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Carbon Ocelot's Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough


Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Disc 4
SeeD Tests
Side Quests
Other GF
Card Game
Card Mods
GF Abilities
Refine Abilities
Item List

Single Page Version




Refinement Charts:
This section contains a list of each refinement skill, and what you can refine with it. The purpose of this chart is to allow you to find cool "chains." For example, if you have Doomtrain and Eden you can buy an HP up for 150,000. Know how?

  1. Call Shop "Esthar Pet Shop" with Tonberry's Familiar and Haggle abilities learned.
  2. Purchase 10 Giant's Rings at 15,000 each.
  3. Using GFAbl Med-RF (Eden), refine your 10 Giant's Rings into 1 Gaea's Ring.
  4. Using Forbid Med-RF (Doomtrain), refine your Gaea's Ring into 1 HP Up.
Cool, eh? See the list at this end of this section for a few more cool example chains.


T Mag-RF
Item Refines to
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Thunders
Magic Stone (1) 5 Thundaras
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Thundagas
Coral Fragment (1) 20 Thundaras
Dynamo Stone (1) 20 Thundagas
Shear Feather (1) 20 Aeros
Windmill (1) 20 Tornados


I Mag-RF
Item Refines to
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Blizzards
Magic Stone (1) 5 Blizzaras
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Blizzagas
Water Crystal (1) 50 Waters
Artic Wind (1) 20 Blizzaras
North Wind (1) 20 Blizzagas
Fish Fin (1) 20 Waters


F Mag-RF
Item Refines to
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Fires
Magic Stone (1) 5 Firas
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Firagas
Flare Stone (1) 1 Flare
Phoenix Pinion (1) 100 Firagas
Phoenix Spirit (1) 100 Firagas
Bomb Spirit (1) 100 Firagas
Inferno Fang (1) 20 Flares
Bomb Fragment (1) 20 Firas
Red Fang (1) 20 Firagas


L Mag-RF
Item Refines to
Holy Water (1) 2 Zombies
Death Stone (1) 1 Death
Holy Stone (1) 1 Holy
Tent (1) 10 Curagas
Cottage (1) 20 Curagas
Healing Ring (1) 100 Curagas
Phoenix Spirit (1) 100 Full-Lifes
Healing Mail (1) 20 Curagas
Regen Ring (1) 20 Full-Lifes
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Cures
Magic Stone (1) 5 Curas
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Curagas
Healing Water (1) 20 Curas
Zombie Powder (1) 20 Zombies
Saw Blade (1) 10 Deaths
Mesmerize Blade (1) 20 Regens
Life Ring (1) 20 Lifes
Whisper (1) 50 Curagas
Moon Stone (1) 20 Holys
Dead Spirit (1) 20 Deaths
Chef's Knife (1) 30 Deaths


Time Mag-RF
Item Refines to
Accelerator 100 Hastes
Aegis Amulet (1) 100 Hastes
Samantha Soul (1) 60 Triples
Rocket Engine (1) 50 Triples
Three Stars (1) 100 Triples
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Slows
Magic Stone (1) 5 Hastes
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Stops
Lightweight (1) 20 Hastes
Spider Web (1) 20 Slows
Black Hole (1) 30 Demis
Steel Orb (1) 15 Demis
Dino Bone (1) 20 Quakes
Dragon Fin (1) 20 Doubles


Item Refines to
Antidote (1) 1 Bio
Soft (1) 3 Breaks
Eye Drops (1) 1 Blind
Echo Screen (1) 2 Silences
Steel Pipe (1) 20 Berserks
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Silences
Magic Stone (1) 5 Berserks
Wizard Stone (1) 5 Bios
Ochu Tentacle (1) 30 Blinds
Cockatrice Pinion (1) 20 Breaks
Betrayal Sword (1) 20 Confuses
Sleep Powder (1) 20 Sleeps
Curse Spike (1) 10 Pains
Mystery Fluid (1) 10 Meltdowns
Malboro Tentacle (1) 40 Bios
Venom Fang (1) 20 Bios
Silence Powder (1) 20 Silences


Supt Mag-RF
Item Refines to
Remedy (1) 5 Esunas
Shell Stone (1) 1 Shell
Protect Stone (1) 1 Protect
Aura Stone (1) 1 Aura
Med Kit (1) 100 Esunas
Giant's Ring (1) 20 Protects
Turtle Shell (1) 30 Protects
Rune Armlet (1) 40 Shells
Moon Curtain (1) 100 Shells
Steel Curtain (1) 100 Protects
Glow Curtain (1) 100 Reflects
M-Stone Piece (1) 5 Esunas
Magic Stone (1) 5 Dispels
Wizard Stone (1) 20 Dispels
Saw Blade (1) 20 Dispels
Vampire Fang (1) 20 Drains
Fury Fragment (1) 5 Auras
Dragon Fang (1) 20 Esunas
Barrier (1) 40 Shells
Dragon Skin (1) 20 Reflects


Forbid Mag-RF
Item Refines to
Meteor Stone (1) 1 Meteor
Ultima Stone (1) 1 Ultima
Star Fragment 5 Meteors
Energy Crystal 3 Ultimas
Pulse Ammo (5) 1 Ultima


Recov Med-RF
Item Refines to
Tent (4) 1 Mega-Potion
Cottage (2) 1 Mega-Potion
Healing Ring (1) 20 Mega-Potions
Phoenix Spirit (1) 100 Phoenix Downs
Healing Mail (1) 6 Hi-Potions
Regen Ring (1) 8 Phoenix Downs
Healing Water (1) 2 Hi-Potions
Mesmerize Blade (1) 2 Mega-Potions
Life Ring (1) 2 Phoenix Downs


Item Refines to
Med Kit (1) 20 Remedies
Ochu Tentacle (1) 3 Eye Drops
Cockatrice Pinion (1) 3 Softs
Zombie Powder (1) 3 Holy Waters
Betrayal Sword (5) 1 Remedy
Sleep Powder (5) 1 Remedy
Dragon Fang (1) 1 Remedy
Curse Spike (1) 1 Remedy
Malboro Tentacle (1) 2 Remedies
Venom Fang (1) 10 Antidotes
Silence Powder (1) 3 Echo Screens
Poison Powder (1) 3 Antidotes


Item Refines to
Energy Crystal 10 Pulse Ammo
Normal Ammo (1) 1 Fast Ammo
Shotgun Ammo (1) 2 Fast Ammo
Sharp Spike (1) 10 AP Ammo
Screw (1) 8 Normal Ammo
Missle (1) 20 Demolition Ammo
Running Fire (1) 40 Demolition Ammo
Laser Cannon 5 Pulse Ammo
Power Generator (1) 20 Pulse Ammo
Bomb Fragment (1) 20 Fire Ammo
Red Fang (1) 40 Fire Ammo
Venom Fang (1) 20 Dark Ammo
Poison Powder (1) 10 Dark Ammo
Chef's Knife (1) 20 AP Ammo
Cactus Thorn (1) 40 Demolition Ammo
Fuel (1) 10 Fire Ammo


Item Refines to
Mega Phoenix (3) 1 Phoenix Pinion
Rosetta Stone (1) 1 Shaman Stone
Magic Scroll (1) 10 Wizard Stones
GF Scroll (1) 10 Wizard Stones
Draw Scroll (1) 10 Wizard Stones
Item Scroll (1) 10 Wizard Stones
Gambler Spirit 10 Wizard Stones
Healing Ring (1) 30 Cottages
Hungry Cookpot (1) 1 Shaman Stone
Steel Pipe (1) 1 Aura Stone
Diamond Armor (1) 50 Cottages
Energy Crystal 2 Ultima Stones
Regen Ring (1) 5 Tents
Strength Love 2 Aura Stones
Power Wrist (1) 10 Aura Stones
Turtle Stone (1) 10 Protect Stones
Orihalcon (1) 30 Protect Stones
Rune Armlet (1) 10 Shell Stones
Force Armlet (1) 30 Shell Stones
Hypno Crown (1) 10 Aura Stones
Healing Water (1) 2 Tents
Fury Fragment (1) 2 Aura Stones
Curse Spike (100) 1 Dark Matter
Inferno Fang (1) 2 Flare Stones
Whisper (1) 1 Cottage
Moon Stone (1) 2 Holys
Shaman Stone (1) 1 LuvLuvG
Dead Spirit (1) 2 Death Stones


Forbid Med-RF
Item Refines to
Mega Potion (20) 1 Elixir
Luck-J Scroll Luck Up
Aegis Amulet (2) 1 Spd Up
Elem Atk (1) 4 Elixirs
Elem Guard (1) 4 Elixirs
Status Atk (1) 4 Elixirs
Status Guard (1) 4 Elixirs
Med Kit (1) 2 Megalixirs
Gaea's Ring (1) 1 HP Up
Hyper Wrist (10) 1 Str Up
Adamantine (5) 1 Vit Up
Magic Armlet (10) 1 Spr Up
Royal Crown (10) 1 Mag Up
50 Jet Engine Spd Up
Rocket Engine (5) 1 Spd Up
Doc's Code (1) 1 Megalixir
Monk's Code (1) 1 Str Up
Knight's Code (1) 1 Vit Up
Hundred Needles (1) 1 Spd Up
Shaman Stone (10) 1 Hero-trial


GFRecov Med-RF
Item Refines to
Pet House (1) 2 G-Returners
Healing Ring (1) 20 G-Mega-Potions
Phoenix Spirit (1 40 G-Returners
Healing Mail (1) 1 Pet House
Gold Armor (1) 4 Pet Houses
Diamond Armor (1) 16 Pet Houses
Regen Ring (1) 6 G-Returners
Healing Water (1) 2 G-Hi-Potions
Mesmerize Blade (1) 2 G-Hi-Potions
Life Ring (1) 2 G-Returners
Whisper (1) 4 G-Hi-Potions


GFAbl Med-RF
Item Refines to
Elixir (10) 1 Doc's Code
Holy War (5) 1 Knight's Code
Phoenix Pinion (20) 1 Phoenix Spirit
HP-J Scroll (10) 1 Giant's Ring
Str-J Scroll (10) 1 Power Wrist
Vit-J Scroll (10) 1 Orihalcon
Mag-J Scroll (10) 1 Force Armlet
Spr-J Scroll (10) 1 Hypno Crown
Spd-J Scroll (10) 1 Jet Engine
Energy Crystal (50) Samantha Soul
Samantha Soul (20) 1 Elem Atk
Gold Armor (5) 1 Diamond Armor
Diamond Armor (5) 1 Elem Guard
Giant's Ring (10) 1 Gaea's Ring
Power Wrist (10) 1 Hyper Wrist
Orihalcon (10) 1 Adamantine
Adamantine (20) 1 Steel Curtain
Force Armlet (10) 1 Magic Armlet
Magic Armlet (20) 1 Moon Curtain
Hypno Crown (10) 1 Royal Crown
Royal Crown (20) 1 Status Atk
Jet Engine (20) Rocket Engine
Glow Curtain (2) 1 Monk's Code
Ribbon (1) 1 Status Guard
Lightweight (100) 1 Accelerator
Dragon Fang (100) 1 Med Kit
Malboro Tentacle (100) 1 Moon Curtain
Whisper (100) 1 Healing Ring
Barrier (50) 1 Aegis Amulet
Bomb Fragment (100) 1 Bomb Spirit
Dragon Skin (100) 1 Glow Curtain
Cactus Thorn (100) 1 Hundred Needles
Shaman Stone (1) 1 Rosetta Stone
HP Up (2) 1 HP-J Scroll
Str Up (2) 1 Str-J Scroll
Vit Up (2) 1 Vit-J Scroll
Mag Up (2) 1 Mag-J Scroll
Spr Up (2) 1 Spr-J Scroll
Spd Up (2) 1 Spd-J Scroll
Luck Up (2) 1 Luck-J Scroll
Jet Engine (10) 1 Rocket Engine
Holy War (5) Knight's Code


Mid Mag-RF
Magic Refines to
Blizzard (10) Blizzara
Thunder (10) Thundara
Fire (10) Fira
Cure (10) Cura


High Mag-RF
Magic Refines to
Double (10) 1 Tripple
Blizzara Blizzaga
Thundara Thundaga
Fira Firaga


Med LV Up
Item Refines to
Potion (3) 1 Potion+
Potion+ (3) 1 Hi-Potion
Hi-Potion (3) 1 Hi-Potion+
Hi Potion+ (3) 1 X-Potion
X-Potion (3) 1 Mega-Potion
Phoenix Down (50) 1 Mega Phoenix
Elixir (10) 1 Megalixir
Remedy (10) 1 Remedy+
Remedy+ (10) 1 Elixir
Hero-trial (10) 1 Hero
Hero (10) 1 Holy War-trial
Holy War-trial (10) 1 Holy War


Useful Chains
To Get Buy From Refine... Cost
1 HP Up 10 Giant's Rings Esthar Pet Shop GFAbl Med-RF 10 Giant's Rings into 1 Gaea's Ring. Forbid Med-RF 1 Gaea's Ring into 1 HP Up. 150,000
1 Str Up 100 Power Wrist Esthar Pet SHop GFAbl Med-RF 100 Power Wrist to 10 Hyper Wrist. Forbid Med-RF 10 Hyper Wrist to 1 Str Up. 1,500,000
1 Spr Up 100 Force Armlet Esthar Pet Shop GFAbl Med-RF 100 Force Armlet => 10 Magic Armlet. Forbid Med-RF 10 Magic Armlet => 1 Spr Up. 1,500,000
1 Mag Up 100 Hypno Crown Esthar Pet Shop GFAble Med-RF 100 Hypno Crown => 10 Royal Crown. Forbid Med-RF 10 Royal Crown => 1 Mag up. 1,500,000
1 Vit Up 500 Vit-J Scroll Esthar Pet Shop GFAbl Med-RF 500 Vit-J => 50 Orihalcon => 5 Adamantine. Forbid Med-RF 5 Adamantine => 1 Vit Up 3,750,000
100 Aura 10 Power Wrist Esthar Pet Shop Tool-RF 10 Power Wrist => 10 Aura Stones. Supt Mag-RF 100 Aura Stones => 100 Aura 150,000
375,000* 100 Cottage Esthar Shop!!! Recov Med-RF 100 Cottage => 50 Mega-Potion 135,000
1 Megalixir 10 Elixir Esthar Shop!!! Med LV up 10 Exilir => 1 Megalixir 375,000
* Realistically, this is the fastest way to acquire money in the game. Assuming you have all the GF Abilities, just follow these steps:
  1. Clear the first three slots in your inventory (this makes it go a lot faster!)
  2. Go to Menu - > Ability -> Call Shop -> Esthar Shop!!! (use the right-arrow to get to the second page of shops.)
  3. Buy 100 Cottages (135,000 gil) and 100 Tents (75,000 gil)
  4. Quit the call shop menu and select the ability Recov Med-RF
  5. Refine both the Cottages and Tents into Mega-Potions
  6. Go back to Esthar Shop!!! and sell those 75 Mega-Potions for 562,500 gil, then buy another 100 Tents and Cottages. This will net you 352,500 gil each pass.
  7. Repeat until you have enough money, then buy the stat up items.

It only takes me about 30 seconds to do this, so I can earn the 1.5m needed for Str/Spr/Mag Up in just over 2 minutes. For perspective, that means I can earn the 100 items needed to max a character's Str/Spr/Mag in an hour or two of grinding. Not that I manually grind like this, mind you. I have pretty bad carpal tunnel in both wrists, so this is out of the question for me anymore. Thankfully modern technology has come to the rescue. Since I play on an emulator, I built a bot to do this for me using a RaspberryPi Zero and some python code. I simply tell the code how many times I want the script to loop, then it earns the 1.5M Gil needed for each item, and then buys the item. Repeat as desired. Some day I'll make a turoial video about how I did it and put it up on YouTube.

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