fang with Fire element (Compat Ifrit +3)
Arctic Wind Contains Ice element wind (Compat Shiva +1)
North Wind Contains strong Ice element wind (Compat Shiva +3)
Dynamo Stone Stone with Thunder element (Compat Quezacotl +3)
Shear Feather Bird's feather that flies on wind (Compat Pandemona +1)
Venom Fang Poisonous monster fang (Compat Doomtrain +3)
Steel Orb Steel orb with gravitational power (Compat Diablos +3)
Moon Stone Holy moon stone with monsters living inside (Compat Alexander +3)
Dino Bone Large dinosaur bone (Compat Brothers +3)
Windmill Windmill containing wind energy (Compat Pandemona+3)
Dragon Skin Durable dragon skin (Compat Carbuncle +3)
Fish Fin Fish's Fin (Compat Leviathan +2)
Dragon Fin Very hard dragon's scale (Compat Cerberus +3)
Silence Powder Powder containing Silence (Compat Siren +3)
Poison Powder Powder containing Poison (Compat Doomtrain +1)
Death Spirit Contains Death
Chef's Knife Tonberry's knife (Compat Tonberry +3)
Cactus Thorn Cactuar's Thorn (Compat Cactaur +3)
Shaman Stone Stone with mystical power (Compat Bahamut +3)
Fuel Fuel for a rental car
Girl Next Door Naughty Magazine
Sorceress' Letter Edea's introduction letter
Chocobo's Tag Changes Chocobo's name
Pet Nametag Changes pet's name
Solomon Ring Mysterious old ring (Summon Doomtrain)
Magical Lamp You should save your game before using it! (Summon Diabalos)
HP Up Raises HP (10 pts)
Str Up Raises Strength (1 pt)
Vit Up Raises Vitality (1 pt)
Mag Up Raises Magic (1 pt)
Spr Up Raises Spirit (1 pt)
Spd Up Raises Speed (1 pt)
Luck Up Raises Luck (1 pt)
LuvLuv G Raises compatibility with all GF (20 pts)
Weapons Mon 1st Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon Mar Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon Apr Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon May Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon Jun Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon Jul Weapons research magazine
Weapons Mon Aug Weapons research magazine
Combat King 001 Magazine for fighters (Zell's Limit Breaks)
Combat King 002 Magazine for fighters (Zell's Limit Breaks)
Combat King 003 Magazine for fighters (Zell's Limit Breaks)
Combat King 004 Magazine for fighters (Zell's Limit Breaks)
Combat King 005 Magazine for fighters (Zell's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.1 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.2 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.3 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.4 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.5 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Pet Pals Vol.6 Magazine for dog lovers (Rinoa's Limit Breaks)
Occult Fan I Wolrd's Mysteries Magazine Scoop Issue
Occult Fan II Wolrd's Mysteries Magazine Photo Issue
Occult Fan III Wolrd's Mysteries Magazine Magic Issue
Occult Fan IV Wolrd's Mysteries Magazine Report Issue
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