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Carbon Ocelot's Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough

Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Disc 4
(single page)
Side Quests
Friendly Monsters
Stellazio Coins
Frog Catching
Blue Magic
Racing Hippaul
Mordid's Coffee
Jewels / Gems

Sing Page
Single Page Version





This is a walkthrough of Final Fantasy IX (FF9). As with any walkthrough, this document contains spoilers! It was developed for FFIX English Language Version for Playstation. Some things may not work on other platforms or alternate language versions. The items in the navigation bar on the left are the sections that are complete. I intend to add some tools to help you learn the game system more easily. I wrote this walkthrough when the game came out in 2000. At that point, it was one of the most complete walkthrough of FFIX on the Internet.

I welcome your email; you can find my email address under the About Us tab above.

Walkthrough Notes

As I said above, all walkthroughs contain spoilers. What I've tried to do here is set this site up so that you can get the information you need without having to read the whole document. Please see the points below for things you'll want to know about that DON'T involve spoilers. I recommend reading them before even starting the game. Then play each section first, saving at every possible point. When you finish a section, go back to the walkthrough and see if there is anything you missed. I'll include various hints, tips, tricks and cheats I may have noticed along the way.


Points to Remember: (IE: Things I wish someone had told me starting out!)

  • You can steal from almost anyone. Make sure to at least TRY to steal if you can. Use Zidane's "Detect" to see what enemis have (if you don't use my explination, anyway).
  • Leveling-Up. I'll let you know what times you should level up a little, and what you should be trying to accomplish. Don't bother REALLY leveling up until you get a Reflect Ring and all your characters have the reflect skill and anti-venom skills. Just trust me on this one. This game has the COOLEST level treadmill if all yourcharacters have reflect learned.
  • While some people swear by it, I find frog catching to be annoying and pointless. YMMV.
  • If you wanna be a major treasure hunter, you'll need to find more than just the treasure chests. You'll also want to collect all the Figurines.
  • Read through the side quests area first. You won't find any game spoilers, but you may miss out if you don't do it FIRST.
  • Eiko's Summons may be influenced by which accessories she has equiped. Notice the difference in Carbuncle when you Summon him with Moonstone , Emerald and/or Diamond equiped.
  • Card battles explained: All cards have 4 characters that represent their power. "1P24" for instance. The first digit is attack power, and it can be any number 0 to 9 and then the letters A - E. 0 is low, E is high. If you know hexidecimal, think like that. The second character is either M, P, X or A and represents attack type. M is magic, P is physical, X will attack the lowest of the defences and A will attack the lowest number on the card with the highest on itself. The last two characters are 0-E and stand for physical defense and magic defense, respectively. A magic card will attack the last number, for example.
  • Don't sell your week weapons. You'll be able to synth them into better ones, and there is a spot in the game where you'll need a weapon with the lowest possible damage. If you don't want to think about things too much, try to keep two of every weapon.
  • There' an enemy called a "Gimme Cat" that wants you to give it a Diamond . If you do, you'll never see it again. I hate spoilers, but I hate losing powerful items even more. ;)
  • Don't forget that you can walk through most people. Unless someone is baring your path for game purposes, just try to walk through them for a few seconds and you probably will.
  • You can throw a Tent at an enemy and it'll get bit by a snake. Yes, that's right. It doesn't make any sense. ;)
  • Any time you see an item in a dashed box, you can hover the mouse over it for more information about that item. Hover the mouse over the box in this line for for a second or two to see an example of how it works. If that doesn't work on mobil, please let me know!


Disc 1

Let's start at the very Beginning:
Pay close attention to the opening scene. You'll wanna know what's going on here. You'll see a big boat floating through the air toward a town. Pay attention to the people. The guy with the tail will be you. In fact, when he enters a room you'll become him. The dialogue box that says "Sure is dark" is your cue. Press "X" then go forwards until he says "Guess Nobody's here yet." He'll light a match. Head to the back left of the screen to get 47 gil. You'll get a Potion at the top right. Now head to the center of the room and light the candle then name your character. For the purposes of this walkthrough, I'm assuming you named the charaters whatever their game-given names are to make this easier on everyone. When some guy busts down the door and you have to fight, be sure to steal from him; don't think you have to fight.

If Zidane ever gets below 20 HP in this battle, you can heal him with a Potion , otherwise ignore it. If you're stealing, you'll probably get a Potion first, then you'll get a Wrist . Evetnually, you should get a Mage Masher . After that, you can wail on him. Eventually, someone will stop the fight. Watch Baku give some info. When presented with an option, you should know you are supposed to kidnap Princess Garnet . If you recommend kidnapping the queen, you'll get mocked. Incidentally, I've heard rumors that the map on the wall behind him is from FF7 (the map of the glacier, actully). I've taken a pretty close look at it, and it looks too green and malformed to be that. I just don't buy it. Anyone wanna try and convince me otherwise?

Meet Vivi:
When you next get control, you'll be some guy with a straw cap. If you've played enough Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior style games, you'll know this is a Black Mage. Unequip everything from him. Some rat kid will bump into you pretty soon, but you can ignore him for now and head down one screen. At the bottom left of the next screen down you'll find a Zombie Card. To the left of the fountain you'll find a Potion . At the top of the screen there you'll get a Lizard man Card. Left of that you'll find a Shagin Card.

Head back to the screen you started on. To the left, you'll find a Potion . To the right, you'll find a house you can go into. That house has a Potion in the far right corner. The far left has Grandma's Savings of 9 gil. Be sure to head up the ladder and get the Fang Card. Head back out of that house and go left and a little up to find a Potion . It's across from the man who says "Well, that's it for today. Time to get ready to see the play."

After that, head up a screen to watch the Herald say, "Honorable nobles of Treno... Castle Alexandria is this way!" Directly down from where you enter this screen, there is 33 gil sitting on the ground. Head straight up to the tavern there and talk to people. The lower right corner of the shop has a Potion . The left lower corner has a flan card. Just a bit farther left you can find 27 gil on the floor. Head back outside and go left and down. On the left side of the street you'll find a Goblin Card. Just above that is Hippaul (see the racing Hippaul section for more information about this character). Across the street from him is a sign that proclaims "Today's Half price special: Our original a cocktail, her (heart) Majesty!" Head left and go to the next screen.

On the right side is a store. At the bottom right of the store is 38 gil. Doug (the guy that owns the store) will sell you a Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops , and tents. Don't bother, though. Head back out and go up toward the town square. To the far right is a store on the far right of which is an Ether . The store is manned by a synthesist. Head up and left to the next shop. On the left (below the guy who wants more money) is a sign about the pluto knights wanting new members.

Back out in the main street, you can run into Hippul again if you go just left of the shops there. He'll tell you he has 3 cards hidden in a safe place. Across the main street you can visit his parents in the inn. There's nothing there, though. Go left down the alley there. Head down one screen from that to get to the residential area. The first house you can go into (on your left) you'll get Eye Drops in at the top left corner. Upstairs, you'll find 3 gil. Next door, you'll find a circular room with a ladder in the center. Don't go up it yet. On the right is a Potion , on the left is a Tent . Go up the ladder and pull the rope. You'll get three cards. Head back down the ladder.

If you are really good, you can catch Lila leaving her house and can play cards agains her. If you know how to play cards, feel free to, but if you wait a few moments you can save first, then come back and try. Use your best cards agains her. Head back to the main square and go the Ticket booth. Peek in and ask about alexandria. Then ask about what's showing today. Finally, show your Ticket . You'll get a goblin, fang and skelleton card. At the upper left of this screen (just below the people telling you to get your Ticket stamped or be a nobel) you can find a Phoenix Pinion . Head back down the alley and you'll meet Dante the Signmaker. When he leaves, you'll see some rascle come up to you. Tell him you're the one with the phoney Ticket then agree to become his slave. When he asks if anyone is comming, tell him it's all clear. Once he walks off with the sign, take a quick look around, but don't go up to the next screen or you'll lose gil being mugged. If you see a guy with a Red Hat come down the road, that's Alleyway Jack. You can talk to him to learn more about the card game, and you can play against him as well. In addition to the full first column, I was able to win a Yeti card from him, a Cerberus from Maggie, and an Abomination from the Male Red Mage, but do be aware that you could end up losing your cards. [[Emulator Note: If you're playing this game on an emulator, you can save state before each match/rematch and ensure you don't lose your good cards.]] There are other halfway decent cards around the town. By the time I left, I had the following: Yeti, Sand Scorpion, Sand Golem, Zuu, Cerberus, Ant Lion, Blazer Beetle, Abomination, and Zemzelett. Go down and follow him to the place where you saw the bell earlier.

Try and go up the ladder, then meet your first moogle. After a second you'll meet Stiltzkin. He's cool. When you can talk to the moogle, ask about mognet. He'll ask you to deliver a letter to Monty. You should have just heard from Stiltzkin that Monty lives in the Castle. You can also save. Outside of the area there, you can play cards against Lila or the boat man or the retired boatman. When you are ready, head up the ladder and you'll talk to the Rat Kid. You'll follow him, but be sure to go everywhere else too (not just where he walks) so you can get the other cool stuff scattered around here. Just after a board falls, head left and slightly down and look inside the chimney for 29 Gil. Head up, name your guy (of course, I use "Vivi." Over the next board, head as far up toward the top of the screen as you can for 92 gil. Next, go down the staircase in the middle of the screen and head across the roofs to the chimney (or are these birds nests...?) for 63 more gil. Go back up the stairs and head across to the upper right of the screen (where Puck disappeared to). Before you get there, you may want to remove all Vivi's equipment, if you didn't do that at the very beginning of this area.

In the Castle, the Mighty Castle:
You'll get to watch the CG of the ugly queen and the beautiful girl. Eventually, you'll become Zidane and get pulled into a battle. I think if you use SFX you'll get a better score in the end. Be sure to actually attack the guards, though before you are all killed off. You'll have to improvise by following Blank's lead here. Depending on your score here, you'll get different things. If you score 100/100 you'll receive 10,000 Gil from the nobles and when you talk to the queen later she'll give you Moonstone . (Yes, I've verified this. It took using an emulator that let me slow down the frame-rate and pause, and it took about 15 minutes to complete the battle. Before that, this minigame really bugged me, though.

When you're back to being Zidane, try to get a good look at the lady's face, then eventually you'll be Steiner. He starts out with a Broadsword , a Bronze Helm , and Bronze Armor , but there's not much point in unequiping his stuff, since you won't find another knight-type character before you have to fight with him. Head up the stairs and down one screen to talk with the Queen. Depending on how well you did, you will get an item of some sort. It you managed to score a perfect 100, she'll give you a very rare Moonstone . After that, go back inside, down the stairs, and into the room from which the two soldiers just ran. In the near left corner is a Phoenix Down . You can also use the save moogle at this point, but the Mognet letter you're carrying isn't for this Moogle.

You are suposed to find the princess at this point, and get your men to help you. If you can get ALL your men to help out, you'll get an Elixir , so let's go for that for now. Talk to the two knights of pluto here and tell them to go find the princess. Head out of the room and exit through the top of the screen where the stair case ends. You should be in a room with a large painting. Talk to the soldiers here then head left. Talk to the weirdos here, then head back to the room with the weird paiting and go right. Talk to the guy there, then head back to the room with the painting. There's a man running around here. Try to talk to him.

When you've talked to all of these people, head down the stairs and go left to the library. Talk to the guy there and let him go, if you want. Randomly, there's a small bit of info about Dali against the far wall. Head back to the painting room and go across the hall to the right. Once you have talked to all these stuffy guys, head down from the painting room to exit the castle. At the fountain, talk to the knight at the bottom of the screen, then head right and talk to a knight there. Next head left and go talk to the fratrinizing personnel there, then go into the castle via the door there. Head down a long hall, then up the stairs at the end of the hall. Talk to people as you pass them. If you've talked to *all* the guards already, you can get an Elixir by talking to the out of breath guy a couple of times. You'll have a cut scene at the top of the stairs. After the cut scene, you'll become Zidane again. Follow the princess through the right-most door and - after chatting with miss Ruby - continue down the stairs.

After a brief scene of jumping through hatches. You'll be able to control again. Before doing anything else, examine the big dial on the machine; if you turn the wheel to the left, something will fall from the ceiling. You'll have to immediately turn it back to the right, but you can get a Phoenix Down by going down the stairs. Be sure to equip everything you can to Zidane before continuing on. Head back up the stairs and into the room on the left. You'll have to fight Steiner, but be sure to steal. You can get a Silk Shirt and a Leather Hat . Even thought he's a knight. And knights don't wear that kind of armor... Yeah... ANYWAY... After a little more time, you'll be able to fight Rusty again. Then watch a cut scene or two and fight a bomb. Just keep attacking Steiner. Over and over and over.

In the Forest, the Mighty Forest:
Some time later, you'll be in control again. Press "Select" when told to do so, this is how you view the Active Time Events. After you watch the scene, go look where Cinna threw someone on the ground. There's a Phoenix Down near there. Since you can't get inside the ship, save your game at the moogle and head down and to the right. Make sure you've taken this opportunity to equip Zidane. You don't want to go into this without maximizing your ROI. :D Be sure you have taken some time to familiarize yourself with BOTH the equip AND the ability screens. You're welcome.

This is your first *real* chance to fight. After heading down and right from the moogle, you'll go through a log to the next screen. DON'T go too far to the right, or you'll end up on the next screen and have to fight something nasty. Just level up a little bit here. You can steal a Potion from the Goblins; you can steal a Potion AND a Phoenix Down from the Fang enemies (and rarely a Hi Potion ). It doesn't really take much effort here to level up your accessories and learn the skills. I'd recommend adding a few levels at least. Use the potions to heal up when you're getting low on HP. If you level up, be sure to set the battle speed to fast, and wait to switch from the Leather Shirt to the Silk Shirt until AFTER you've learned "Protect Girls." If you're going to be stealing a lot, I'd also recommend you move Zidaine to the back row, using the "order" menu option. Just click him a few times.

I went ahead and leveled up all my abilities, but I'm weird like that. :D Don't feel like you have to do it too. When you are ready, save at the moogle and head one more screen to the right (that's two from the moogle). When you pass Vivi, you'll be able to fight the big seed thingy. He has nothing to steal, so don't try. Also, you'll want to make sure any attack you use is NOT area effect. In other words, when you trance, DON'T use tidal flame. You don't wanna hurt the princess. Use free energy instead. Two shots of that and he should be a gonner. You'll be thrust into ANOTHER battle here, but you have vivi to cast fire, so it's not TOO tough. Oh. And you CAN steal this time. He has a Broadsword and a Leather Wrist . Time for more cut scenes.

After Zidane calls Baku a coward, you can find a pair of Bronze Gloves in the wreckage to the right there. Leave the screen, watch the active time events, then head down the stairs. There's a Wrist in a chest here, and you can go talk to Vivi in the room to the right. In his room, there is 116 gil in the upper bed and an Ether in a chest in the upper left corner. Help Zidane realize he wants to go find miss Garnet, then leave the room and head left one room - open the chest there to receive an Ether . Head down the stairway there and walk up to the room at the top of the next screen. There's a Rubber Helm there. The next room to the right has Baku waiting for you, but before you go visit him, head down and get a Leather Hat in this room, then go save outside. When you're ready, come back to this room and head right. If you didn't grab it before, there may be a chest kind of hidden in the lower left corner of this room containing a Potion .

In order to leave, you'll have to fight Baku. He's not that diffcult, but be sure to use your potions to keep your health above 40 or 50. You can steal a Hi Potion and an Iron Sword , then just wail on him. Once you're done fighting, head left up the stairs and into the room there to talk with Rusty. After you leave the room, turn aroud and go right back in. Open the chest there for an Ether . Leave that room and go over where Vivi is. After encouraging him to join you, head out of the ship and save/mognet. Make sure you set the equipment and abilities on your new companions, before heading out. If you've got really low HP, you can always head to the room where Vivi was staying in order to rest up a bit. If you're going to have Zidaine steal, he should probably be in the back row. If you're going to have him attack, he can be front row. Head to where you fought the evil plant before, and watch the ATE to hear the FF7 soldier march. *snerk*. Oh, and if you head left on the next screen you can see a waterfall and see a confused Zidaine. This will lead to a dialog later. Anyway... I would use this opportunity to level-up, but wait until you've gone a few screens so you're past the fountain first. I think it's worth it to learn all the abilities the equipment you have can offer you, but I'll let you decide how much you want to level up here.

Anyway, head further down the way to get to a spring. Watch the ATE, then you'll be able to replenish HP and MP by drinking the water. You can also give Monty a leter here. Be sure to mognet TWICE to read the letter from Stiltzkin. Head right two screens and get into battles here, returning to the fountain to heal up. Dendrobium flower things are very good point wise (for leveling up), plus, you can steal Eye Drops , a Tent , and an Ore from them! If you do opt to have your characters learn the abilities associated with their gear, don't forget to swap the Leather Wrist between Zidane and Vivi. There is a cave you can run into at the end of this screen; it's a point of no return. Ever. When you do, you'll have to fight your way out. If you want to save a Potion or twelve and NOT level-up, then by all means head straight here. If your style of play involves crushing the game, skip leveling up here and use the next area. FYI, neither Fire-sword nor stealing will miss, even if your guys are effected with Darkness, so you don't need to worry about using those Eye Drops .

When you are ready to move on, save and head into that cave. You'll be thrust into a battle with Plant Brain. Yeah... That's really it's name. >.> Anyway, try to steal an Iron Helm from this guy (Rusty levels up faster!), then wail on him. After you defeat him, quickly use some Eye Drops , then run away! If you don't run, you'll continue to get into battles. If you want to level up, you can just stand there and get sucked into battles. This is actually an OK place to level up. Move everyone but Steiner to the back row, then have Zidane and Blank steal from each enemy, then attack with Steiner. Have Vivi toss potions as needed. Area effect Fire (use R1 to toggle between targeting one enemy and targeting ALL enemies) will kill off all enemies with a single shot, if you get desparate. You can steal Potion , Hi Potion , and Ore from these guys. If you do steal, hang on to a few Ore . When you're finished (or bored with) fighting, unequip everything you can from Blank, have him equip the most basic sword you have (probably a Broadsword ), then run and watch the cut scenes.

In the Ice cave (No, it's not a mighty ice cave; don't be silly):

When you have control again, you'll wanna use the ATE to learn a bunch of stuff from "Teach Me Mogster." Soon you'll get your magic flute and be able to head south to the ice cave. First, though, open your inventory and make sure to have Vivi and the princess in the back row, Zidaine and Steiner in the front row, and check that you've got the best equipment in place for everyone. On the way to the cave, be sure to wander around the little forest area just to the right of the cave. This is your first opportunity to meet Ragtime! Be sure to check out the Ragtime Section for more information about how to interact with this guy (for example, you need to wait 20 seconds between battles, and there are instructions for meeting him four times in rapid succession!)

If you want to level up, you can actually get to North Gate's Melda Arch at this time. You don't have to do this, but there are some items you can get (a Potion and an Eye Drops ). Just follow the left mountain edge (you'll be heading west, and slightly north) until you come to a weird arch with a "?" over it. The chest here (kinda hidden, on the right) has an Eye Drops . Slightly further along is another one, more hidden, with a Potion . If you listen at the gate, you can buy potions from the lady there, but there's probably not really any reason - you likely have a ton already. Unfortunately, however, you cannot SELL some of the ones you've picked up, which would be helpful.

When you're ready to leave this valley, you can continue on toward the cave. The creatures here that look kind of like a ram carry a Tent and an Ore . If you don't already have a stock of Ore , be sure to have Zidane steal both from them. You'll want a few Ore in the battles ahead (just trust me - if you want to do the Friendly Monsters side quest - see the Friendly Monsters Section for more info - you'll need AT LEAST one Ore ), but you CAN get them later. If you like to steal, just be sure to keep a couple of the Ore you'll probably get. The Tent however, is well worth stealing. Those allow you to restore MP when you're walking along the main map or when you meet a moogle.

Anyway, just inside the ice cave, you can hop up on a ledge to get a Tent . At the next screen up, you'll be able to go to the right, around behind the obvious stairs, and get a Potion . You'll notice two sets of stairs. Take the ones on the right and examine the wall. When Vivi breaks it down, you can get an Ether from behind it. Now go over to the other stair and go to the far end of the next screen to find an Elixir behind another wall. At the bottom right, you'll see a log. Be sure to go ACROSS it and get the Potion FIRST, then come to the bottom of it and examine it, which will cause Vivi to fry it, opening up a path down to a chest containing a Mage Masher . If you haven't already, be sure to eqiup this so Zidane can learn Detect (very cool skill!) and Flee.

On to the next screen. The easy chest has a Phoenix Down in it. The dead end path can be melted to provide access to the other chest, which contains a Leather Wrist . If you didn't get the one in the Evil Forest, be sure to equip this to Zidane so he can learn beast killer from it (and Vivi can learn Blizzard when Zidane is finished with it!) Exit this screen to the north. On the next screen, take the left path and fry the moogle there. ;) You'll get another Teach Me Mogster lesson. After that, mognet/ Tent /save and be on your way. Head down out of that cave and out the cave exit to your right. You'll have a cut scene, then you'll need to go RIGHT toward the bell sound. Take this opportunity to heal up, if you need to, before you encounter...

Boss Battle: Black Waltz no 1:
Eventually you'll be up against Black Waltz No 1 and Ice Giant Sealion. The Black Waltz Carries a Silk Shirt and a Remedy , so be sure to steal if you don't already have those. Since I don't really care about them, I didn't bother stealing against him. The Sea Lion carries a Mythril Dagger and an Ether . The Black Waltz is easiest to kill off, so steal stuff if you want to, then kill him off. My battle was: 3 hits to Black Waltz No 1 killed him. 1 steal from the Sea Lion netted me the Mythril Dagger , then I killed him with 5 hits. I didn't need to use any potions or anything. YMMV. If you need to heal up in the middle of battle, and you need more than 150 HP at a time, don't forget about your Hi Potion . When the battle is over, head back and get everyone, then move out. If you didn't have the bandit skill before, you should have it now that you've stolen the Mythril Dagger ; be sure to enable it to set your guy to learn it and to increase your steal rate! Wouldn't that have been nice during the battle where you were trying to steal it...?

To Dali and Beyond:

Eventually, you'll make it out of the cave and you'll see a town in the distance. Before you head to Dali (that's the town with the weird windmill looking thing on top of it), veer off and go to the mountain looking thing first. If you find a brown mu along the way, see the note a few sentences down. Head inside the house there and talk to the guy, then look at the floating ship model. You'll learn that if you can find the three types of coffee, he'll trade you the floating ship model for it (see the Mordid's Coffee Section for more information). Go outside his house and straight down to find a Hi Potion in a chest. In the far distance, you can also find 135 Gil. Don't bother heading up the stairs, yet. In fact, leave the area and wander back and forth between the ice cavern and the town of Dali, fighting random enemies until you see a Brown Mu (unless you found him already). Remember I told you to steal an Ore from the guys in the ice cave? Here's why. Give it to this guy. If you forgot to (or couldn't) steal an Ore in the ice cave, you can always steal one from a Carve Spider in this area. They're everywhere! See the Friendly Monsters Section for more information about Brown Mu and other Friendly guys. If you really want to buy a few low-end items ( Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops , or Tent ) you can head south to South Gate (left from the ice cave if you are facing Dali) and wait for Shop-Keep Mary. You can also sell her stuff like, oh, an extra Potion or fifty (I like to keep 25-50 of any item on hand, but I'm an item hoarder.) You may be tempted when you see you'll get 250 Gil for EACH Ore you sell her, but be aware that there's eventually an attack you'll learn the power of which will be proportional to how many Ore you are carrying, so only sell them off if you have 80-90 of them, or if you really need the money and are willing to go farm more later. Oh, and there's a way to synth them into other gems later on, too.

Once you have what you need, head into the Town of Dali. Your party will figure out what they want to do next, then they'll split up. Watch your ATEs to see what's going on, then take a look around the inn room. You can get your fortune read at the machine on the far left. You'll get one of these:

  • Good Omen: Today will be a day filed with Deja Vu. You will see familiar sights and eat foods that you tasted long ago. You may find a long-lost friend. Take a moment to recall good memories.
  • Good Omen: A good day filled with many of life's simple pleasures. A nice breeze will greet you as you step out. You will make new friends and replace a lost item with a new one. Be yourself and let good fortune come to you.
  • Good Omen: A nice day to relax and put your mind at ease. Lost things will be returned to you, and you will eat foods that are gentle to your body. A good day to spend indoors or out!
  • Very Good Omen: An auspisious day for you to go out and have fun! You'll find lost money and lost items. You'll also eat lots of yummy food, and meet interesting people. Go out and share your luck with the ones you love!
  • Bad Omen: There are good days, and there are bad days. You may be prone to injury and sickness today. Be careful of losing items and meeting strangers. You are better off staying home today.
You'll get a lucky color of either blue, red, yellow, green, or white. Then it tells you you can buy gems in the Lindblum Theater district by the air cab station. Just look for the big clock. Just below the machine is a chest with a Potion . Across the room from that is a chest with an Antidote . Up in the top right is a library with odd books.

Leave the room to get access to a few ATEs; pick one. Over the next few minutes you'll be able to watch more ATEs. They're kind of random, but be sure to watch them if it's your first time playing through the game! Just outside your door is Gumo the moogle. You have a letter for him. Pet the cat on the Fireplace if you want and/or save your game. Head across the street to the weapons shop. You might run into Dagger here; if so, don't mention miss Ruby. If you don't see her, you'll be able to later. Purchase 5x Feather Hat (you'll be able to synth these), and make sure you have TWO Leather Wrist (you'll get another Leather Wrist before more battles, so you only need two at this time.) Zidane can learn stuff from it, but they are also the best defense for Vivi and Dagger at this point. Be sure to equip the Feather Hat to Zidane. When you're done buying armor, look through the window just across the little bridge. At some point you can watch Dagger practice her new language skills here. It may take a bit, though. Straight across the street from that is a stash of 120 Gil on the ground. After that, head to the farm patch at the far right corner of town and look around. There's a chest you just barely can't get to yet. I'll tell you when you can come back and get it. Just before that is an item shop ( Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops and Tent ). Now head past Vivi (Don't talk to him yet) by going into the windmill via the door to the left of him.

At the back left is the Aries coin. See the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information about these coins. You can climb up the ladder and see the chests you can't get to yet, but it's not really worth it. Talk to the guy sitting in the main room and then head out and go talk to Vivi. Watch a brief cut scene and then go look through the window across the bridge. If you don't see anyone back yet, you can go talk to Dagger in the weapon shop. Go talk to her wherever she is, and after a few cut scenes, you'll be in control of Dagger and Zidane. Be sure to equip the Feather Hat for each of them. If you want, you can go level-up the two of them outside the village, but you might not be able to defeat all the monsters you'll see if you insist on stealing from all the monsters, so you may want to wait until you have more people. It's up to you. Anyway, go over where Vivi was listening to the chocobo and have a short cut scene. Head back into the windmill and seach where the young boy was "standing guard" before. "Go Down."

In a Cavern; In a Windmill:

At the bottom of the stairs and mini-elevator is a chest with 156 gil. Grab that and head down the tunnel. Watch for a bit and then search around where Vivi was in the gazebo. Come to think of it, why does a gazebo (complete with roof) exist down in a celler...? (OOH! me: I TAUNT the gazebo! DM: It doesn't do anything. It's a GAZEBO! Me: Can I fire an arrow at it? *roll for it* DM: OK. Now the gazebo has an arrow sticking out of it.) Oh. Sorry. If that went past you, I apologize. Anyway... There's a Potion inside it and an Eye Drops across the path. On the next screen, examine the barrel twice to summon Kumop the Moogle. Get a letter from him, save and head to the far left corner of the room. Examine the ledge to jump up and get an Ether out of one of the chests. Hop down and Kick the winch for a Potion out of the other chest. Head further down the path to get to the next room. There are two chests here. Equip the Leather Wrist here to Dagger if she doesn't already have one, and store the Iron Helm for Rusty. Head to the next room and rescue Vivi (automagically).

Equip Vivi and make sure he's set to learn Add Status from the Feather Hat . Examine the chest next to the door for 95 Gil then look at the weird machine. Now go back and save your game then go open the door with the mist coming out from under it. You'll have to fight some ghosts here. Have Vivi use the black magic 'fire' on them and Zidane can steal a Phoenix Pinion , Hi Potion , Potion and Ore from them. Dagger can just heal them (they're ghosts; healing deals MAJOR dammage). Wait... Isn't a ghost with a Potion like Zidane carrying, say, arsenic? Oh, sorry; I got distracted by reality. When you walk into the room Zidain will look around, then you can open those chests. The front one has a Phoenix Down , and the one behind the machine has a Potion . Totally hiden by the machine is a third one with a Phoenix Pinion in it. Head back into the previous room and run along the gang-plank near where the eggs are coming out. You'll be able to go to the next room and observe some stuff.

Walk down toward the end and observe, then try to go to the next room. Heal up (that's what the little delay here is about; hint: equip a Mage Masher and add status - you'll want to silence something soon), then try to go to the next room again. Watch a cut scene or two then you'll become Steiner. If you didn't get the Iron Helm from Plant Brain and equip it already, equip the one you just found under the windmill, then follow Mordid down the stairs and into his house. Look around, then talk to him until you hear the Cargo ship is here. Leave this area to end up as Steiner looking at some barrels. It doesn't matter which thing you do, though poking it is kind of funny. Now you get to fight again. I hope you're rested up and have your stuff equiped. Welcome to the fight with "Black Waltz No. 2." You can steal a Leather Plate and a Steepled Hat from him. Try to steal what you need before killing him off. Don't use direct magic attacks against him, though, or you'll get hammered with a magic-all counter attack. Have Vivi and Dagger heal people up, and have Zidane steal while Rusty smacks him. When Zidane has both the Leather Plate and Steepled Hat , be sure to have Zidane attack too. If you have a Mage Masher with add status equiped here, you can silence him. Merry Christmas. You should get a few ethers and 5 AP when you beat him. You'll be given an oppertunity to head back to the village and rest or to get on the airship immidiately. I head back to the Inn for a little Deja Vu and saving action.

If you want to level up a bit, you can take the ice cave all the way back down. You cannot enter the Evil Forest, thought. Just leave the village and re-enter the ice cave. This is pretty much your last chance to go through the ice cave. Not that you really WANT to enter it; there's not much here. If you managed to steal, equip the Leather Plate to Zidane and the Steepled Hat to Dagger. When you are ready to move on, unequip everything of value from Steiner and board the ship by walking to the farm patch and then trying to exit the village that way.

When you have control of Zidane again, head down the hall and up the ladder at the top of your screen. When you get on deck, you can go about 5 feet before Rusty wakes up. Once you have control again, head to the bridge (the only open door you can go in). After more cut scenes, you'll have the chance to equip Zidane, Rusty and Vivi before fighting the next Black Waltz (No. 3). Without Dagger, this can be a tough battle. Using Zidane's Detect skill, we see that this guy has Silver Gloves , a Linen Curiass and a Steepled Hat . We have the hat already, so we could just try for the gloves and the curiass. However, you'll be able to BUY these before you have another major battle, so it may not be worth your time, unless you really like to steal, or hate to buy. :D If you want to steal, just do so until you get the stuff you want, then have Zidane wail on him too. In the mean time, have Vivi beat up on him with 2x magic and have Steiner heal using a Potion or a Hi Potion . Vivi should go trance as soon as the battle begins, so if you're trying to steal be carefull not to kill him off too fast. 6 or so Fire shots killed him off. You can buy everything this guy is packing (that can be stolen) so unless you really want to spend the time stealing, just beat him up and get out of there. You'll watch some cut scenes then head to Lindblum. You can't fly the airship at this point, so don't bother trying. ;)

My first trip to Lindblumb:

When you reach Lindblum you'll get control of all four characters. If you managed to steal them, equip the Silver Gloves and Linen Curiass to Rusty and don't bother trying to go see the town. The ships don't seem to leave port. You can, however, hit the bedroom if you take the road that leads right from the main fountain. The lowest level has a Glass Armlet in a chest. The upper level has an Ether . Equip the Glass Armlet to Zidane so you can get the most out of your next adventure. Say hi to the Moggle (Mogki) here too. Give him the letter from Kumop and get one for Atla then save (you don't wanna have to do all that again if you fail, right?) Head out of the bedroom and back to the fountain - go down one screen and watch some cut scenes. Meet Cid Fabool (had to have a Cid in the game, right?) and also Freya.

You'll learn quite a few things, get another Mogster Lesson, and eventually you'll be Zidane. Head next door and meet Moodon. Read a letter from miss Ruby and save, then head downstairs. There is 163 Gil in the bottom left and you can read the guest book at the counter. The ATE here will explain something that happens later. Once you leave the inn, head up two screens. There's a Tent hidden here behind the tree limbs. Go inside the church. At the front is a ladder that leads to a short catwalk above the organ. Go up that, across the catwalk and you'll get another Leather Plate there. Head out of the church and down one screen - to the place where the lady selling pickles is. Head to the screen on the upper right. There's a weapons shop here that has some swords you may remember from FF7. There's also a funny suit of armor. Just North of the weapons shop is an item shop, and further down (the next screen) is the first synth shop you can go to.

See the Shops Section for more information. You can steal Silver Gloves from the Synth Shop. Equiped any cool stuff you've found, bought, or synthed. You can go level grind Zidane now, but I'd recommend hitting the Industrial and Theater Districts first, as you'll get some gear you may want to equip while level grinding. I recommend hitting the Industrial district first, then the Theater District, then worry about leveling up. Assuming you're OK with that order of events, head across the street from the Inn to where the skycabs are for more info in the form of ATEs. Head to the Industrial District. As you exit the air car, head up the stairs to the left. At the top of the stairs, look just past the railing at the farthest bottom of the screen for a Leather Wrist . Head up to the next screen Just to the right of the entrance to the Doom Pub is a Bronze Vest . At the top of that screen is a door you can enter to go inside the steam engine prototype room.

Upstairs are two chests - One with a Mimic Card and the other with a Steepled Hat . Wander into the Doom Pub for a bit of chit chat, then head back to the Air Cabs and head to the Theater District. After an ATE head to the bottom of the screen. There is 127 Gil there. There is a shop just to the lower right of this screen. You can go down there and poke around a bit. The chest in here has an Ore in it. Back outside, head down the stairs at the upper left of the screen. Talk to the lady on the way, and head to the lower right of the screen to go down to the theater.

Talk to the people down there and wait. When the "Moogle" runs out of the picture, follow him to the Artist's house you were just in. Search by the red stuffed char for the Moogle Suit , then talk to Lowell for his Autograph . You would think you could take this out side and give it to the "Crazy Lowel Fans" but evidently you can't. Whatever. Head down the bridge toward the theater again. See the big clock along the way? There's a sign there about "Lucky Color and Co." Head inside that building and watch some cut scenes. When they're over, raid the chests for 282, 97 and 68 Gil. Then, search the bed for the Mini-Burmecia . Once you leave, you'll be able to watch something interesting. Baku and his crew are wondering around. Pay attention to this- it's usefull to know. I just wonder if Cinna dropped something there... ;) And did you see Marcus raid that chest? That's why you can't later. OK that's just about it for this town. If you want to level up Zidaine before the tough battles to come, read the next paragraph. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

This is where I usually level up Zidane. He'll be competing in a very tough competition later, so you may want him a little buffer (you know, just enough to only hold a few bytes... Then he can do an add with carry... Nevermind...) Head down as many screens as it takes to get outside if you wanna level up. If you haven't already met Ragtime 4 times, you can run around in the nearest forest to try and find him; See the Ragtime Section for more information about this guy. In general while you are leveling up, don't forget that it's a good idea to have your battle speed set to maximum. (And from my experience: it's also a good idea to have your speed at max for the Festival of the Hunt later.) And don't forget to save every 5 battles and heal after every one (if you need to; I hate re-grinding more than just about anything in RPGs; ymmv). If an axe beak begins to cast it's "Glowing Eyes" skill while you are chosing what you want to do - STOP. If you select something and then that attack puts you to sleep, you'll have to wait for your ATB to recharge when you finally wake up. If you don't chose anything, though, as soon as you wake up, you can take an action immediately. I usually level up until Zidane has all his abilities learned except for the most powerful sword. I normally let someone fininsh learning an ability, then assign that gear to another character. But since only he can use his weapon, it doesn't really matter *when* he learns that skill. When you think Zidane is ready for the Festival of the Hunt...

The Festival of the Hunt

Save your game and head to the castle (via air cab). Head to the Guest Room of the palace, then leave the room and head back toward the fountain. Zidane learns that Dagger is upstairs, so head toward the lift. When the guard stops your progress, head back toward the room, but go down the stairway there and talk to the guard sitting on the couch (not the one guarding the doorway to the right). After a small amount of playing around, you'll be able to get on the lift. When you get to the top, you don't have much choice but going up the stairs on the left. Do so, then head to the left around all the stairs surrounding the big machine. On the next level up, head up more to the top of the balcony. You'll get a cut scene and then you can look through the telescope. You can see the river, the chocobo forest, the qu marsh, the Aerbs mountains by Burmecia, South gate and the mountains by Aexandria. After that, you'll get booted off by Dagger, and then she'll look, and you'll talk. After several more cut scenes, it'll be time for the Festival of the Hunt.

Read the rules that come up here about the hunt very carefully. You can save at the Moogle here in the Royal Bedroom (Mogki)

I play to win; here's my strategy. Make sure you do all this BEFORE the hunt, as anything you do in a menu DURING the hunt wastes time. So, before the hunt find the Bronze Vest outside doom pub. This gives you the jelly ability; that will keep you from getting paralyzed. Set your battle time to fastest and don't waste time potioning up during a battle, if you can help it ( Potion after battles and just press x a bunch; wasting potions is fine here). Hopefully you've been level grinding enough and you have a nice enough weapon that Zidane kills most things in one shot before they even get a chance to attack. You can set your options to "auto-run" to make this go a little easier. Whatever you do, DON'T STEAL! If you've had Zidane in the back row to take less damage, put him in the front row before beginning the race.

Zidane will start in the Theater District. Make a quick sweep to get everything there then head to the Industrial District and do the same. After that, head to the business district and finish the hunt at the top RIGHT screen - fighting the Zahgnul by the fountain. If you can beat HIM (after killing off all the monsters on the other screens), you're pretty much guarenteed to win. Get equipped, set your abilities, Tent / Potion then save your game and then leave the room and head to where the air cabs are and examine the car docked there. Try to run into any enemy running around. Don't waste time talking to people. You'll need a minimum of 5:30 to finish off the business dist, so when you see the timer hit 6:15, bolt toward the cabs. Here's my play by play. You may want to study this to see how to do stuff later.

Theater District (started here with 12 minutes):

  1. Fight the Mu running around the old man.
  2. Head toward the stairs and wait for the Trick Sparrow to fly down, then fight it.
  3. Head to left to the next screen...
  4. A Trick Sparrow will fly down to meet you as you head down the screen a bit. Fight that.
  5. There are no more enemies in this district, so leave and head to the Industrial District (Note: Don't go where Lowell's fans were down at the bottom of the stairs!)

Industrial District (got here with 9:20 left):

  1. Head up the stairs on the left.
  2. Fight the Fang running around the statue.
  3. Head up the stairs to fight a Mu that meets you half way.
  4. Head to the next screen.
  5. Go under the bridge and fight a Mu.
  6. Try to go into the pub and fight another Mu.
  7. Leave and head to Business District.

Buiness District: (Arrive at approx 5:45).

  1. Leave the platform and head up one screen.
  2. Head up to fight a Trick Sparrow that swoops down on you.
  3. Keep headng up to fight a Mu that jumps out from a building on your right.
  4. Head to the next screen
  5. There's a Fang to your left - fight that and then...
  6. Head straight up to the next screen
  7. Fight the Fang.
  8. A little further on, fight the Trick Sparrow
  9. Head back to previous screen.
  10. Watch Vivi Running past, then fight a fang.
  11. Head up and right to the next area, then find the kids in the upper left corner.
  12. Time to fight the Zahgnul

I started the Zahgnul battle at 1:13 to go). Killed him with 14 sec to go! Whew!!! 227 pts = "teh winz!" Zidane was level 17, which is probably the only reason I was able to win the hunt. Even then, it wasn't exactly what I'd call easy. :) Once the hunt is over, you'll get money if you won. After a bunch of cut scenes, the princess and Rusty are gone, and you and two other party members must head out to Burmecia.

Heading to Burmecia - Let's get Quina

There's nothing new you can do here in Lindblum, but feel free to head back to the business district and buy/synth stuff you couldn't afford earlier. When you're ready to move on, just return to Lindblum Castle and head down to the lowest level using the lift. The left trolly takes you to the Dragon gate, but before you go there, head to the Serpent's gate via the trolly on the right and get the Wyerd card at the top of the screen near the end of the train ride. Hop back on the trolly and this time head to the Dragon's Gate. Buy stuff from the merchant if you need to. Moonte (the Moogle) is sitting at the bottom left of the screen. Read a letter from Stiltzkin, then save/mognet/ Tent and search around the spot up from the stairs (hidden from view) on the right for a Tent . You probably have new equipment, so be sure to equip everything you want on your characters. When ready, head out the door at the top of the screen.

Immediately after leaving the area, you'll see a swamp looking thing straight out the front door (that's north and slightly east; don't forget you can use the 'select' button to bring up the mini-map and World Map ). Head north until you see the raised area. When you see the question mark, you can enter Qu's Marsh and pick up Quina. Head forward a few screens to see the Mogster and Moggy. Go straight a few more screens (one through the brush until you meet Quina, and another through frogs to get to the Marsh/Master's House. Go inside the house and talk to Qu Clan Member a couple of times, then leave. Go back down to the screen where Qunia is and catch a frog. Just talk to it while it's on the ground (not in the water) in order to catch it, then go talk to Quina. You'll be treated to a few cut scenes. You might as well add Quina to your party now, since you'll be forced to accept him later, and it'll make this next section a little bit easier. After Vivi's interlude, be sure to equip Quina with a Yellow Scarf and enable the Millionair ability to allow him to earn a ton of cash. Head down one screen and you'll notice that Quina wants to catch frogs. This is, in my opinion, a totally over-rated mini-game. On the other hand, it's the easiest way to get some of Quina's weapons. Heck, it's the ONLY way to get some of them. See the Frog Catching Section for more information. After catching some frogs (or not), head down and leave the marsh. Be sure to have Quina eat stuff as you go along:

Quina and Blue Magic

Unlike other characters who learn various magic by equiping items, Quina learns "blue magic" by eating things. As you are leaving the Qu's Marsh and heading toward Gizamaluke's Grotto, there are some enemies that Quina can eat to learn new spells. I'll alert you to these kinds of spells in the future like this:

Blue Magic Note: Gigan Toad = Frog Drop, Axolotl = Water Breath, Serpion = Mighty Guard.

To be clear, there are a few blue magic skills you can learn from the Spider and Axe Beak enemies back through Lindblum - but you have to go back before you visit Gizamaluke's Grotto. Otherwise if you try and go back to get them the soldier just inside the gate will tell you "Lindblum is on high alert. We've stopped all trolleys and closed off all entrances to the castle." In other words, you can't board the trolly and get back to the lift gate to fight these enemies. You can learn LV3 Def-Less from a Carve Spider and Limit Glove from an Axe Beak. LV3 Def-Less is probably worth learning, since the other option is learning it from a Lamia, which may be a little tricky, depending on your level at this point.

My First Chocobo:

When you leave the marsh, head due east along the mountains until you come to a river with a bridge. Cross the river and enter the tiny circular forest just ahead. Save (to retain Quina) and enter the forest. Welcome to Chocobo's Forest. Be sure to see the Chocobos Section for more information. There's not much point in duplicating it here, after all. Once you have your chocobo (and all its glorious booty) you can head to Gizamaluke's Grotto. Be sure to equip your party with the Germinas Boots and Cotton Robe you just found (if you went searching for treasure on Choco). The chocobo detour took me one hour and 38 seconds (according to my save game times). It's worth it! As long as you're here, visit South Gate just north of the Chocobo's Forest for some Moccha Coffee (See the Mordid's Coffee Section for more information).

Gizamaluke's Grotto:

Blue Magic Note: Skeleton, Hedgehog Pie, Basilisk = Pumpkin Head, Hornet = Vanish, Lamia LV3 Def-Less

When you first enter the Grotto, head right and talk to the Burmecian Soldier there. Once you have the Gizamaluke Bell , go up to the door and ring it. You'll open the door, but lose your bell. On to the next screen. You'll fight a few black mages, then another few (they carry a Tent and a Phoenix Down , if you need them.) You'll get another bell from beating these guys. Head up the stairs, but go to the tiny little door on the LEFT (not the big, obvious one at the top of the staircase).

You'll be able to head around the bend to the walkway under which you came in (yeah... It might not be proper to end that sentence with a preposition, but it's ledgible, right? LOL.) In the far left burned-out tower is a Bronze Vest on the ground. Head over the bridge and go talk to the wounded guard and get his bell. Head back to the platform and ring the bell in the center (not the little bell that's down the stairs and off to the far right). Give away a Kupo Nut to the poor Mogmi by the large bell. (Hey if you want to be stingy go ahead a say, 'no.' But you'll be in an infinite loop if you keep doing it.) In the chest under the bell you'll get another Gizamaluke Bell . There are two exits at the top of the screen. Go to the one on the right and ring the bell. When it breaks, open the door and head inside.

You'll find Mogmi in the back corner. Talk to her (mognet/ Tent /save/etc). See that vine ahead? That leads to one of the most dangerous areas around. SAVE if you are going to try going up there, though there isn't much up there for you right now. Remember this place, though. It's the BEST place in the game to level-up - hands down. On your way out (the way you came in) Moguta will get you the Holy Bell , and tell you he's "Kupo for Kupo Nuts." Heh heh. Well *I* thought it was cute. Anyway, head down past the bell to the lower right exit. It leads under the other path. Search under the path for a Magus Hat which you can equip to Vivi so he can learn slow.

A little further down that path are Mythril Gloves (just above and slightly right of the door to the right of the fallen wedding bell.) Now go back past the fallen bell and up to the door on the upper left. If you run into a Lamia, be careful. They are dangerous and can cause status abnormality Confuse on your guys, making them attack their comrads. Before you go through this final door, be ready. Set Zidane's steal abilities, if you have them. Meet Master Gizamaluke. You can slow him, BTW. If he becomes un-slow at some point, though, you may want to do it again. His level must not be a multiple of 3, because I was unable to connect with Quina's Blue Magic LV3-Def-less. This enemy is near water, so let loose with Thunder attacks. Steal his Ice Staff and Magus Hat (and Elixir if you want it). Have Quina and Freya heal people up. If you have Quina's Blue Magic "Mighty Guard" (see Blue Magic Section) use that here, too. Zidane's Scoop Art Dyne was very useful.

Back to Dagger & Rusty:

When the battle with Master Gizamaluke is over, you'll become Rusty and Dagger. Don't bother equiping them - they're not going to fight anyeone. Welcome to Grand Citadel South Gate. Walk up to the Guards and talk to them, then watch a bit of a scene. When you end up inside the gate, look immediately to your left. There's a chest hidden behind a barrel with a Multina Racket in it. Talk to the Lady at the edge of the alley, and "console her" then talk to the young man who is to the right of the gate you entered from (Chief Engineer). Now go talk to the worker at the other gate.

Finally, go talk to the Cheif Engineer again. Now run down into the alley way. When the guard comes up and stops you, head over to where he is for your Gate Pass . Now duck back into the alley and try to be on lookout. You can make steiner go go to the other side of the alley if you are fast enough, but he won't notice that Dagger is changing. When you are Dagger again, head left and open the chest, then talk to the moogle (Grimo). Mognet/ Tent /save if you want, then head up the ramp to the car and "baord" [sic] the tram. Head to the back right seats.

Visting Burmecia:

Blue Magic Note: Nymph = Sleep, Magic Vice = Magic Hammer

After a few cut scenes, you'll be back in control of Zidane. If you swipped an Ice Staff or a Magus Hat (or both) from Master Gizamaluke, be sure to remember to equip them now. If you want to go exploring, you can get the blue chocobo at this point. See the Chocobos Section for more information. Head due north to the doorway on the cliff face. That's North Gate's Burmecia Arch. Toward the gate is a few chests ( Hi Potion and Tent ). The gates themselves are locked, though, so you can't get in. North and Just West of there is the town of Burmecia. You can go there now, or wait and level up (in order to learn more blue magic, I guess; I like to go into this section with these Blue Magics: Mighty Guard, Pumpkin Head, Night, Angle's Snack, and Vanish).

If you didn't do it a few sections ago, now is a good time to head past the cyclone (city of clyra) and call Choco from the Chocobo tracks over near the shore. Choco can learn the REEF ability from the "healing shore" chocograph if you found it. Going through this area will net you a Magician Robe and an Oak Staff (cool!) See the Chocobos Section for more information. After that, head to the town proper. If you find a Magic Vice, I recommend learning Magic Hammer if you can. (See Blue Magic Section). You should see what looks like either an overturned cart or an overturned bucket straight in front of you.

Go around behind it and examine it for the Cancer Stellazio (see the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information). Head forward again and fight a couple of Black Mages, then head through the door on the left. At the near right is a chest with a Soft . At the near left is a chest with a Potion . See the chest on the next level? You can't get there because the floor is out. Let's fix that, shall we? Leave this room via the door you came in and go right and up the stairs, thenthrough the doorway. In the next room, there is a chest hidden from view by the stairs. It has a Soft in it. Head up the stairs next. If you want to fight a Mimic, open the chest here. They are tough, though. Head through the doorway on your left and across the walk to the other side. Try to go over to the chest on the far left.

See how the floor nicely fits the area that was mising earlier? Backtrack to that room and go open that chest - if you want to fight another Mimic. There is an open doorway now, though, that you can get to. Go through it and head right (onto the Balcony). You'll hop across and enter the next room. There's a guy on the right who tells you to get the bell by the bed. On the way, go to the far left corner and open the chest for an Ether . Now head to the far right corner and "Check under the bed." That's all you can do here, so head back out the way you came in, all the way out of the building. Head right and go back up the stairs and through the door, then to the left and out onto the rainy patio. Walk up to the blue door in the center and ring the Protection Bell , then head through the door to watch some cut scenes. On the next screen, head through the ruined door right in front of you to watch more cut scenes, then leave and go up he stairs on your right.

Don't bother going through the first doorway you see; it's a dead end. Go across the balcony again and through THAT doorway. There are two chests here. The closest one has a Tent , the next has a Phoenix Down . If you follow the rail all the way around, there is a chest on the other end which is actually another Mimic. If you head through the doorway at the far end of this room, you'll come out by the ruined palace fountain. There are three exits from here. One ahead and left, one straight ahead and the other ahead and right. Go to the left one and get a Mythril Spear , then head to the right one.

Give Atla a letter/mognet/ Tent /mogshop/save. Head past Atla and get the Lightning Staff out of the chest at the far end of the room, and in walks Stiltzkin! Buy the Soft , Hi Potion , Ether combo from him for 333 Gil then leave and get ready for a major battle. Don't worry about removing the Yellow Scarf from Quina - the next group can't use it. Steal abilities at max, you know. When ready, save then head north and watch the cut scenes. You'll be fighting Beatrix. She has a Mythril Sword , Chain Plate and a Phoenix Down . Steal what you can before you get Creamed. Don't attack her, just use your three non-Zidane people to heal with potions and maybe use mighty guard while Zidane tries to steal. It's theoretically possible to get that Mythril Sword , but please don't sweat it if you can't/don't. You can buy it pretty quickly, and you really don't want to keep reloading over this one. The Chain Plate and Phoenix Down are pretty easy to get, though. You can use magic hammer if you want, though. That's good for a laugh. XD


Disc 2

Back to the Rusty & Dagger story

OK. So when the dust, er disc settles, you'll be up at the top of the summit for South Gate. Talk to people (if you want) then head inside the area to the right and go talk to the Moogle (Nazna). You have a letter for him. Give it to him, then get a letter for Mochos. When you are done talking here, talk to the attendant lady (only person on left wall). Grab the Phoenix Down out of the chest in the bottom left corner of the screen, then head out the bottom left entrance to see Marcus and Cinna then head back inside.

Try talking to them, if you want, then go yell at Steiner and leave - but be sure to equip your guys with anything you think you'll need and save if you want - you'll be fighting. When you have a chance to walk around and talk, talk to Marcus last. Since you don't have Zidane, you'll have to rely on Marcus for your stealing. He doesn't seem to have a detect skill, though. You can steal a Steepled Hat , Lightning Staff and a Flame Staff . Feel free to unequip stuff from Marcus at this point, if you want some free stuff. You'll get control after the battle at the bottom of the hill. Go up one screen, then head left if you want to visit Dali, or right if you want to go to Treno. Let's go visit Dali. Just FYI: You can't do anything with the coffee just yet. However, it's super helpful to have 3+ Rod weapons so you can Synth something cool a little later on.

Remember that lady who was out in the farm patch? She's moved away so you can get to the chest now. There's an Elixir there. You can also read more about the card game in the weapon shop. Don't bother heading to the Ice Cave. I wanted to go down there and chocobo dig, but there's a person blocking the entrance (from the top, at least). Head back to south gate and on to Treno (take the right most path at the fountain in Southgate. Once you jump across the bridge there, be sure to take the first right down to where there's a chest. It's got 1,610 Gil. Get back on the path and head right; try to walk through the gate to get the guards to lower it.

Quan's Dwelling

Once outside, you could follow the mountain to Treno (in which case, skip to the next section), unless you wanna visit Vivi's "boyhood home" while you are on the way (you'll get the Scorpio Stellazio, BTW). To get there, simply follow the mountains all the way to a dead end. I recommend saving outside of Treno, though. You never know which random battle will be your last, and this path is a little dangerous. I ran into ragtime on the way, so I didn't get into any major trouble. Heh heh.

You'll know you are close to the cave you want because there will be a tiny patch of green grass area between the forest and the mountains. It's not too difficult to see. It'll be marked with a question mark. Head along the path and down the stairs on the right to the small platform. There's a chest there with an Ether . Head back up and around behind the pillar to the rope ladder and go down the rope. Walk along the NON-WATER edge of this next section; there are TWO chests down here. The hidden one at the bottom of the screen has the Scorpio Stellazio (See the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information).

The obvious chest there has an Ether . Now walk over to the water and examine it for HP and MP Restored! Head back up the rope ladder and off into the back of the cave. Climb up to the top of the ladder for an Ether . Examine behind the table for a surprising twist on the Vivi story, then head out the door to the right. Examine the clock and the bucket. You'll understand the clock, just remember the bucket for now. OK, lets head back to Treno. On the way back, I ran into Ragtime again! AND Mr. Ghost! (See the Friendly Monsters Section for more info.) Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Clause!


Save outside Treno (if you like irony, unequip everything from Marcus; thief theft for fun and profit!) Then head in. For your first ATE, select "A Treno Tradition." You're going to loose 1000 Gil - unless you're fast with the X button. Quickly clear Dagger's comment, then when the guy approaches you from the left, press X when the ! appears near you. That will at least allow her to notice and you'll only loose 500 Gil. :) When you have control of Steiner again, head to the fountain on the left and start throwing in money. When you've tossed in 13 coins (at 10 gil coins, that's 130 Gil), you'll get the Gemini Stellazio Coin (see Stellazio Coins Section). When that is done, take the right path up the stairs. Watch either ATE, then head down the ladder to your right. There's a chest at the bottom right with 1 Gil in it. In the chest to the left of the Item shop is Yeti Card. On the ground behind the shop (straight up from the 1 Gil chest) is the Taurus Stellazio coin (see the Stellazio Side Quest Section). Go back up the ladder, chat with the kids if you want, and...

Continue down the path and into the tower on the left. You'll flush out a dog and a Moogle (Mogrich). Chase him around a bit until you can mognet/ Tent /save (if you want). Read a letter from Stiltzkin. Before you continue along that path to the auction house, I'd recommend taking the other path down and heading left past the card stadium, then on the next screen go up and left to enter a building. You want to find the four-armed man who stole from Dagger earlier. Talk to him and eventually you'll shake out a Power Belt . You can synth on the next screen to the left, but you probably want to make sure you save some money to be able to buy a Reflect Ring instead. Head back to the auction house. On the ground to the left of the entrance door is 2225 Gil! Enter the auction house and hook up with Dagger. Wander back inside the auction house (when your characters leave) and buy the Reflect Ring . You should talk to the other people during the auction to encourage them to buy OTHER stuff. The guy in the red on the front row is the one who will hurt you (financially speaking) if you try and buy the ring out right. Go over next to him and mash the talk button while facing him- all throughout the auction. He'll eventually buy something that's NOT the main item. I got the ring for 10,700. I also went back and bought Fairy Earrings and the Pearl Rouge . Trust me; buying at LEAST the Reflect Ring is TOTALY worth it!!! Don't bother equping it yet, though. When you've bought what you want, leave the auction house.

If you go into the room to your right and try to fight the Griffin in the lower level, I'd recommend a few precautions. First, use Steiner and equip him with a Blood Sword (see below), Bronze Armor , and a Gold Choker . The armor will reduce Wind damage, which is important. I'd also recommend saving at the Moogle right there. When you're finished, take the other path (not the one you came through the tower on). Head left one screen past the Card Stadium. On the next screen, head straight forward one screen to where Queen Stella is. Talk to the people outside, then head in and talk to her. I left with 8,000 Gil (1,2 and 5k chunks), a blood sword and Phoenix Pinion . In the grassy area to the left is an Ether . If you miss it, you can always get it later. Now leave that are and head down one screen. The building on your left has a place you can wander around and hear the people below talking. That's where you hear about the auctions and talking to the guy in the front row. Head further down the walkway to the Synth Shop. You really want both a Coral Ring and Cachusha , so buy (but don't equip!) them. In fact, if you have 3x Rod (buy over in Dali) and Lightning Rod (buy in the shop just to the right of the auction house), you can make 3x Coral Ring , which will be REALLY helpful when combined with the Reflect Ring in the next section. :)

Get anything you don't have, then had back to where the Moogle is and save. Buy anything else you want at the auction, synth or item shop now. When you're ready, head through the tower and up the stairs to the upper path (past the drunk), and go down one screen. When you get to the ladder that leads down to the item shop, head left into the inn instead. Go down the stairs there and talk to Marcus. On the next screen, flee from Steiner, but don't give in. Man he's annoying! heh heh. Head down to the dock and talk to Baku, then watch a bunch of cut scenes. Leave the inn and go back to the entance to town, this time go left from the main entrance and continue along the path until you get to the end. There's a chest with a Mythril Dagger at the far left of this screen. Head up the stairs to where Tot is. If you want to card battle him, you'd better do it now. You won't be able to do so once he goes down the ladder - which he will do if you leave this screen. When you're ready to move on, talk to him and then follow him down the ladder.

Gargan Roo

Be sure to equip anything you need for battle, but *not* the Reflect Ring or the three coral rings. You want to make sure Zidane's party can use that later, and you can't unequip it after the big battle down here. (You've got a few easy battles, and then a hard one. You just want to make sure you don't have it equiped for the hard one. I'll tell you when to unequip everything.) Frankly, I'd suggest not equiping the Cachusha either, since that teaches ability up to girls! To start off, though, talk to Mochos and mognet/ Tent /save (if you want). Give him a letter, then take the left path. If you run across a Crawler, you can use both Silence and Blind on him. That makes him mostly harmless. You can steal an Antidote , Phoenix Down , Hi Potion , etc. He's only got 625 HP/344 MP, so it's fairly easy to kill him off.

You can steal Eye Drops and a Tent from a Dragonfly. He can be blinded and silenced, too. Open the two chests here for Chain Plate and a Phoenix Down , then pull the lever at the far end. Head back to the place with the Moogle, and continue right. There are two switches here - one up from the entrace, and one down. Press the switch UP from the doorway (not down). Follow Tot and talk to him. Be ready for a major battle before you pull the next switch. Be sure you don't have the Reflect Ring equiped. When ready, pull the switch at the bottom. Watch some cut scenes, then get into a fight. Meet Ralvurahva. He can be blinded, BTW. ;) He appears to be guarded against Silence, though. I can't scan on him, either. Use Dagger's healing magic while Marcus steals stuff, then wail on him until he runs away. You should be able to steal a Bone Wrist and a Mythril Fork , then watch more scenes before waking up as Zidane.

Optional: Road to Clyra: Serious Levels Ahead!

Strictly speaking, the next thing you really have to do is head to Clyra. I recommend a few things first. There are Great Dragon enemies you can fight who use massive thundaga attacks. But if you can reflect or absorb Thunder magic, you can defeat them at a rediculously low level. If that sounds like fun, follow along with this section to earn nearly 9,000 XP for each battle (more for Freya, if you learned the "Level Up" ability from an Iron Helm ).

Save your game and equip the cool stuff you bought in Treno - especially the Reflect Ring . If your goal is quick levels, that ring is the key. You'll want all your characters to learn auto-reflect. It's gonna take some time, but I think it's worth it. To go quicker, give the Cachusha to Freya and have her learn Ability Up, then go frog catching so you can get the Silk Robe , which will allow both Vivi and Quina to learn Ability Up. You can either have Freya learn Ability Up and Quina learn Millionaire by random low-level enemies, or you can jump straight into the hard battles, knowing you'll need to use a lot of phoenix downs to keep your characters alive.

My recommendation is to do a few side quests that will allow your characters to get a head start learning ability up and auto-reflect. Get all the blue magic you can get in this area (Near Qu's Marsh, eat a Serpion on the beach for Mighty Guard. In Gizamaluke's Grotto, eat a Lamia for Level 3 Def-less and a Hornet for Vanish. In or around Qu's Marsh, eat an Axoloti or a Clipper for Aqua Breath and a Gigan Toad for Frog Drop. In the ruins of Burmacia, eat an Ironite for Angel's Snack and a Magic Vice for Magic Hammer.). Next, go after any Chocographs (first get all the Chocographs possible in the Chocobo Forest, if you haven't already. See Chocobo's Section for more information and a list of which Chocographs you can access at this time. Also, be sure to visit the Chocobo's Forest after Choco learns the REEF ability.) Oh, and if you haven't gotten it before, north of Chocobo's forest you can aquire the Moccha Coffee (see the Mordid's Coffee Section for more information).

Since Freya has the Cachusha , give the Reflect Ring and the Silk Robe to Vivi. Be sure to enable auto-reflect and ability up. Give Zidaine and Quina a Coral Ring. If Quina doesn't know Millionare yet (and you're up for a really hard fight), leave the Yellow Scarf on Quina until that ability is learned, then switch to the Coral Ring . By the time Vivi has learned auto-reflect, Freya should know Ability Up. Swap the reflect-ring to Freya and enable auto-reflect. Since Zidaine is the only one in my party who doesn't have access to Ability Up, I opted to give him the Reflect Ring last. If your characters still have ability points left over, set Antibody first (the Venom attack is brutal), then Level Up. Head back into Burmecia and make your way to the Moogle shop toward the back of the town. Buy 99x Phoenix Down . Now head back into Gizamaluke's Grotto and go find the Moogles. Give a Kupo Nut to Moguta and you should receive a Phoenix Pinion (remember to keep one or two of these in your inventory at all times - I'll explain why later.) Tent /Save with Mogmi and head up the "Dangerous Vine." You're going hunting for Great Dragons. Quickly move out of the trees and onto the green plains area.

Walk around until you get into a fight. You should be up against a Great Dragon. You're concentrating on SURVIVING, not winning, for the first battle or two. Have Quina and Freya revive (read: Phoenix Down ) people, while Zidane just tries to steal tents/ethers/rising suns. Vivi should cast Bio or Poison until the Great Dragon has the little purple flame indicating he's poisoned. After that, have Vivi cast blizzara all on the party if you have reflect for everyone, or cast thundara all if you don't (otherwise the blizzara will kill off your one character using the Coral Ring . Note that Zaidane can wear Leather Plate , which reduces Ice Damage by 50%, and your guys can equip a Madain's Ring to absorb Ice attacks). If you're new to Final Fantasy, reflecting magic off multiple allies will multiply the damage to significantly more than simply casting the spell against your enemy directly. Let the Great Dragon kill himself off by casting thundaga against your whole party. The reflect will bounce it all back at him, doing LOTS of damage. You should be able to win at least one battle this way, and you'll get massive ammounts of EXP and Gil (Quina's Millionaire ability RULES!) At least one of my characters went up 5 levels after the first battle. :) Now call your friendly moogle and Tent /save. Repeat.

After 5 to 10 levels, you'll stop having to call Mogou and Tent /save after each and every battle. You can go maybe two. :D When you're more confortable with this, have Quina use his pumpkin head blue magic on the enemy; this will do MaxHP - CurrentHP damage. If you find it's too hard to stay alive, forget having Vivi use magic and instead have Freya and Quina attack while Vive uses Phoenix Downs. If you have Freya use Cover and put her next to Vivi, you'll almost never have Vivi get killed. In either case, be sure to make use of Quina's LV3 Def-less Blue Magic.

Also, don't forget to equip new abilities as you level up and earn more skill points. Here's my list of what order you want your guys to start equiping which skills (in case it's not obvious, you don't need to equip Ability Up if that character has nothing learnable equiped.):

  • Zidane: Auto-Reflect, Antibody, Level Up, Ability Up, Bandit, Steal Gil, Distract, Alert.
  • Vivi: Auto-Reflect, Antibody, Level Up, Ability Up, Loudmouth, Insomniac
  • Freya: Auto-Reflect, Antibody, Level Up, Ability Up, Dragon Killer, Distract, HP+10%
  • Quina: Auto-Reflect, Antibody, Level Up, Ability Up, Millionaire, MP+10%
Since you're saving/tenting a lot, it's awful nice of the Dragons to let Zidane keep stealing them. ;) Repeat for best results. I usually level-up until my characters have learned all the abilities they can learn from weapons, armor and items. (Side note: While writing this walkthrough, none of my characters started with auto-reflect. I gave one a Reflect Ring , and the other three a Coral Ring . I had vivi cast blizzara at the dragon for the first few battles, then when someone learned reflect, I gave someone a Madain's Ring and had him cast blizzara on the party. I ended up doing damage to my own guys and having to heal a lot, but they quickly learned auto-reflect and then I was able to just kill dragons for fun and profit. In the 2 hours or so it took all my guys to learn auto-reflect, they were all over level 50. That's what I mean by: "This is THE place to level up." )


When you have finished leveling-up, head toward the big tornado south and west of Bermecia. [ [ If you are interested in Time stamps (some people are, really - no kidding!) I'm at 20:28:48. That's why Zidane, Qunia, Freya and Vivi are all between levels 50 and 52. ] ] When you fist arive at Clyra's Trunk, the wind abates just long enough for you to enter. You'll be greeted with a cut scene, then it's time to go. Be on the lookout for a Carion Worm and a Zuu through this whole area. If you can find one, you REALLY want to have Qunia eat it. He'll learn blue magic Auto-Life or White Wind (respectively); these are a few of the most useful blue magics in the game. If you run across a sand golem, ice magic seems to work well. If all your folks have auto-reflect enabled, you can reflect blizzara off all your guys and it will probably kill him off in one shot.

Head forward one screen. On the next screen, go up the path to the right and examine the thing over there. "Pull Lever" then head through the now-open door. The chest on the right of the next screen has a Phoenix Down in it. Grab it, then head forward to the next screen. You'll see a tree in the middle of the sand there. Nearly hidden at the bottom of that screen is a chest with Magician Shoes . Equip this to Vivi first, then Freya, then Quina, then Zidane; clear-headed prevents Confusion, and is VITAL to have later on. There is also a chest near the top of this screen, obscured by the tree, which contains an Ice Staff (the chest has the staff, not the tree ;) )). You probably already have it, but it's nice to have more than one. :)

When you have those two chests, head out the door to your bottom right and take the path to the right. If you find a zuu while you are outside, take the time to have Qunia eat him. You'll learn "White Wind" which is a VERY usefull skill. I think you need to knock off about 1100 HP before he can eat it. FYI: You can have vivi put him to sleep, then hit him with low level magics to get him wounded. At the top of the path is a cave in which you can open a chest wih an Ether . Then go to the bottom of that screen and "Put hand into hole." Leave this screen and go back down toward the cave you came out of, but don't go in (not that you could). There's a vine outside you can climb up. Climb it, and then climb the one on the next level.

Go into that cave, and through it. On the next screen, you'll see a chest on the left. Open it for a Needle Fork . Up the pathway to the right is another chest with a Tent in it. Head directly left from that across the little "sand fall" and mognet/ Tent /save with the moogle there (Monev). You'll get a Kupo Nut for delivering a letter, the continue up the path to the top of the screen and beyond. On the next screen there are two paths. The one going up and left leads to a Flame Staff (and a short, dead-end branch.) Grab that, then take the other path to the top right.

Cross over to the other side of the bridge and head right one screen. Head right on the next screen and grab the chest that scrolls into view (for a Remedy ). Continueing past the chest and wrapping left will dump you out toward the middle of the screen. Straight up from that is an exit. Head out and follow the path there for Mythril Gloves . Continue down along that path and you'll see a lever you can pull. Do it, then back track two screens. There is a psudo-exit to your immediate left with a chest contaning a Mythril Vest (hidden from view).

Grab that, then come back into view. Head straight down to find a chest with Desert Boots hidden behind the main support root for this cave. Head off down the path to the far left. On the next screen, grab the chest near the entrace for a Potion and head up the right fork to get the Elixir on the next screen. Come back and take the left path this time, to the room with the sand whirl pools. (I went back at this point and made sure I had the Carion Worm abilities eaten and learned by Quina. Then I saved and came back. If you don't have the Carion Worm Auto-Life skill learned, it's WORTH it to go back). Anyway, you'll want to walk along the top wall VERY closely so that you can get the chest on the upper right for a Hi Potion .

Go back along the wall and try to "fall in" to the bottom left sand pit. Press 'X' repeatedly until you jump out. You'll randomly jump to one of three places, one of which is where the upper left chest is. Get it for 900 Gil. Repeat the Fall and Mash procedure on the far left pit until you end up on the far left of the screen, then exit the screen via the doorway there. On the next screen you should be able to run across a Zuu and learn White Wind. I'd recommend it. Once you have it, go past that screen, and under the ladder on the next to the chest at the far edge. It has a Gyshal Greens in it. Make sure anyone who can enable the Bright Eyes ability has done so, then jump up onto the ladder and head up. At the top of the ladder head up and right to Clyra Settlement.

Clyra Settlement

When you first reach Clyra Settlement you'll lose Freya and pretty quickly Quina too. Feel free to let the lady there guide you around town. When you're finished, you'll be right back where you started. Head right one screen and walk along the bottom edge of the screen to pick up the 970 Gil hidden behind the broken sign. Head back to the village entrance, and up one platform to grab a Phoenix Pinion , then up and follow the path to the right. In the flowers to the right on the next screen, you'll find an Ore . Up the stairs on your left, you'll find a friend from Burmecia. Talk to him and buy all the weapons you'll need, then head into the inn behind him.

At the far left of the bottom floor of the inn, you'll find an Echo Screen . At the bottom right of the screen, you can find 1250 Gil. Upstairs, to the right of the top row of beds, you'll find an Ether . Mognet/ Tent /save via Mopli. You'll get a letter from miss Ruby. Leave the inn and head up the stairs to the right, pausing to get the Remedy hidden near the ladder. Watch the ATEs and talk to the madens on the observation deck, then head left. Where the walkway meets the platform, you can find a Phoenix Pinion . You can talk to Star Maiden Nina to buy items (Finally! You can buy an Annoyntment here! Also, if you leveled up like I suggested, you can likely sell off your extra Ether or 50 here for a small fortune - not that you need it if you were following along; you'll have at least 200k Gil already), then head down the left path. Search around the edges of the platform here for Thunder Gloves . You can wander around places and get more information about the ATEs if you want, but that's all the objects you'll find on the lower levels.

Head up to the highest level, and search near along the path edge for a Gyshal Greens and an Echo Screen (along the lower edge and the upper edge respectively). Talk everyone here, then head inside the temple. Just inside the entrance (on the left) is another Yellow Scarf . Talk to the oracle by the stairs. When they tell you to wait at the inn, head to the lowest level via the left most path. (where you came in) and go right. Talk to Quina. When you have control again, you'll find two treasure chests. One has a Silk Robe , the other (hidden toward the bottom of the screen) has Magician Shoes . Walk across the ledge there until you get to the middle, then jump down and head back up to the top. Feel free to save on the way.

When you get back to the top, head toward the inn. You'll be accosted along the way but head into the inn, enable all of Zidane's steal helpers, then have Mopli save your game. Head to the place were Qunia jumpped into the sand (all the way to the bottom, then head right). Now you get to fight an Antlion. You can steal a Gold Helm , a Mythril Vest and an Annoyntment . The Gold Helm should be all you really need to steal. This guy may cast sandstorm pretty early on, which reduces your party to very little HP and causes status ailment Blind. It may have been unrelated, but I had a terrible time trying to steal while blind. I've found a good strategy is to have Vivi cast sleep and knock him out, then have Zidaine steal and other characters either buff or magic attack to whittle him down. If you have very powerful guys, and everyone has reflect still enabled, you can have Vivi cast Blizzara at the whole party which should kill him with one shot. Otherwise, you may have to do lots of attacking. When you're finshed, you'll watch "Lord of the Rat-Dance" and then watch some cut scenes. After that, it's back to...

Trunk Mages

You'll watch a bunch of cut scenes, then you'll regain control as Freya. Equip all her new armor/weapons, then head to the town entrance, but visit everywhere first. Head up to the top of the tower and get the Emerald from the Cleyran High Priest. Off to the left from him is an Ether , on the throne is an Ore . Behind the harp is a Phoenix Pinion .

Head down to the inn and head upstairs to talk with Stiltzkin again. Buy a Hi Potion , Ether and Phoenix Pinion for 444 Gil, then mognet with Mopli and save. After that, head to the bottom and join the party together again. Equip the Emerald to Freya; you REALLY want her to learn White Draw (it restores MP of all party members!) I'd tell you to equip stuff to your other characters, but it's pretty minor stuff. Feel free to do it anyway. ;) Now head back down the trunk (the same way you came up). When you get to the bridge, you'll end up turning back. You'll get control again at the bottom of the settlement. Fight a battle, then head right one screen and talk to Mopli there. Mognet until he asks you to deliver a letter to Serino. Save, then head up the tree. You'll get in a few fights on the way.

You'll meet people who want to know which way they should go. I told the first two guys to go right. Then I told the woman and her kids to go left. Then, I told them to go right (across the bridge). Finally, I told the kid he wasn't safe yet. Eventually, you'll end up at the top of the city and have control of your party right before fighting Beatrix. Talk to everyone in the room. Realy. You'll get a Nymph Card, a Zuu Card, an Elixir , an Ether , a Phoenix Pinion , a Remedy and a Phoenix Down . Remove everything you can from Quina (equip an old weapon, too). When you're ready, save and walk outside after Beatrix (it will be a timed battle, so be sure to save in case you can't steal something you really want - meaning the Ice Brand .)

You can steal an Ice Brand , Thunder Gloves , and a Phoenix Down from her. All you really care about is the Ice Brand , though, since you should have the other two. I couldn't help but steal the Thunder Gloves before I could get the Ice Brand , though. Watch a few more cut scenes. Now is your last chance to unequip this party before you have to fight as a new party. Head up the stairs and follow Beatrix, then after the cut scenes follow Vivi. On your way down the stairs, you should see a Moogle dash into - and just as quickly out of - view. That's Serino. Change direction and go follow him. Mognet/ Tent /save. Give him the letter from Serino, then get a letter for Moodon. Head back down the stairs, talk to Vivi and hop into the pods.

Rusty and Marcus, Sittin' in a Cage!

So yeah. Watch one more cut scene and then you get to play swing-the-cage with Marcus and Rusty. Just press left once, and the cage will go that way. When it starts to swing back right, press right. When it head's left, press left. Repeat until you crash. You can press more that once, btw. When you have control again, you'll start running around the balcony. If you've been following my advice, you may be slightly depressed at the fact that Rusty is at level, I dunno, 12 right about now. It's OK. The Blood Sword will help him stay alive.

Use potions on Marcus, though, if you want. For either character, equiping a Madain's Ring will cause Ice magic to give you HP. If Steiner can stay alive, killing off Marcus will mean all XP goes to Steiner. Marcus will leave as soon as you get to the top of the stairs, anyway, so consider unequiping everything you can. Re-equip Steiner and reset his abilities. I'd suggest the following, in order of importance: Level Up, Alert, Man Eater, HP+10%, Distract, Cover, Chemist. You can go to the top of the screen and just stand there while people come to you, btw. Unless you have a controler with turbo (automatically presses the same button over and over), I don't recommend this. It's very boring. On the other hand, killing off the female Alexandrian soldiers is how you get the Mythril Sword cards, so it may be worth your while if you want to farm a few of those. I waited until Steiner had learned a few skills he was close to, then I equiped other equipment and moved on. To move on, head to the ladder at the far left of the balcony and go up. At the top of the ladder, head left. You'll end up with 30 minutes to save dagger, or Brane will show up and you lose.

You'll end up playing more than just rusty, and you'll head down toward the bottom of the screen. You are in the rightmost tower of Alexadria Castle. You need to go to the Queen's Chamber and down into the dungeon beyond. As best I can tell, from playing around here, there are not any items to be found here (except the chests just inside the fireplace). If anyone knows different, please let me know. If you get to close to one of Beatrix's soldiers, you'll have to fight her (or a group of them). The knights of Pluto, however, don't attack. It's possible, if you do this right, to run all the way to the bottom of the stairs in 3 minutes with no battles (I just did it to make sure). Here's the pathway:

  1. Run down one screen from where Marcus leaves
  2. Go left one screen to the fountain.
  3. Go up 1 screen to the castle entrance.
  4. up another to the weird painting entry way room.
  5. Go up either the left or right, and exit out the 2nd floor doorway opposite the gross painting hanging between the stair cases.
  6. Don't bother trying to save in the Knights of Pluto dressing room; the moogle isn't there any more. Instead, dash up the winding staircase to your left.
  7. You'll end up where Dagger and Zidane first met. At the top of that staircase, head up one screen.
  8. There are three exits from this screen. The right one is the princess' room, the left one is locked and the middle one is the queen's chambers. Head straight to the queen's chambers.
  9. If you try to leave, Zidane will give you a MASSIVE clue. Especially if you've been talking to people along the way.
  10. Head up the two steps to where the purple light is glowing in the corner. "Try to move it." A doorway will open up, and you'll want to head down through it.
  11. The bridge to the next area is moving around. "Examine" it to can get across it. If you can time it right, you can end up at the place where the two chests are stored, too. There is a Tent in the right one, and another Ice Brand in the one on the left.
  12. Hop back on to the moving bridge and make your way to the rightmost platform.
  13. Wind down the stairs to the 3/4 platform. You'll know it when you see it. There's a doorway at the top and a staircase at the bottom. Go through the doorway at the top.
  14. You'll have to fight Zorn and Thorn. They aren't all that difficult. Thorn is the one on the right (in red) and Zorn is the one on the Left (in blue). Thorn Carries a Mythril Armlet and Mythril Armor . You probably have those both, so concentrate on Zorn. Zorn carries a Stardust Rod and Partisan (which you probably have). So it looks like you'll only care about the Stardust Rod , so concentrate on stealing from Zorn until you have it, then kill off Thorn to end the battle (be sure you don't kill either of them off until you have it!) During the battle, Zorn will keep giving Thorn magic power, and vice versa. As soon as you see that, just have your weakest character (prolly Vivi) physically attack the one that received the power; this will neutralize it without killing him off.

Run to Dagger. You'll see some cut scenes and then you'll evenualy be Zidane carrying Dagger. The timer should have stopped at this point. If you have the Emerald equiped on Freya, remove it and any other unique items (i.e., you have only one of). Head down one screen to the Moogle (Mosh) and mognet/ Tent /save. Head all the way back up to Queen Brane's chamber. You'll get into another fight with Beatrix. She's got a Survival Vest , another Ice Brand and a Phoenix Down . Try to get the Survival Vest , then kill her off / survive. It's not the end of the world if you can't get the Survival Vest , but it *does* allow Zidane to learn Mug, which is pretty cool. You'll be able to get another one before too terribly long, though. You'll have to fight a bandersnatch next, but you'll have a pretty strong ally.

Eventually, you'll be in control as Zidane's group. Be sure to equip Dagger with the Stardust Rod and Reflect Ring , then wind your way down the stairs. After fighting some Black Mages, then a Bandersnatch, be sure to unquip any unique stuff from Steiner, then head down to the 3/4 platform. You'll fight again as Beatrix and her group then you'll go back to Zidane's party. On the 3/4 platform, head up throught he door to the place where you picked up Dagger before; (GOING DOWN THE STAIRS EXITS THIS AREA.) You'll meet Mosh the moogle there again. This time, he has a favor to ask, kupo! Get his letter for Montey then Tent /save. Now head down to the lowest level. Continue down to the lowest level and you'll eventually get out into Gargan Roo.

You'll have to fight another Ralvuimago. You can steal an Oak Staff , an Adaman Vest and a Phoenix Down , but you really only want the vest. You should have everything else. You can't silence him or put him to sleep, but you CAN throw a Tent at him. I've never understood this part, really. When I did it, he was "Bitten by Silence/Darkness/Poison Snake." You can also "float" your guys with Dagger to keep them from being hurt by the Earth magic that he casts when he's hit twice in a row. Interestingly, it appears that float does NOT get reflected. You cannot float him, though, which kinda sucks. Anyway, don't attack when he's in his compact form. Also, Bio works really well! Watch a bunch of cut scenes, then get ready for.

That Pinnacle Totally Rocks!

When you wake up at Pinnacle Rocks, you'll begin a kind of bizarre mini game to test if you are worthy to have Ramuh. He hides 5 manifestations of himself throughout the little forest area, each with a different piece of the "Hero's Story." You have to find them all, listen to the story and figure out what order the story goes in. When you get control, you'll see a moogle (Monty) and the manifestation will temporarily show up below the bridge. Equip/Mognet/ Tent /save. Give him the letter from Mosh, and start looking for Ramuh's 5 Manifestations. Walk down the path toward the bottom of the screen and open the chest there for another Mythril Vest .

Head slightly left and toward the back to where you saw Ramuh when you first walked onto the screen. He'll recite "Human" for you. Continue past him and left to get to the next screen. Head straight toward the treasure chest, and you'll run into the next manifestation. He'll recite "Cooperation" for you. Open the chest to receive The Ogre . Head forward and right, but not up the grassy pathway. At the back of the next screen, you'll hear "Silence." You can't get to the chest here, so ignore it for now and head back to the screen you came from. This time, take the green grassy pathway that leads up and left.

At the top of the path, take the left fork and run right along the bottom of the screen. you should end up where you started, near Monty. You'll hear "Beginning" here. Go back left and this time take the other side of the path. As you wrap around near the treasure chest, you'll be able to jump off and get it (it has a Mythril Armlet , if that's worth anything to you). When you hop off the ledge the chest is on, head down one screen, up the grassy pathway and left back to the screen where Montey is, then go up one screen, back where you first met Ramuh. You'll hear "Hero." Go down one screen to where monety is, then left.

Head right and wrap around like you did when you were going after the chest on the ledge, but this time continue on to the bottom left of the path. Talk to Ramuh at the end of the path and he'll ask you to repeat back the four pieces of the story (one doesn't belong) in order. Chose: Beginning, Cooperation, Silence, Hero (or Human).

Here are all the story pieces (in order):

  1. Beginning
    Once upon a time, 33 small countries fought together against an empire. One day, a rebel troop visited a man named Joseph, who lived with his daughter. Owing a debt to the troop, he gladly acceted their plea for help. They headed for a cavern in the snow field.
  2. Cooperation
    With Joseph's Help, the troop defeated the adamantoise in the snow field cavern and acquired the Goddess Bell they needed to enter the empire's castle.
  3. Silence
    On their way home, they fell into a trap set by a traitor. Joseph gave his life to save the troop. The troop left without telling Joseph's daughter, Nelly about the tragedy.
  4. Hero
    Historia's explination: Although Joseph's death was not reported to his daughter, the manner of his death speaks for itself. This is the story of a true hero.
  5. Human (You may chose this alternate ending instead of the one above, if you want.)
    Historian's Explination: The fact that they didn't report Joseph's death to his daughter was indicative of their guilt for failing to protect him. In the end, heroes are also human.
Before you go, you might want to select the "Don't jump off" option and go back and talk to Monty. He's got a letter from Stiltzkin. You can also have Dagger learn stuff. You know, maybe, RAMUH. lol.

Lindblum Castle: Signs of destruction

After you've watched the destruction of Lindblum, you'll be able to witness it first hand. Technically you can leave the city as just Zidane and Dagger, but it's better to wait until you can level up with more characters, IMHO. Upon entering the city, head left to the inn and go upstairs. Give Moodon a letter from Serino, read a letter about Lowel from miss Ruby and finally get a letter from Moodon to Moonte. Tent /save and leave the inn. Go up one screen to the screen where the pickle selling lady was. Go all the way to the back left on that screen and pick up the Lindblum Card. The Card Freak house right next door has a Phoenix Pinion and an Ether inside (two chests). I'm sure you could have picked this up before, too.

Head up and to the right to the screen where the item and weapon shops were. You'll be taken to see the Regent, given a little gil and then dropped of right back here. When you are ready to leave, you can talk to the guy by the fountain. The weapon shop is open, and the item shop is now just a lady on the other side of the fountain. See the Shops Section for item lists. You definately want to Synth the Exploda and a Barette . Equip the Exploda to Zidane NOW.

Despite what the item store lady says, she actually has one more item for sale now than she use to. I'm not sure what that means. ;) Head down one screen and watch the ATE. If you want, you can leave and visit Pinnacle Rocks. You can pick up a Phoenix Down and an Elixir , if you didn't do it while Zidane was out here earlier. You can also head over to the Theater district, which I suggest you do. When you get there, head to the artist's shop and get the Ore out of the chest there. After that, head toward the plaza by Tantalis' hideout. You'll find Lowel mopeing around there.

Advise him of miss Ruby's theater, then head into the hideout. Talk to the kids, then hit up the hideout's treasure reserve. You'll get 340 Gil, 993 Gil and 262 Gil. When you are ready to leave, talk to The Man by the fountain and watch the ATE. After a while, you'll be back in control by the Dragon's Gate. Get the hidden treasure chest again (it's a Bandana this time), buy any supplies you need (you can pickup remedys here for the first time, and I recommend buying 50 or 60, if you can afford it.) Then mognet/ Tent /save. Give Moonte a letter from Moodon, then head out.

Go north to Qu's Marsh and head to the frog pond. Talk to Qunia to pick him up, then you have four things you can do. 1. You can catch frogs, if you want. 2. You can head up Gizamaluke's Grotto and out on to the plains at the top if you want to level up Dagger. 3. You can go hunting for chocographs. 4. You can move on. I'll assume you are doing 4, as you probably won't need help with the other three. If you are going to do this, though, I still think you should head to Gizamaluke's grotto and give your Kupo Nut to Moguta. Just don't forget to equip stuff to Quina. BTW: You'll get an Elixir for that Kupo Nut . My personal strategy is to level up Dagger, and I get lots of Gil in the process (using the Grand Dragon method I described earlier; don't forget to set auto-reflect for her!) I waited until everyone had learned all the abilities they could, then I saved and headed back to the marsh (Dagger was at level 50, the rest were 60+ - Timestamp: 26:45:22).

Qu's 'Chunnel' - Fossil Roo

Now that you have Quina back in your party, head to Quale's house and talk to him. Leave the house, then head off to the upper right of that screen. Head down into the excavation site, then down the stairs on the next screen. Head around the corner, and your guys will start running. If you opt to face and defeat this enemy, it will keep getting back up and attacking you, so you might as run to the right When you see the swinging axe blades, you'll want to dodge them. This enemy can't go all the way to the right, so let it chase you as far as it can. At some point, you'll probably get in a battle with Armodullahan. He casts Level 5 Death, so be prepared to revive your guys.

He's carrying an Ether , a Hi Potion and an Ore , so there's not really any reason to steal from him. Have Vivi reflect-all cast fira on him, and he'll be toast. Heh heh. Sorry, I couldn't help myself there. When you get out of that battle, be sure to heal up before you do anything else. You can't eat this, btw. You'll be facing another major opponant soon, and you don't want to have to waste battle time healing your guys. Run down three more screens and you'll hop a hole.

Whether you're ready or not, you'll be fighting Lani. You can steal a Coral Sword , a Gladius and an Ether . I recommend at least getting the first two. Have Qunia cast Mighty Guard, if you have it, then just sit back and relax until Zidane steals enough stuff. Having the ability for everyone to reflect at this point is a MAJOR bonus, as Lani uses magic more than most enemies. If you ARE reflecting, though, be sure to heal her to keep her alive (just cast cure-all on your party and reflect it back to her for thousands of HP!) until you have stolen everything you want. You can use both blind and slow on Lani, but not silence or sleep unfortunately. Of course, Magic Hammer can render her totally void of MP, and that plus darkness is pretty cool :D BTW: Reflecting Bio off all your guys is a fun path to annihilation.

It took a very long time for me to steal the Coral Sword , but that's probably random. If you could steal it, equip the Gladius to Zidane, then go ALL the way back to the beginning and look inside the cage. You'll get an Elixir for it. If you don't already know it, you can learn Night from an Abomination, LV4 Holy from a Feather Circle and White Wind from a Griffen (See the Blue Magic Section for more information). If you want to go back and do anything you've missed so far, this is your last chance. (Have you checked out all the Chocographs and caught the Golden Frog in this pond?) When it's time to move on, head back to the place where you fought Lani and continue on. Watch the hole where the Gargant dissapears. Next to it is a plant. Go examine it, then stand directly under the Gargant's path.

Now you get to wander around in Fossil Roo. When the Gargant drops you off, head up one screen and then walk down to the lowest level were the Moogles are. Buy a Phoenix Pinion , Remedy and Ether for 555 from Stiltzkin, then mogshop/mognet/ Tent /save with Mogki, then read a letter telling you where to find Kuppo. Now talk to the guy at the beginning of the screen to learn how this place works. Essentially, you ride the gargants to different areas, and you flip switches to get there. Here's the order to do this in so that you can get everthing most efficiently.

  • Go down past the moogles and off to the right. Grab a flower there and step on the platform to the right. You'll ride the Gargant (Switch Two, Lower Path). At the end of the line, follow the path to the chest at the end. You'll get the Fairy Earrings . Equip them, if you need to, then grab a flower, hold it just down and left of the flowers, and ride the Gargant back to the moogles.
  • Now go up and right and ride that Gargant (Switch One, left Course). Go right from there and flip Switch One, then return to the drop-off screen, grab a flower, head slightly right, and ride the Gargant back (Switch One, Right Course).
  • Go up the stairs here and follow the ledge to get an Ether , then come back and take the path leading up and right from the Gargant drop-off point. You'll wind down a trail and eventually arrive at Switch Two (the one the guy told you about when you first got here). Flip it, then back track to Switch one (the gargant pick up point is at the top of the stairs), flip switch one again so you can get back, and back track to the moogles from there.
  • Pass the moogles and take the lower right path again. This time, you'll take Switch 2, the Upper Course. Talk to the treasure hunter there to buy stuff (you probably already have all these), then head up the path to the upper right.
  • On the next screen, you'll find switch four. Flip it, then head right and ride the Gargant through Switch Four, Left Course. Head right from where you are dropped off, and open the chest there for Lamia's Tiara . Equip it to Dagger if you need to (she can learn confuse!), then back track to switch four. Flip it and head right again.
  • This time you'll ride the Gargant through Switch Four, right course. It's tough to see but there's a path that leads down and right. Take it, and hop onto the vines at the end of the path. Head right and you'll get sprayed down. Hop out of the water and to the right of the pond. At the top of the screen, hop on the vines and climb up and right to the next ledge. Head right.
  • On the next screen, take the lower right path across the little bridge. When you get to the next screen, head to the lower left and examine the ground for a Survival Vest . Equip it if you need to, then go back to the other screen. Take the upper path and talk to the guy there. Trade him a Potion to dig. Just use square to dig. You may have to dig multiple times in the same spot to get stuff. I got a bunch of Ore , a Hi Potion , a Madain's Ring , etc. At the far back of the upper level is a bunch of rocks on the right wall. You should see "Ku..." after a few bangs, "Kupo..." after a few more and finally after a couple more, Kuppo will pop out. Mognet/Mogshop/ Tent /Save and then go talk to the treasure hunter and give him back his hammer.
  • Head left one screen. Hop onto the vines and climb up and left. Once you flip this switch, it's going to be while before you come back to this area... Pass over all the statues except the far left one. Pass directly undernieth it and head to the ledge on the left. Flip switch number Three there.
  • Hop back onto the vines and head down. You'll end up in the pool, but you can press X to jump out. Head down and right, grab a flower on the next screen and go all the way to the lower left edge of the path. Head right and out of the tunnel
  • Outer Continent

    As you exit the cave, you'll appear on the outer continent with ocean on one side of you and a cliff on the other. Follow the cliff as it wraps around under a weird bridge and opens up to drop you off at a beach. Head right and you'll find a another Qu's Marsh. Walk around outside and you'll meet Ladybug (see the Friendly Monsters Section for more information). Due east of the Marsh there are Chocobo Tracks in the sand which are VERY tough to see.

    If you have the Abandoned Beach Chocograph, Summon Choco, the search the grassy area at the mouth of the entrance to the dying forest (where black mage village is). Read a little further down to see where that is. If you want to catch frogs, head into the Marsh and go slightly right and up. Head straight ahead to find the frog pond. Otherwise (or afterwords) head south west toward the weird bridge you went under earlier. (I passed Ragtime as I went through the forests.) You have a LOT of oppertunity to eat stuff out here and learn some cool skills. When you get to the bridge thing, you'll watch a small Cut scene, then you're headed into...

    Conde Petie

    When you first enter, watch a few ATEs then wander around. Just past Harold Pathknower (the guy who wouldn't let you pass until you said "Rally-Ho") you'll find a chest off to the left with 2700 Gil. At the top left corner of the screen you'll find what looks like a treasure. Heh heh. Head up and left through the doorway; you'll end up in the hallway where Vivi had his ATE. Head in the doorway on your upper left to enter the Inn. There are four beds here.

    Search along the top (headboard) left edge of the bottom left bed for 1800 gil. Go back out into the hallway and up the stairs at the far end of the screen. At the bottom of the next screen you'll find Vivi talkting to some people. Talk to him, then head right out the bottom right of the screen. When you have control again, head back to the right and through the doorway into the store. Talk to Mogmatt and mognet/ Tent /save then start up the stairs.

    On the first landing, at the bottom edge of the screen, you'll find a hidden Phoenix Pinion . Head to the far upper-right of this screen to get to the weapon shop. After shopping, leave Conde Petie and head southeast. You'll see a forest on then other side of a cliff, with a big lump in the middle. That's where you're going. Basically, just follow the right edge of the cliff (if you are facing AWAY from Conde Petie) near you as you leave the town. You'll end up going east, and you'll come out in a ravine that's filled with forest. Go all the way to the end of that ravine, and you'll end up at...

    Black Mage Village

    Remember, the guy at Conde Petie said that the mages live so far back in the forest that the owls don't even live there. When you first show up, follow the black mage guy. After that, follow the signs at each fork (Go "where the owls are not). I don't know if this is random, so I'll just tell you that, for this game, it was:

    1. right
    2. right
    3. left
    4. right

    You'll watch a little cut scene, then walk around and watch ATEs. When you first get control, walk up to the left most house and examine the right edge of the door jamb for an Elixir , then head inside to visit the weapons shop. Leave that shop and head to the far right and talk to Mogryo. Mognet/ Tent /save, then head inside. At the bottom right of the screen is Gyshal Greens . Try to have a conversation, then leave and go left back to the village entrance.

    Head up the stairway and off to the left. Go left until Vivi runs by, then head where he left to visit the cemetary. Head back to the right and enter the first hut you come to (the synthesis shop). Have a conversation with Dagger, then examine the far left corner, by the tower for 2000 Gil. Synth stuff if you want, then head up the ladder. Head right across the boards there and up to the top left corner. There's no exclamation mark, but if you root around you'll find 843 Gil. Go back down and leave the shop. Head to the next shop over (to the right). On the left side (by the bookcase) you'll find an Ether . You can get items here. This is the first place you can buy a Hi Potion , so stock up if you want.

    Head out the back door and go into the next building over (inn). Go into the room to the right and talk with Vivi. When Dagger shows up, call it a day and rest. Eventually, your whole group will be ready to leave. Before you leave, head back to the Guest Room of the Inn and pick up he Virgo Stellazio Coin on the ground by the ladder. Return to the Synth shop and climb the ladder. Outside you can hear some Black Mages talking below. One of them will say he heard someone ask the shop keeper for "the usual." Now head down and go to the shop. You should have a new option to ask the shop keep for the usual. He'll start looking for it. While he's doing that, head up the ladder he just cleared a path to, and examine the bed. You should get a Black Belt for your trouble. Equip the stuff you bought/synthed and head back to Conde Petie. Just follow the left edge of the cliff (if you are facing AWAY from the village) and you'll get there.

    Return to Conde Petie

    When you return to Conde Petie, unequip everything from Quina. Next, head right to where the item shop is, then head up and right past the weapons shop and talk to the dwarf there. You'll be told to talk to "His Holiness." Go left a few screens to where the kid and dog were, and you'll find Father David wandering in the halls. Watch the cut scenes, get hitched and head out. Recommend that Vivi and Quina get married too, then watch more cut scenes. When you have control of all your guys again, head down the vine to the right (you did unequip anything from Quina that you might want to use for a while, right?) and onto...

    Mountain Path

    First a bit of a note about these pathways. If you run across a Gnoll, you can win a Sapphire from them. If you do, be sure to equip it to Dagger so she can learn High Tide, then see if anyone else in your party can learn anything from it. Also, don't forget - if you like to use Zidane's Protect Girls skill, make sure he's in between two female characters if - hypothetically - your party were to change characters.

    When you first show up, you'll lose Quina (conveniently) and gain Eiko. Be sure to equip her, then let's start the fun (now you know why you unequiped everything from Quina). You need to find four stones here, Blue, Red, Green and Yellow. Go left and up onto the ledge there. Climb up the vine and open the chest for a Remedy , then head right until you arive at a weird stone. Examine it to get the Blue Stone.

    Back track to the beginning of this area, the head right one screen. There's a vine here which will allow you to go up one level (the brown one on the right, not the big green one in the middle). Do so, and head left. There's a chest here with a Tent in it, and a stone with the Red Stone in it. Get them both, then go back down and head right TWO more screens. Talk to Stiltzkin and by a Magic Tag , Tent and Ether for 666 Gil. Next talk to Suzana and mognet/ Tent /save (give her a letter from Mogmatt in exchange for a Kupo Nut ).

    Next, head left and use the ladder to climb up and then head kinda down and right, making a bit of a circle around the ladder. You'll get a cut scene with the all-seeing eye, no wait, I mean the Iifa tree. Head right one screen and you'll get pulled into a battle with a Hilgigars. He's got a nasty earthquake spell, so be wary of it! (Remember how to float?) You can steal a Fairy Flute , a Mythril Fork and Phoenix Down . I got bored and decide not to steal the Fairy Flute ; it took too long. FYI: He guards against Blind, Sleep, Confuse, Scan, and apparently Demi, but NOT against Slow or Silence. Of course, Silence doesn't stop any of his attacks, as far as I can tell. One blizzara reflected off everyone seemed to do the trick.

    After your guys finish yaking, grab the Yellow Stone out of the stone there and head right. On the next screen, take the small vine path to the lower right. Grab the Green Stone from the stone there, and open the chest for an Ether . Time to back track a little. Go all the way back across the vine (past the Iifa tree), down the ladder, past the Moogles and to the right. There's a statue here. Put the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green stones in it to get a prize (a Moonstone ; Eiko can learn Shell from this, if you don't already have a Cotton Robe that she can learn from).

    Finally, go back past the Moogles ( Tent if you need to get your magic refreshed for your mages), up the ladder, across the big vine to the fork in the road. Head over to the right, and this time take the large vine path leading up instead of the small one that lead to the Green Stone . Go to the end of the vine and you'll end up back on the World Map . Quick note: there *are* chocobo tracks here, but you don't have any chocographs (yet) to make use of calling him; save your Gyshal Greens . A short distance away are two forests. Either wander around the smaller of the two, or head East toward the end of the peninsula. At the very end is a forest somewhat hidden behind a mountain range. Go wander around either forest, and you'll eventully run into the friendly Yeti (see friendly monsters section). When you are done with that, back track along the coastline and you'll eventually arive at a spot labeled with a question mark (?). In case you're curious, you don't need to unequip stuff before going in.

    Madain Sari

    Welcome to Madain Sari - Village of the Lost Summoners. Watch a few cut scenes, then an ATE. When you have control again, go and search the top right edge of the fountain for the Libra Stellazio (See the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information). Right behind Dagger, there's a chest with a Tent . Head down one screen to the screen you were just on, then come back. You'll start an ATE. Choose who you think should serve do what for the meal. From the dialog with the Moogles, you can figure out who should do what.

    Fishing: Momatose
    Dig up Potatoes: Mocha
    Help in the kitchen: Chimomo

    When you have control of Zidane again, head up to the next screen and watch another ATE. Talk to the Moogle there, the head back to the fountain and turn left. Talk to Vivi then try to enter the house. When you are told to wait, you'll head right and watch another kitchen ATE. This time, you have to count people and Moogles to figure out how many to cook for. I counted 6 Moogles and 4 people for a total of 10, but you should always cook for more people, so choose 11 (really.) Then you have to decide if you should put in an oglop. Don't be tempted. Don't do it.

    Doesn't it seem like it would be great if you had someone around who knew how to cook? Yeah, I think so too. Eventually you'll have to decide if you want to help catch a heavy fish, or if you want to stay and cook. Since Eiko does a bad job cooking and Chimomo seems to know a bit more, I decided to go help. Oh, hello Quina. You'll have control of Zidane again, so head down one screen and go talk to Dagger. Then go back up and up past the fountain, back to the Eidolon Wall. (You see those chests across the river? Don't worry about them. You can't get to them now, but You will get their contents later.) Watch and talk, then leave and watch another kitchen ATE. Since Quina actually knows how to cook, I'd recommend asking for advice. Head back to the house and you'll eat dinner and learn a little about Summoners.

    When Eiko asks you to, help. Go around the table and talk to Dagger, then open the chest near her for a Phoenix Pinion . Run around to the other chest near the exit and get an Ore , the reach over and grab the pot and take it to the kitchen. Keep talking to Eiko for a while, then head to the lower left corner of the kitchen (not down the stairs, though). There is Kirman Coffee (see the Mordid's Coffee Section for more information) on the ground.

    Leave the kitchen and head back to the dining room. Between where Dagger is standing and the door leading to the kitchen is a ledge you can look under. There's writing there indicating that Mog and Eiko are the same age. Try to leave, then sleep. Watch a few cut scenes, then head out. As soon as you do, though, head back. Heh heh. You can buy stuff from Morrison at the entrance to the village, including a Magic Tag (removes Zombie status). You'll want a few dozen of these. After that leave and head for...

    Iifa Tree

    Side note: For the longest time, I thought this said, "LIFA" tree. I only recently noticed that was an "eye" character, not an "el" character. Odd. Anyway, leave Madain Sari and head back to the Conde Petie Mountain Path. When you get back on the Mountain Path, head left two screens, then take the upper exit and end up on the World Map . Don't go directly to the Iifa tree when you first leave the path, though. We're going to visit Green Nymph in the forest there. When you leave the Mountain Path, you'll come out on the World Map . There is a forest to the south (just left as you exit the path, if you are facing away from the path). Go wander around in there and you find the Nymph (See the Friendly Monsters Section).

    You can level up a little if you want, but it's not really going to buy you a whole lot, provided your guys are a decent level here (none of my guys are less than level 50). Head to the Iifa tree and Tent /save/enter. Welcome to Iifa, the Ancient Tree of Life. After Eiko breaks the seal (just ask her), equip the Ruby (it's not just an actress!) and head forward. Spend a few screens wandering forward. If you run across any zombies or Dracozombies, cast Cura or throw a Phoenix Down at them. Heh heh. For practically everything else, bounce Fire or Fira off your reflected characters. If any of your characters get hit with the Zombie status, use one of those magic tags you bought back in Madain Sari. Eventually, you'll run into Mocchi (the Moogle) near the top of the path. Mognet/ Tent /save. Give 'em a letter from Mogryo, then head past him to the end of the path.

    Step on the circular thing and ride it down (don't worry, you can get back up if you want/need to). At the bottom, you'll wind your way lower and lower. On the next screen down, here's a hole you can reach into and push something (look toward the right, but not the upper right). Do it, then go up to the ledge and open the chest that falls down and you'll get a Phoenix Down ! Just a little below that, you can get a Hi Potion out of another chest. Wrap down to the next level. You can push a lever on the left side of the screen here. After that, continue down and find the Ether in a cave a bit further down. Don't go straight down from here! A little past this cave is a branch off to the left that leads to a chest with Lamia's Flute . Just to the left of that (barely visible) is another chest with a Remedy .

    Open the menu screen and take a look at your levels. If your guys are a multiple of 5, you may want to level up until they aren't. Go back up a bit and take the path leading down. On the next screen, you'll hop on an el-leaf-vator and start down. Fight a few battles and talk with Vivi on the way. If you accidentally got on to this screen and missed Lamia's Flute above, you can ride back up at this time. At the bottom, walk down the stairs, past dagger and down the other flight of stairs. Hidden behind them is a chest with an Elixir in it. Go past where Vivi and Eiko are and look behind the wall to find a chest with a Brigandine (Zidane can FINALLY learn ability up, lol). Talk to your friends, then walk to the bottom left edge of the screen and examine it to start the next section. You can't go back after this, though, so you better be sure. Oh, and if you're planning to steal from a sleeping enemy, be sure to un-equip the "Mug" ability, if you have it enabled.

    You'll fight "Soulcage" at the bottom of this level. I hope none of your characters are a level that's a multiple 5. He's vulnerable to sleep, so cast it as soon as you can. You can steal a Brigandine , a Magician Cloak and an Oak Staff . Between the Brigandine you just found and the weapon shop at Conde Petie, you should have all these. On the other hand, I reflected sleep off all four characters to put him to sleep, then my next three steals worked. You can certainly just kill him off if you don't want to try and steal everything; he's pretty easy to kill. You can have folks cast fire/cure magic at him, but I found it hilarious to reflect "life" off one of my guys to kill him in a single shot. No Exp, but 9 AP and an Elixir are good. Watch the cut scene and you'll eventually have control again and you'll run back to Madain Sari.

    Back to Madain Sari

    Go ahead and do it - there isn't really anything else for you to do at this point (I went all the way back to both Black Mage Village and Conde Petie, but there wasn't anything new to buy or synth. :( Also, you don't have Quina, so you can't really eat anything new or catch frogs, now, can you?) Save outside the village, then head inside and go through her house, through the kitchen and down the stairs where the Moogles went fishing and into the lower room. After a bit, you'll be in control again. Open all the chests here before you go running around. There's a Phoenix Down and a Survival Vest in here.

    Grab them, then head toward the Eidolon wall. Remember those chest you couldn't get to? Talk to Morrison at the entrance to the Eidolon Wall. Peak inside and Moco and Chimomo will go grab those treasures for you. You'll get an Exploda and an Elixir . You probably have something better than the Exploda , but whatever. Go talk to Morrison again and ask about Mog then go save her. You'll end up in a one-on-one fight against "Scarlet Hair." Random Side Note: AFAIK, this is the only time you actually get to see Amarant's face. Odd.

    You can steal Poison Knuckles and an Ether . You've probably got enough of both, so trash him. 7 to 10 shots should do it. I dunno. I got a trance and cast the 'Solution 9' dyne for over 7000 pts. When the battle is over, I ususally unequip everything useful from Dagger, and then follow Eiko out of the Eidolon wall area to the room below the kitchen. Let Eiko know she can leave if she wants, then you'll get the Memory Earring . Head out of the house and you'll hear Dagger. Pay close attention to these cut scenes.

    When it's time to leave town, you'll be able to swap characters. I usually use this opportunity to swap out Dagger. Now head back to the Iifa Tree an watch Kuja come rinding up. Swap out people, if you want. When you're ready, head up the roots to the trunk and watch more cut scenes. Eventually you'll have to fight more mist monsters. The Mistodons are vulnerable to lightning attacks (and cure magic/items). You can steal an Ore and a Hi Potion from them, but really - why bother? Watch more cut scenes and get in more Mistodon fights. When you finally have control again, don't follow Dagger immediately. Go UP to the trunk. Mocchi is hiding there. Read a letter and Tent /save, then follow Dagger down (and of course fight more Mistodons) and watch more cut scenes. Save, if you want, then let's move on to Disc 3. Wooooah! You're half way there!!!


    Disc 3

    A New Queen in Alexandria

    OK. So now you're Vivi in Alexandria. Be sure to look around a little before walking in to check up on Zidane. Head right one screen. Since this is the only chance you'll have for a while, you may want to consider racing Hippaul here, if you want (see the Racing Hippaul Section). When you come back to the other screen, talk to the tour guide (with the trumpet). He's looking for work. Head left and check out the item shop. Head left one more screen (to the screen where the Ticket booth is) and you can visit the weapon and synth shops. The next screen up is the dock.

    Head there and search just above each of the guard's platforms. You'll find 3927 Gil on the right and a Phoenix Pinion on the left. Head back down to the Ticket booth screen (one down) and left two screens from that one (don't talk to Marcus or Blank), and head to the bell tower. Run up and talk to Kupo (mognet/save) then meet with the others, too. Be sure to buy the Phoenix Pinion , Hi Potion and Elixir for 777 Gil from Stiltzkin. Check to make sure you have space available, then head up the ladder and pull the rope to get Hippaul's Treasure (part II): Shiva Card, Ramuh Card. Wander into the bar and try to talk to Zidane, then talk to the bartender.

    You'll discover you need to head to the mini-theater. If you don't already know, it's in the alley where Blank and Marcus are hanging out. Go try to walk down the stairs, then agree to go with Marcus and Blank. Head on down. Watch some cut scenes, then you'll become Eiko. First see if there is anything you need to equip, then head into town. Eventualy, you'll become Zidane back at the bar. Equip him up and head out. Go to the bell tower and read a letter from Stiltzkin. Stop off at the mini-theater and you can pickup 2680 Gil on the floor at the bottom edge of the screen.

    Now that you aren't alone, you can head out of town, if you want to learn some skills, but you can do that later when you add Freya and Amarant to your party. If you head into the weapon shop (as Zidane) you can meet up with Genero, Benero and Zenero. Their "Game" is that they move around fast and you have to guess where each one is. If you have a few friends (each watch a different person) it's a little easier, but you can also record it and play it back in slow motion. Or if you're using an emulator like OpenEmu, just save before answering. :)

    When you're ready to go on, head to the river surrounding the castle (one screen up from the Ticket booth screen). After you break up the fight you'll be all four characters. NOW if you wanted to go outside the castle, you could use the opportunity to teach your guys some skills, if you like. There isn't really any place you can go, though.

    Into the Castle
    When you step out of the boat and onto the dock, search on either side. There's an Ether on the left and a Phoenix Pinion on the right. Behind the fountin (at the top of it) is a Lapis Lazuli (Zidane gets his Ability Up and Accuracy+). Head left one screen and into the left tower. On the far right of the screen (next to the gate) is a Phoenix Pinion . Go into the door on the left, and head to the top right of the screen to find the Leo Stellazio (See the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information). Head back to the fountain and up one screen (there is nothing to do at the harbor at this time, and the right-hand tower is gated off at its entrance) then watch a bunch of cut scenes, then you'll end up as Zidane in Treno.

    Zidane in Treno

    Read a little here before attempting this. This is the only time you can get the Burman Coffee (see the Mordid's Coffee Section for more information), which you'll need if you want to get the Theater Ship Model, which will increase your treasure hunter rank. In fact, there are lot of things you'll want to think about doing here. When you first end up as Zidane, you'll want to head down the stairs. At the next ATE, have Vivi stay in Treno. A subsequent ATE (Hippo's Prize) will allow Mario to gain the Namingway card so you can earn it during the Card Tournement.

    Take the path that leads you to the right, through the entrance and around through the slums to where the Moogle is and mognet/save there. Head on into the Auction house and buy stuff if you need too. If you can get it, you really want the Dark Matter . At this point, though, my guys have so much dough that I just bought one of everything. What else am I gonna do with 500,000 gil? Also, people near the outdoor cafe will buy some of this stuff from you. You can sell the Griffen Heart for up to 10,000 Gil (two offers only), and the Rat Tail to the same guy for 15,000 Gil (two offers again). The Scholar in the Synth Shop will buy Doga's Artifact for 10,000 (one offer only) and the fat guy in red will pay 25,000 gil for Une's Mirror (two offers). You can use Une's Mirror and Doga's Artifact later on, so some folks say you shouldn't sell them. On the other hand, if you *do* sell them, you can head strait back to the auction house and usually buy them back again for less than you sold them for - meaning you can turn a profit of a few thousand gil.

    Anyway, after you have any stuff you want to buy, head into the Treno Knight's house (door on the right) and talk to the old woman there. You can ask about the monster and offer to fight it. If you fought the moster previously, this time it should be a Catoblepas, so equip stuff to prevent Status Abnomality: Petrify. He's got an Ether , a Phoenix Pinion , a Hi Potion , and a Soft . He casts thundara, so auto-reflect can help keep you healthy. He also uses earthquake magic, so auto-float can be nice (if you are not fighting as Zidane, or if you have Feather Boots , which both have auto-float AND absorb earth attacks). If you've been doing a lot of stealing like I have, Zidane's Thievery skill can be very useful (it hits for 9999 every time). Just FYI: I think this skill does around 15 pts of damage for every time Zidane has stolen. If you've stolen 200 times, 200 x 15 = 3000 pts of dmg!!!

    When you defeat him, you'll get 15,000 Gil. Continue down the path toward the card statium and watch the ATEs. Keep going and head to up from the outdoor cafe and go sell off your Stellazio Coins (See the Stellazio Coins Section for more information). There is an Ether on the ground near the tree to the left (if you didn't get it earlier). If you stop by the Synthesis shop, be sure to get the Angel Bless . Be sure to enter every location and then head OUT of Treno. Yup. You read that right. As long as you've got a decently high level, just leave town. If you're still at a low-level, keep watching some of the ATEs so you can get characters later.

    Mordid's Coffee Quest
    (NOTE: For efficiencies sake, I have reproduced some of the information in the Mordid's Coffee Quest Section within this section. You don't have to flip back and forth anymore.) Leave Treno. Save once you get outside and head through Southgate to the town of Dali. If you enable counter, the random battles on the way don't take as long. Unfortunately, though, it appears that the cars for southgate are powered by mist, so you can't go down them. The wench is still running though, so apparently the game designers missed something. ;) The ice cavern is still off-limits, so Dali is really the only thing you can do over here for now.

    Save outside the village, then head inside. Head straight to the mayor's house and snoop around. Check the desk and you'll get a Mini-Brahne . Search it another time or two until the Mayor's Son says "Zzz..." Now check the Heater and you'll receive the Mayor's Key . Quit, then go to the windmill and head up the ladder. You should be able to get to both chests now. The upper one has a Cachusha in it, the lower one has an Elixir .

    Back downstairs, search the room that's always said, "You need the Mayor's Key " before. Now you can go look around where the chocobo is (you may have to wait for him to move out of the way before you can get to the chest). The far back corner has a chest with 30,000 Gil in it. Search the treasure chest again (There's something under the treasure box...) Select "Reach for it" to receive the Burman Coffee . You shoud now have all three specialty coffees.

    Head out of town and go to the the "Observatory Mountain" just a bit North-East. Mordid should be standing at the bottom of the stairs. Isn't it nice that he's getting some sun? Standing there... Blocking your way to go up the stairs... Whatever... Go talk to him and he'll be VERY happy you have the beans. Give them to him, and he'll send you the model of the Theater Ship. Head back to Dali and stock up on low-power weapons you might have sold off or synthed. Head back toawrd Treno by going through south gate and save outside the city. Unequip stuff with abilities that you might want someone else to learn.

    Pop back in, save your game and then head to the tournament stadium. You'll have to win two rounds in the stadium before you can challenge the champion, but you can leave and save in between each battle. I had good luck playing with any card that's weak and has arrows all around (I can flip it on my last move and win everything touching it), Tantarian, Nova Dragon, Lindblum, and Ribbon . After the first battle, you'll be treated to an ATE with Amarant and Freya. When given the choice, chosing not to pry information out of him will mean you can find both of them around town later. Remember when I told you to leave town and do the coffee side quest earlier? If you're too low a level, having one or both of these characters can really even the odds outside.

    Anyway, once you start the final card battle, you're committed to leaving this area. Be sure to save before the final card battle. If you can manage to win, you'll receive a Rebirth Ring . If you don't win, you can reload and try again. When you've won the battle (or decided you just can't play any more cards), you'll watch a few cut scenes and then head...

    Back to Alexandria
    Random rant: Some of the people here STILL refer to Dagger as a princess, not a queen. You use the phrase "your majesty" when addressing a queen, not "your highness." And she's already assumed the throne. In fact, a little further on she'll say "I should never have assumed the throne," so you KNOW she's actually the queen now. Sorry, but sneaky inconsistancies keep me up at night. Anyway, your first act as *queen* here is to tell people you want them to do stuff. You'll be asked what your orders are, then who you want to do them. Here's the optimal deployment pattern:
    Knights of Pluto Deployment:

    1. Gather Information -> Blutzen and Kohel
    2. Protect the townspeople -> Weimar & Haagen
    3. Contact Lindblum for Reinforcements -> Breireicht & Laudo
    4. Begin preparations to fire the cannons -> Dojebon & Mullenkedheim
    After this, Beatrix will tell you "You were splendid, Your Highness" (not your majesty... Grrrr.....) and give you Angel Earrings . Watch more cut scenes then you'll become Beatrix and Steiner. You shoud be able to unequip all the stuff from Beatrix at this point except her sword (Save the Queen). Go ahead and do it; she's tough. Head out and go fight mistodons. You can only head toward the town exit, so do it and fight the monsters along the way. You can equip new weapons, armor, and accessories to Steiner, as he'll likely level up quite a bit here. Be sure to check his active abilities, too. If you've trying to learn new abilities and you've got the Diamond Gloves , you can equip them and activate Ability Up for three battles. I switch to different armor after that, though. Also, be wary of giving Steiner the blood sword here - mistodons are inverted in the way cure works against them - this sword will work in reverse, giving steiner's HP to the mistodon. You'll be fighting in one battle per screen for 3 screens; then you'll get in 4 on one screen. After the "Save your Valedictions" battle, you'll be Dagger.

    You can't go anywhere else except: Up the stairs and toward dagger's room (bottom of the screen). When you get to the room where you can go to the royal appartments, head left instead, and up the stairs you find. At the top, you'll watch more cut scenes. Out on the landing, go up all the stairs and watch more cut scenes then eventually you'll end up as Zidane's group. Go upstairs and find Mosh the Moogle (in the knights of pluto dressing room, where you first met him) so you can save. Now head back downstairs to the entrance and flush the scholars out of the library. In the left library, examine the bookcase closest to the bottom of the screen until you see a question mark. Make sure all your guys are reflected, and you don't have the mug or counter abilities enabled.

    "Try to listen" to the talking. Then "Challenge" the voice. You can steal a Demon's Mail , a Silver Fork , an Elixir and an Ether (Four things!) from this enemy (Tantarian). OK, look. You can spend HOURS trying to steal the Demon's Mail , or just know you'll be able to buy it in WAY less time if you just play the game. To be clear - I've spent hours and it seems like a 1 in 256 (well, it seemed like a 1 in 250, but given how binary works, I'm guessing 1-in-256.) In any event, if you can't get that thing and you're bored, don't AT ALL feel like you really need to spend a bunch of time on it. He has a couple of nasty attacks: doom and paper storm. He takes two forms - hidden in a book, and exposed. He starts out in book form. Every time you hit time, he'll open to a random page. While he's in Book Form, have Zidaine steal, have Vivi cast slow, and have Freya cast Rei's Wind. He won't react, and it'll help you a lot! Just don't cast slow after you've found him (keep reading.) When he's slow, have Vivi defend. When you have Rei's Wind, have Freya defend. Amarant should be the attacker - but read on. Start hitting this guy, but very carefully. When you physically attack him, he'll open to a random page and then rapidly close up again - UNLESS you find him. Once he's been found, he'll stay found (the book will stay open and he WON'T cast really nasty magic) unless you hit him again or he opts to close up (after about 10 attacks) . You'll want to be careful how you do this, because if you hit him again, he'll close back up. Once you've stolen whatever you want, use magic attacks; juse have Vivi clean house with this guy.

    Reflect is important during this battle, as he'll keep trying to cast poison at you. Since he's guarded against it, it won't kill him off before you are finished stealing. ;) I used a single "double black" attack and bounced fira at him. Eventually, though, he'll close back up and you have to start this process all over again. When you've finished with this enemy, continue your wandering of the castle by going and chasing everyone out of the kitchen (just talk to people, they'll run). When you've talked to everyone, head upstairs to the same door dagger went through (There's nothing else in the castle you need to worry about). At the top, you'll watch more cut scenes and then you'll wake up in....

    Rebuilding Lindblum
    When you finally wake up as Zidane, you'll have the wonderful oppertunity to wander around the bedroom and open the chests again. Right from the bed is an Egoist's Armlet . There's a Elixir upstairs. Talk to Mogki (the Moogle) and get a letter for Moodon, then save and head for the Lift. You can't leave or play cards at this point. Ride the lift DOWN to the Base Level, and take the right Trolly to the Serpent's Gate. Explore toward the top of the screen for a Chimera Armlet , then get back on the trolley and head to the Dragon's Gate at the other end of the line.

    Explore around the corner where you've found treasure before and you'll get a Remedy . Get back on the trolley and head up to the upper level. When you get there, head left and go upstairs to the Telescope area and talk to Dagger, come back to the lift area and go forward, then up the stairs and into the Royal Bedchambers. When you have control again, head down to the next level down and go to the Guest Room and watch more. Eventually, you'll be turned loose in the city with instructions to find the " Unusual Potion , Beautiful Potion , and Strange Potion ." Zidane tells you that he thinks Cinna has the Unusual Potion .

    In an atempt to be subtle, the game cleverly gives you an ATE showing you that the Tantalus folks (including Cinna) are - I know this will come as a HUGE surprise to everyone - haging out at the Tantalus Hideout! Anyway, ride the lift to the Mid Level and take an aircab into town. Head to the Business District first, though. Talk to everyone around town and you'll learn that a Potion collector used to live in a studio in the Theater District. Stop off at the inn, sign the guest book and head upstairs and give Moodon Mogki's letter.

    While you are wandering around town, don't forget to search on the ground one screen up from the Inn screen (on the far left) for the Sagittarius Stellazio Coin (see the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information). Also, head upstairs in the Card Freak's house and open the chests there again. Once has an Elixir and the other has a Remedy . Alice (The lady who owns the Item Shop) has the Beautiful Potion . Be sure to stop off at the Weapon/Item shops and restock (new weapons are available). When you've got that Potion and all the weapons you want (don't forget to synth if you need), head to the theater distrct. Head down into the artist's studio and open the chest in the bottom right corner for another Lapis Lazuli . Talk to the guy, the search in the bottom left corner for the Strange Potion .

    Head down the stairway toward tanalus' hideout. When you leave the screen, head back and go inside the hideout. Open all the chests again. 4692 Gil, 970 Gil, 1273 Gil. If you've done the coffee sidequest, you can see the airship model in the lower left corner of the screen, near the ladder. Now head back to Lindblum Castle and head upstairs and into the royal bedchambers. Watch the ATE about Quina, then head into town and pay his bill. I'd also recommend you head to the weapon shop and see if there are any new weapons you can buy. *hint hint* If you want to play cards, you can head to the theater district and play the card freak and his new apprentice. When you are ready to move on, take the lift to the base level. Head (right) to the Serpent's gate and outside, the examine the ladder by the ship to board the Blue Narcissist.

    Anchors Away!
    Now that you have a ship, there are many things you can do. First off, if you have a Kupo Nut , sail around to the southern part of the Mist Continent and head into Gizamaluke's Grotto. You should be able to give it the Moogle there (you should get an Extension if you're following along here). You might be tempted to just level up folks like Steiner who probably aren't at the level that other folks are, but if you're going to do the chocobo stuff, wait and level folks up after you've found a bunch of cool gear so you can learn awesome abilities at the same time. :)

    At this point I usually recommend folks head to the Lost Continent (It's covered in Ice, you can't miss it) in the north western Hemisphere. Take the quick "Cold Field" chocograph side quest here and visit the town of Esto Gaza while you are at it. You'll have to come back here eventually, and you may as well get the weapons and items here that you can't get before this. I'd also recommend stocking up on a Vaccine or 20 too, but that's up to you. While you're at the shop, walk around the left edge and wrap behind the entire counter until you come out on the right. You can find a Wing Edge here. Leave the village and get back on the ship and head south to Chocobo's Lagoon

    At chocobo's Lagoon, get all the chocographs you can - including the Daw Lagoon. Head back to the mist continent and get the Dawn Lagoon treasure so you'll have mountain ability for Choco. Use this to pop over to Treno and particiapte in the auctions there. You can get a Promist Ring now, as well as the Thieves Gloves . You can also partcipate in lots of card battles in the stadium now, if you want. If you picked up the Sagittarius Stellazio coin (see the Stellazio side quest Section for more information) from Lindblumb, be sure to sell it off, too. Not to far away from Treno is southgate. If you have a mountain chocobo, you can go OVER the pass to the other side of southgate (where Stiner and Dagger came earlier). You can now open the chest at the top of the ladder and get an Elixir card.

    After that, retun to Chocobo's Forest and now you can get more chocographs. Use them, then head to Chocobo's Lagoon when you have an Ocean Chocobo. Get all the stuff you can (including Cracks and Bubbles - see the Chocobos Section if you don't know what I'm talking about). You should have all but four chocographs, and of the ones you have, you should be able to find all but three treasures: Dusk Plains, Forgotten Plains and Outer Island (which means you can't get the Ultima Weapon yet either). There are also 2 cracks you cannot get to at this point. All the stuff you cannot do is on the Forgotten Continant, and you can't get there until you have an air ship. That will happen soon enough. You *could* try and get the friendly Garuda to give you its Diamond , but you don't really need them, and you can come back anytime (I like doing those in order; see the Friendly Monsters Section for more information). Plus, you could just do the chocobo side quests here and get a Diamond fairly easily.

    If you head to Alexandria, you should be able to get a few more gems. As soon as you get there, grab the Sapphire just opposite Lila. On the next screen up is an Ether in the lower left corner. One screen up from that has a Remedy in the lower right and 365 Gil in the Upper right. Talk to the girl on this screen for the Alexandria Card. There's also an Amethyst in the lower left. Head up to the moat; the two stashes there have be restocked. The right one has 4832 Gil, the Left one has a Topaz . Take the boat across the moat, and the other side has an Opal on the left and a Peridot behind the fountain, on the right. In the far back left is a Sapphire . Thats pretty much all your options for side quests at this time. The above took me 8 hours, though I came out of it with a great many characters leveled up mightily. I think I spent 4 hours just leveling up - I watch TV and level-up using Picture-in-picture, so I'm distracted While I'm doing it; the superbowl was on and I had fun watching that while leveling up. Anyway, once you're ready to go, head...

    Back to Black Mage Village!
    Pilot the Blue Narcisist north to the forgotten contient, and head over to Black Mage Village. Head into the item shop, and hop up on the ladder behind the counter. At the top, examine the bed to jump on it and get the Black Belt out of the chest (unless you got it earlier). Follow Vivi to the Graveyard and then head toward the Chocobo stable. When you have control again, leave. Head to the Ship, then east. If you have a mountain chocobo, you can just go straght east. There is a lot of a desert on the easternmost edge of the continent, you're supposed to go there and fall into the quicksand, but... First, make sure you've done all the side quests you want to do at this time, and unequip anything important from Eiko, Dagger, and Freya. There are four patches of quicksand. If you fight an antlion when you fall in, you didn't fall in the right one. The four are more or less in a Diamond shape. You want the northmost one. When you fall into the right (meaning correct) one, you'll wake up in...

    The Forgotten Continent
    So you have to do Kuja a favor. When he lets you out, head down to where the Black Mages are standing then you'll be teleported to where Kuja is. Walk right and talk to Kuja for a bit. You'll be asked to choose three friends, and told you are going somewhere that you can't use magic. What does that mean to you? Right. No Vivi, No Eiko and No Dagger. Except that you actually DO want Dagger, since you can quickly farm Lapis Lazulis here if both she and Steiner are in your party.

    I like to have Zidane take along Steiner, Dagger, and Quina (because there are some enemies you can eat here). Now it's time to fly away. When you have control, you'll be in the middle of a glowing platform. Jump off and head right and up, over the platform, then down and left toward the ship. Step onto the ship, and wait while you are flown across the sea to the Forgotten Continent.

    Quina: While wandering around the contenent, learn Limit Glove from Catoblapas, Bad Breath from an Anemone, and Matra Magic from Armstrong. When you first get to the Forgotten Continent, if you have been doing what I suggested, you'll want to way head north (and slightly west) until you find the Chocobo Tracks there. Call Choco and go exploring. The Forgotten Plains are just west of this area on one of the bluffs you can see in the image, and the dusk plains are just south and west of Oeilvert. Hit up the remaining two cracks too, if you want. You can't get any further than this until you have the Airship, so just ignore the rest of the Chocobo Side Quests for now. I'd also recommend visiting the forests east of Oeilvert and meeting up with Jabberwock (see the Friendly Monsters Section for more info). Walk around in the Qu's Marsh here until you find an anemone, then have Quina learn Bad Breath. You can't get into Ipsen's Castle just yet, though. Be sure to equip any new weapons/armor/accessories you have found, then head south to...

    Let's start with a few notes here. First off, if you run across any enemies that appear to be made of stone while you are here, you can throw a Soft at them to insta-kill them. On the other hand, if either Steiner or Dagger are in your party, you can farm Lapis Lazulis here. Some of these gravestones will summon a doppelganger of Steiner and some will summon a doppelganger of Dagger. You can steal Lapis Lazulis from them. This is important because the power of the Summon Ark is directly proportional to how many Lapis Lazulis you have in your inventory, and this is the only chance you have to earn them. If you leave this area with 55 or so, you'll have a VERY powerful summon later on.

    When you first arrive, don't forget to look beside you. There's a Moogle here. Mognet/Mogshop/ Tent /Save, then head to the building. When you get in, there are exits left, up and right. Grab the Remedy in the treasure chest under the stairs leading up, then go up those stairs and get the Rising Sun in the chest there.

    Go left from here (that's the "up" exit) and grab the Elixir from the chest in the next room. Examine the thing in the middle of the room (it should turn red) then head down the stairs. Take the right exit from the entry room and talk to Stiltzkin in the back. Buy a Hi Potion , Emerald and Elixir for 888 and then mognet/ Tent /save with Mooel. Grab the Gaia Gear from the chest on the right. Go back two screens left. There are two treasures here. The lower one contains a Diamond Sword , and the upper one has a Shield Armor . There are four exits to this room: right (you came in here), up and right, up and down.

    Head Down. There are two chests here. One on the lower level, and one on the upper. The lower level chest has a Power Vest and the upper level chest has a Feather Boots . There are also Four glowing lights here, two on the lower level and two on the upper level. You have to touch them all in the proper order to make them work. Start with the light to the left on the upper level, then the one to the right. Next, go down the stairs and touch the one on the right, then the one on the left.

    Take the left exit from the upper level and cross to the center of the bridge there. Examine the orb in the middle, then go the rest of the way across the bridge. On the next screen, take the blue door to your left. Backtrack to the room with the Moogles, then save your game and head right. Step onto the platform there and you'll head down. Word of warning: This guy will "confuse" your party. Equip appropriately (read: everyone in your party needs to have "clear headed" equiped). I had Quina's Add Status + Bistro Fork combination, and that put him to sleep for a few rounds. Heh heh. Examine the pedistal in the middle of the room to start the battle with Ark. You can steal a Holy Lance , Power Vest and an Elixir . Use Amarant's "No Mercy" skill, Zidane's Thievery skill, and have Steiner attack while he's tranced to do SERIOUS damage to this guy, and just generally wipe the floor with him. He's not really that powerful, unless he knocks all your guys loopy. When the battle is over, take a minute to unequip anything special (I basically unequip everything except some low-quality weapons; if you've got Eiko in your party, be sure to unequip everything from her), then grab the stone in the middle of the statue. After a few cut scenes, you'll wake up as the deus ex machina that is...

    Cid the Frog Saves the Day!
    Whatever. When you are in control as Cid, run down to where the Black Mages just left (Down the path and to the right). You're going to be timed here, so listen to the instructions carefully. You'll have six minutes to cross the floor and set the weights. Crossing is tricky, but DON'T get in a hury. Just push the circle button when the guy isn't looking. Watch one of his spines and stop as soon as it moves. You may have to try it a few times to get it right. Once you have the key, you'll be offered a few menu options.

    Examine the weights; they are made of Iron, Stone, Clay and Wood. You need all but one. Put on all except the wood (that's clay, stone and iron - the last option) then jump on. As soon as you get control again, equip all your characters. You've probably got quite a few things you want to enable now - especially if you did some chocobo stuff on the forgotten continent ( Whale Whisker for Dagger = Curaga!). Head right and save at the moogle there (Mojito). You can also shop and mognet. Now it's time to enter the maze of...

    Kuja's Desert Palace O' Fun!
    You are the rest of the party, now. Eiko, Dagger, Vivi and Freya for my party. The point of this excercise is to turn on all the hidden lights in the palace. This will keep you from having to fight the final battle at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage. If you run into a Grimlock (three balls stacked like a snowman) use ice magic on him if the red ball is on top, or physical attacks if the blue is on top. Go left two screens from Mojito the save moogle, then go up. On this screen are two angels. Examine the one on the left to light the candles. When something glows on your right, examine it. That's a bloodstone. You'll unlock Elemental Attacks for the final battle (and you'll get a Promist Ring ). This is a pattern you'll be repeating 5 more times.

    The hidden Path
    Go up another screen. Read the placards on all the statues there (don't try to get the chest yet, it doesn't exist) and try to leave by the left side of the screen. A lit path should appear. Head up that path and light the candles on the right side of the next screen. Go back down the light path and grab the chest on the right ( Fairy Earrings ) (it appears under the path that just lit up), then go left.

    Tricky Braziers
    On the next screen, you have to solve a little puzzle:

    1. Light the three braziers (the one by the flowers is hard to see) and you'll open two doorways.
    2. Go through the one, and you'll be on a small path; take the path and you'll come out the other doorway.
    3. Light the brazier near the flowers (not the other two) then go back cross the path to the other side.
    4. Light the braziers on the other side of the flowers (they are hard to see, there are two of them) and the statues should disapper.
    5. Go light the other two brasiers on the right side.
    6. Finally, light the brazier at the bottom of the screen to reveal the bloodstone.
    7. Examine it to disable his magic power enhancement for the final battle (and get an Anklet ) then take the doorway on the far right.

    Light the Statue
    On the next screen, examine the the statue at the top of the screen to light it, then a bloodstone will appear. Examine it to unlock Physical Defense for the final battle (and get a Shield Armor ). Continue on along the path, then wrap around the staircase at the far left. There are candles at the top of the stairs. Light them, then continue down the path and through the doorway at the end.

    The Mobile Library
    Now it's time to move some books around.
    1. First, light the candles at the far left (by the statue).
    2. When some stairs appear, go up them and all the way to the left to light another set of candles.
    3. The top shelf of books should move to reveal doorway.
    4. Go through it and examine the bloodstone to unlock your physical dodge for the final battle (and get an N-Kai Armlet ).
    5. Go back down the stairs, and this time go up the stairs to the middle level of books.
    6. Light the candles on the right, but don't take that path yet.
    7. Head back down and light the candles on the bottom.
    8. A doorway should open up. Go through it and light the candles there.
    9. Go back out and turn OFF the candles at the bottom of the statue on the right.
    10. The lowest level of books should close again.
    11. Now walk all the way left and you should be able to walk THROUGH the stain glass there.
    12. You've now found Mogsam (the Moogle).
    13. Mognet/ Tent /Save. When you are ready to go on, head through the doorway in the middle level of books and go left along the path.
    14. Light the candles about half way up, then continue on. Light the candles at the top of the path, then backtrack to the Moogle.

    Gargoyle Statue and Hidden Path
    Head LEFT from the moogle this time. Light the candles on either side of the statue here, examine the bloodstone to unlock Magic Resist for the final battle (and get a Black Hood - equip this to Vivi so he can learn 'Death'). Turn off the candle on the left of the statue (it's shadow sould point left now) then go through the doorway. Take the short path into the next doorway. Light both the candles surrounding the statue on this side, then examine the bloodstone to unlock Magic Dodge for the final battle (and get a Venetia Shield ). Turn off the candle on the left (a stairway should appear in the middle), then light the candles by the painting on the left. It certainly looks like you could make a stairway go DOWN here, but I can't figure out how. If anyone has ever figured it out, I'd love to hear about it!

    Boss: Valia Pira
    Go back and use the Tent /save Moogle, then head up the lighted staircase that appeard between the gargoyle statues. As far as I can tell, there's no reason to back track from here unless you want to buy stuff from the Moogle at the beginning of the level (Mojito). Make sure you've got reflect on at least one (preferably all) of your guys. At the top of the staircase, try to light the final set of candles to start the battle with Valia Pira. If you have managed to find all the bloodstones (I assume you have if you are reading this) you'll see: "Failed to diable Elemental Attacks, Magic Power enhancement failed, Defense enhancement failed, Evasion enhancement failed, Magic Defense enhancement failed, Magic Evasion enhancement failed, Enhancement through blodstones failed." After that, you reall should be able to mop the floor with this guy. He casts reflect on himself, so be careful. Have Eiko reflect cast holy and have Vivi reflect cast (all) bio. That was the entire battle for me. (No kidding!)

    Light the candles, then head to the glowing platform. Before you jump on and examine it, unequipe anything you think the other party might want. If you've got Eiko in your party, be sure to unequip everything from her except maybe a cheap weapon. When you examine the teleporter, you'll switch to Zidane's party. Re-Equip as necessary, then head to the teleporter, then go through the door at the top of the stairs. When you have control again, you'll choose a party. Search this room before leaving, though. Toward the bottom left is another Namingway card. Head back to the teleporter that leads to the airship dock. You can go back to the Palace Maze, if you want, but I haven't found any reason to (except maybe saving or having Quina eat something). When you get to the dock, the ship is gone, but you can head after it anyway. Remember where that black mage was standing? He was blocking your path; you couldn't go any further. Now you can, so (rather than going right up the ramp toward the ship), head up to the top left of the screen. You'll see a balled up ladder near where Zidane is standing. Examine the lever opposite it, then climb down the ladder and head down the bluffs. You'll watch him head to the Lost Continent (also called the Northern Contnent or the Frozen Continent, depending on which version of the game you have or who you are talking to). Choose a group, then head to...

    Lost Continent: Esto Gaza
    Quina: Eat a Vorpal for Mustard Bomb, and a Red Dragon for Twister. I tried to go find more chocographs but I couldn't. That being said, when I was wandering around the snow field outside Esto Gaza I ran into Feather Circle (See the Friendly Monsters Section for more info on this guy.) If you want to go that route, you can also get Rainbow Garuda at this time, too (should you need a Diamond .) Head to Esto Gaza and talk to the priest. Be sure to buy at least 25 vaccines, along with the new weapons, too. (What these guys are selling has changed since the last time you came through here - and you really want Vivi to get a Octagon Rod so he can learn Firaga / Blizzaga / Thundaga. When you are done shopping, equip new stuff then head left one screen then up one screen. Talk to Mogrika and mognet/ Tent /save. Head right and then up to enter...

    Mount Gulug
    If you run across a Hydra here, you can steal an Antidote or a Hi Potion . They look really ominous, but they only have around 5K HP. It's a dragon enemy, so just have Vivi reflect ice against him or use Dragon's Crest, Thievery, etc. For the Vepal enemies, use these same attacks. If you find a wraith, you can use these same attacks, but use cure magic instead of ice magic. Despite appearing to be undead eneimes, the Phoenix Down trick doesn't seem to work on them. For Red Dragons, you can steal a Tent , an Ether , and an Elixir (use master thief and bandit!) In addition, if you have Quina you can learn the Twister blue magic - very powerful! Again, dragon enemy, so ice, thievery, dragon crest, etc. Also, you can put them to sleep and slow them. For Grenade enemies, you can use Thievery and Dragon Crest. Generally speaking, Flare is good, but Meteor isn't so hot. Just FYI: I left this area with 6, count 'em, 6x Elixir .

    When you first enter the mountain, go left into the little hut there. Examine the floor on the botton right for 9693 Gil, then search the far left for information, then go up the ladder and search upstairs for an Ether . Go left one screen then head down the ladder. Examine the upper right of the platform for a Red Hat then back track to the beginning of the level.

    This time, go right into the hut (you'll see something large fly by). Continue right and pass the rope ladder. Examine the path at the end to climb up. Go all the way right and into the cave. Follow the path along and open the chest at the cross roads for a Golden Hairpin (helmet equip for Zidane - he can learn auto-regen). You can also inspect the lamp here to get more information about the level. Backtrack and go down the rope ladder, then head right and mognet/ Tent /save with Moolan (give a letter; get a letter).

    In the bottom right corner of this room is a Wing Edge . Continue right a few screens and wind up the stairs (there's another bulletin board here) and back the way you came. At the end of the path, pick up the Gaia Gear , then head back. Go save at the Moogle again (if you want) then continue past the rope to your left. The next house you come to has a chest with a Demon's Mail and a note telling you that you have to pull the lever three times to make it work. Just outside the door is a cave leading up. Go in there and give Mogtaka a letter. You can also continue on a little further and fight more red dragons. There's a chest here with another Elixir , too. I had a couple of charcters that had nothing to learn at this point, so I back tracked and swapped them out.

    When you are ready to go on, head back to the rope and pull the lever down three times. Hop on the rope and slide down. You won't be able to get back up from here. EDIT: Actually, you can. I don't know why I wasn't able to before. You just hop on the rope at the bottom of the screen and scurry up. Fight more red dragons then head out the hole opened up by the Red Dragon. You'll eventually have to fight Meltigemini (Zorn + Thorn). You can steal a Demon's Vest , a Golden Hairpin and a Vaccine . You've probably got all these already, so just toast him. Holy is your friend. After the battle and cut scenes, you'll want to make sure to use a Vaccine on anyone who needs it to clear the virus status abnormality. You did buy them when I recommended it, right? If not, you better go do it now, because Remedy doesn't work on that. You'll eventually meet up with Hilda and return to...

    Gonna fly me an airship!
    OK. So Cid is back to being a man and you've woken up in Lindblum Castle. First things first, head over and mognet/save with Mogki, then head to the conference room and watch a bunch of cut scenes. Eventually, you'll end up with an airship! Cool, eh? Before you head to Ipsen's castle, though, you may want to do a few things first. If you have Stellazio Coins (or get one durring the Daguerreo Side Quest below; see the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information) take them to treno and trade them in. You should be able to get the Rosetta Ring by this time (heck, I had 3 before I went to ipsen's castle.) If you have any kupo nuts, head to Gizamaluke's Grotto and give them to the Moogle there. You may also want to wander around in some forests to find Ragtime (the final 6 encounters should be unlocked - remember to tap the d-pad and wait 20 seconds between encounters). I found him while I was looking for Friendly Monsters. Here are a few optional side quests to complete.

    Optional: Treno Knight's house: Amdusias
    If you want, you can head to treno and fight the Amdusias. You can steal an Ether , a Phoenix Pinion , an Antidote , and a Hi Potion . He casts Level 4 Holy, so if your guys are a multiple of 4, ouch. He will also jump up in the air, after which he'll use physical "horn" attacks. By now, your guys are probably pretty high level, so hopefully that won't be a problem. He will cast bio a lot, so having reflect is pretty helpful. Between reflecting Bio back to him, and equiping the ability "Mug", when I was ready to kill him off, it only took a single Thievery attack. For this battle, I received Running Shoes as a prize. It was a good thing, because the pair I ALREADY HAD wasn't good enough. lol.

    Optional: Chocobo Sidequest
    You can now go back to Chocobo's Forest and get the final chocograph pieces that make up the chocograph which points to the mist ocean. There Choco can learn to fly, and you can visit Chocobo's Air Garden for the rest of the Chocographs. I usually finish the Chocobo side quest here. See the Chocobos Section for more information. Well maybe not the whole thing. I don't actually do the Ozma battle yet. I usually do that after I've met the Master Synthesist on Disc 4 (in memoria).

    Optional: Friendly Monsters
    You may also want to finish the Friendly Monsters Section at this time. See the Friendly Monsters Section for more information.

    Optional: Daguerreo

    When you first get the airship, this is one of the first places you'll want to go. It's an island with a HUGE mountain in the middle of it, near Chocobo's Lagoon. There are waterfalls, too. You can't miss it. When you first enter Daguerreo, head right and search in the water for the Capricorn Stellazio Coin. Continue going right, and you'll meet a four-armed man (Gilgamesh) on the next screen. This is the guy you want to talk to about treasure. As your treasure hunter rank goes up, he get's more and more impressed. By the time I got here, I was rank S. He said, "Parden my for my rudeness and ran off." If/when he does this to you, follow him outside and talk to him near the entrance to Daguerro for the Rank S Medal .

    Head back to the screen where you met the four armed man and take the elevator up to the next level. Mognet/ Tent /Save with Noggy. Just up from him is the Synth for Daguerreo. Not only can you synth some pretty powerful weapons, armor and accessories, but you can finally synth Jewels. If you do so, be sure to save at least 5 (you'll see why in a moment.) If you have the Hamlen weapon for Eiko, you can learn the Jewel white magic. This will allow you to extract "Jewels" from enemies. Basically, every time you use that magic you'll get an Ore . Find some place with low level enemies and just have her cast that over and over to get as many Ore as you can carry, then come back here and synth them into whatever jewels you like. This is important, because the attack power of your various summons is directly proportional to the number of certain jewels in your inventory. That being said, I don't recommend doing that until AFTER visitin Ipsen's castle, since you can earn various gems by defeating enemies there. Here are the items you can synth with Ore and what Jewel/Summon that helps with:

    • Ore + Remedy = Garnet (Bahamut)
    • Ore + Annoyntment = Amethyst (Atomos)
    • Ore + Soft = Peridot (Ramuh)
    • Ore + Antidote = Sapphire (Fenrir)
    • Ore + Potion = Opal (Shiva)
    • Ore + Eye Drops = Topaz (Ifrit)
    Note that you cannot synth the following Gems, making them much more rare: Aquamarine , Diamond , Emerald , Moonstone , Ruby , Lapis Lazuli (well, if you farmed them back in Oeilvert, you can technically have 99 of them by now.) Anyway, head left from the Synthesist and talk to the guy there, then exit through the door on the left. Read the names of the books near where you enter the screen, then go left, talking with folks en-route. One of these guys runs an item shop where you can buy the items you need for the various jewel synthing stuff. Examine the statue at the top of the screen (Left of the arguing guys) and "push the button" there. Continue left and talk to the man standing by the bookshelf. Zidane should tell him where the book is. Move out of the way and they guy will let you pass. There's a ladder there you can go down. When you emerge, go left and down the stairs for an Elixir .

    Remember, if people are in your way, just keep pressing (hold down the arrow; don't press it over and over) toward them for a few seconds and you'll walk through them. If you have the namingway card, and you talk to the guy here, he'll learn the namingway technique, and then he'll be able to change one of your character's names for you. I renamed Quina to Quinast, because it looks funny. I don't know of anything useful that can be accomplished this way, but since I want the walkthru to be fairly complete... XD Now go all the way to the right and get another Elixir . Now walk to the middle of the area and search to go back up. Go through the doorway just to the right of the bookcase you were looking at.

    You'll find a weapons shop owner who won't sell you anything because he's too upset about the broken elevator. That means you need to fix it. Back track to the room with the Moogle and ride the elevator down. When you get to the entrance, head to the top of the screen and examine the statue there. You'll be asked to place some Ore there. If you put five Ore there (this is why I told you to save them), they will turn into an Aquamarine . Don't ask my why. Anyway, head left one screen. You are now downstairs from the weapon shop you just visited.

    Let's fix the elevator, shall we? You'll see three levers (and a large stick leaning against the wall). Examine the levers and pull the left lever until the leftmost collumn is at (or rather, near) ground level (you should see a little box opening behind it). You should see something above it. Cancel out of this menu and go stand on that block (examine). You'll notice the hole. Go grab the stick and Zidane will put it in the hole. Go back to the levers and pull the right one until the rightmost block is at ground level. Now go stand on the rightmost block, then talk to the weapons shop owner.

    Ipsen's Castle:
    Before going to Ipsen's Castle, make sure everyone has wimpy weapons. That's right, bad ones. Go to Dali and buy them, if you have to. I'll caution you, though. Don't go in with bad ARMOR. The Straw Hat /aloha shirt/ Pearl Armlet /sandles combination would be a mistake here. When you are ready to procede, get on the airship and tell it to go to Ipsen's Castle. The place is marked on your map, and if you click 'X' while pointing to it on the map, Erin will take you right there. Park the ship outside and get ready for trouble.

    The problem with this place, though, is that the normal damage of weapons is reversed. Equip your worst weapons (original ones, if you kept them). Your powerful magic and abilities are still OK, though. Right away Amarent will ask to go off on his own. Go ahead and let him, then climb the stairs and enter the castle. You can eat a Veteran to learn Doom. If you run into a Gargoyle statue (usually with another enemy) throw a Soft at it quickly. You're welcome. ;) To your immediate left upon entering the foyer is a chest with a dagger. That's a subtle hint that you need low power weapons. Across from that (on the right) is the Aquarius Stellazio coin (see the Stellazio Coins Section for more information).

    You can't leave just yet, so don't bother trying to go trade it in (Zidane is worried about Amarant, I guess). If you climb the stairs and read the panel to your left, you'll get another clue about all this. Go ahead and go through the doorway to the next area. Mognet/mogshop/ Tent /save with Kumool (you should get a Kupo Nut out of this, if you aren't already carrying one). There is a chest in the upper left corner of this room. It's tough to see; it has a Cat's Claws . For the rest of the castle, I'm going to bullet each room to make it easier to follow along:

    • Jump down the Pole in the center of the room. At the bottom, head up and right to get to the ladder (you have to follow the path down and left first, though). At the top of the ladder, follow the path to the left edge of the screen and go through the doorway.
    • On the next screen, you'll go slightly up and in another doorway.
    • On the next screen, jump on the ladder. Go up and Jump off to the right. Follow that path until you get the Broadsword out of the treasure chest, then head back. Now jump off and go left until you reach the chest with a Javelin . Go back to the ladder and this time head down. At the bottom, hop off and follow the ledge right and up the stairs. Jump on the ladder at the top of those stars. Go up and jump off the ladder. Follow the path up and right to get to the other chest. This one has a Rod . Go back to the ladder and go up to the next platform, then through the doorway.
    • On the next screen, head up the elevator in the center by going to the far end of the screen. Watch some dialogue with Amarant, then head back out (you don't wanna grab these yet).
    • Come forward until you reach the weird thing on the wall to the right and exmaine it, then push, then pound then think. Now do them all again, and then push a bunch. Evenually, you'll be give the option to "Try something drastic." Take that option, then rest.
    • You should now be upstairs in the Foyer. Go right and open the chest there for another Barette , then go back through the doorway to the previous room. Next, take the elevator to the room where you met Amarant.
    • Now go up to the wall and examine those discs on it. When you've grabbed them all, try to leave and you'll encounter Taharka. This guy has Orichalcon (a powerful weapon for Zidane), Mythril Claws and an Elixir . You should have pleanty of elixirs, and you can buy Mythril Claws at Esto Gaza. Just grab the Orichalcon , then kill him. He's worth 11 AP.
    • After the fight, head back the way you came, don't stop until you reach Kumool (the moogle). When you get to the top of the pole (en route), a trap door will open. Each time you fall down a trap door, another one will be visible when you come up. Look closely; you can see them. Save, then head to the corner of the screen where the chest (with the Cat's Claws ) is. Walk around until you fall down, then get the chest there ( Maiden Prayer ). Hop of the ledge and head back up the pole.
    • This time, head out toward the front of the castle, but look left in the foyer. There are two staircases there. Go up the right one (it used the be the sign). On the next screen, go across the walkway to the other side. Head left, and go through the doorway.
    • On the next screen, go all the way to the left edge of the screen and get the Air Racket there, then go to the middle of the screen and stand near the pole (it's an elevator).
    • This is a fun place. First off, grab the chest there to get a Golem's Flute . There are two vases and three platforms. Grab the right most vase and put it on the center platform. Now alternate moving the vases to the empty spot. You'll essentially be moving them counter clockwise a few times. Just keep it up untill a lot of lightning is channeled into one of them. Pick it up to get the " Ancient Aroma ." This lets Dagger learn Odin's Sword, which allows Odin to attack as well as try to instantly kill people off.
    • Head back to where the moogle is and climb UP the pole this time. Open the chests hidden on the chadaler for a Fork and a Mage Staff , then jump down and head outside. When you get to the bottom, you'll discover that Amarent is missing and go in after him.
    • Head to the moogle room and hop on the pole; go down. At the bottom, head down and left until you find him, then battle your way back outside.
    Now you'll be treated to some ammount of logic. I know, I know. It's out of character for a Final Fantasy game. But it's funny. No wait! I mean it's useful. Sorry, I get those mixed up in games like this. Eventually, you'll head off to...

    Breakin' the Seals (dun dun un)!
    Before you break anything, you might want to consider trading in any Kupo Nut and/or Stellazio Coin you happen to have. If you only have the one Kupo Nut , you'll probably get a Phoenix Pinion from it at this point. As long as you are in Treno, you may want to fight the monster in the basement of the knights house if you missed it before, bid on auction items or play cards in the stadium. If you want to, head to Alexandria. You can find the jump rope group in the bell tower. If you have Vivi or Eiko in your party you can try your hand at jumping. I never really got into the jump rope thing, though.

    Anyway, when you're ready Let's go break the seal. Save your game, then head to the swirling vortex in the large bay south of Ipsen's Castle. You'll fly the airship there and then let Eiko and Dagger off. After that, head north east to the Lost Continent (the frozen one). On the east side of the island is a large volcano. Go let off Freya and Amarent there. Head to the southern tip of the Forgotten continent, southeast of Oeilvert. Drop off Steiner and Vivi there. Finally, head to the Outer Contenent where the Desert Palace was. Go southwest until you see some weird looking stuff on the ground. That's the earth shrine. When you head out, be sure to check your equipment.

    You'll wander down a path and watch a conversation with Quina. You'll have to jump when the esclamation mark show up, so be ready for it. You'll watch some stuff happening to Dagger and Eiko, then you'll have control again and be told it's time to put the mirror on the stone. Before doing so...

    If you properly prepare for this battle, it's actually really easy. If both Zidane and Quina have auto-float, auto-haste, and auto-regen enabled, you can withstand most of the attacks from this enemy. It's also helpful to ensure Zidane has master thief and bandit enabled. (For the upcoming boss battle, I literally had Zidane steal twice, then had him use Thievery twice, then had Quina use Eat. Battle done.) If you're not sure about your character's power, an alternative strategy is to have a simple dagger equiped for Zidane (don't give him a more powerful weapon). Once you put the mirror on the stone, the battle starts after some cut scenes.

    This enemy carries a Rubber Suit and an Avenger . As I indicated above, I had Zidane steal them both quickly while Quina just defended. Once they were stolen, I had Zidane use Thievery twice, which left the enemy able to be eaten by Quina. If your party isn't able to do this, here's an aternative strategy. Have Qunia use mighty guard and white wind to keep your guys healthy while Zidane steals. Once you've stolen those, try to eat him. Have Zidane use Theivery and Quina use Frog Drop. He's got about 20,000 HP, so when you are getting close to that number, start having Zidane attack normally. With just a dagger equiped, he'll do small amounts of damage, ensuring you don't kill him off before Quina can eat him.

    You can learn Earth Shake from him, which is pretty cool. You get 0 EXP, 11 AP, 4512 Gil (with Quina's Millionare) and a Phoenix Pinion . I got him to around 18,500, and could eat him then. After a few more cut scenes, tell Amarant why you do what you do. You can chose Dagger, Kuja, or Dunno. Your choice will not impact the outcome.

    Shimmering Island
    OK. Step one: Re-equip all your guys, decide on a party, then save. If you're ready to head out, pilot the Hilda Garde 3 to the shimmering island. As you hover over the colorful area, you'll be able to land now. (You've not been able to do this until now, so if you're reading ahead, don't try it until after you've broken the seal.) Press 'O' to land, then tell your guys to "keep going." Watch the cut scenes, then you'll wind up on Terra. Head right one screen, then take the low road to the left. You can get to a chest with a Coronet here if you jump right. If you jump forward and wrap around to the right, there is a Dragon Wrist in a chest.

    Grab those, then head back up to the main path. This time, take the road straight. On the next screne you'll find a chest on the left with an Elixir . A little further up, you'll meet someone who looks a lot like Zidane. Follow her. The next screen spans a long way to the upper right corner of the screen. On the next one, Zidane will ask, "Where'd she go?" Go to the far right and examine the blue net to climb down it. On the next level, take the net to the right down to pick up a Remedy , then come back up.

    Go around the left corner and hop over the hole to get the chest ( Mythril Racket ) behind the corner. Come back toward the hole and this time "Go Down." Open the chest there for a Demon's Vest then head left. After the conversation, follow the girl. It's hard to see, but you'll go toward the top of the screen on the next screen. Go ahead and go on like she says and you'll end up where there are a bunch of stairs. On that screen, go up the first flight and head directly left, then wrap around forward and right. This hidden path will lead you to a chest with a Minerva's Plate inside. Head back up to the stairs and continue up to the next screen. Welcome to...

    Bran Bal
    After the cut scenes, you'll get control of Zidane. If either Dagger or Steiner are in your party, you'll regroup. Talk to everyone in this town. Head right first, and go through the first door on your right. Examine the rocking pot to free Moorock (a moogle) so that you can mognet/mogshop/ Tent /save (save enough money to spend 2222 on Stiltzkin, though). Open the chest here for a Wing Edge , then head back outside.

    Immediately go back inside and talk with Stiltzkin. Buy Diamond , Ether and Elixir for 2222, then exit the room again. Talk to these guys, and head around to the upper left (don't go in any buildings yet though) keep talking. On the next screen, keep walking around that thing in the middle, but when you get to the bottom, go slow. There are two exits here. Both lead down and right, but the upper one is hard to see. Take it. You should end up under the stairs that lead up to Bran Bal. Go right (under the stairs) and examine when the exclamation mark shows up. Open the chest here for a Flash Hat .

    Go back to the screen leading to the storage area (where Moorock is) and enter the other building. Head down the stairs on the right, and go all the way to the front of the screen. There is an Elixir here. Talk to these guys, then head back up the stairs and talk to the guys there. Leave this building using the lower left exit, then enter the inn on your left. Eventually Zidane will leave and you'll be in control as just him.

    Head back inside the inn and run all the way to the back. Open the chest there for an Elixir . Talk to Freya if you want to rest, otherwise head out. If you really want to, you can level-up Zidane here by leaving the village and fighting. You better have auto-life and auto-reflect enabled, though. Roulette / bio can get really ugly. To continue on, head into the room to the right of the inn, where the weird crystal thing is and go down stairs and talk to the girl. When she leaves, follow her up the stairs. Eventually, you'll be Eiko, in charge of finding Zidane.

    Leave the inn and head right. If you want, you can go save first (and, if you want, level up eiko by herself), but you're going to want to pick up other people. Grab Quina from the Crystal Room, then Vivi from in front of the storage room, and finally Amarant from the town entrance. Go through the glowing green doorway you couldn't get through before (it's on the same screen as Amarant), then follow the path and talk to the girl.

    When you first get control of Zidane inside Pandemonium, just make sure you are equiped and head forward. You'll have a short discussion, then you'll want to continue forward and follow him. You can't do much of anything else until after the Pandemonium title screen shows up. Follow Garland by jumping from platform to platform and listening to him going on and on. After a very long time, you'll be fighting an Amdusias - with Freya and Amarant helping out. You'll get a few friends to help, and go through a battle with an Abadon - with Quina and Steiner.

    If you didn't learn twist from the Red Dragons in Mount Gulug, you can usually learn Twister by eating an Abadon. Unfortunately, Quina can't eat this one. After him, you'll be fighting a Shell Dragon. You can steal an Elixir from him, if you try hard enough, and thievery probably will do quite a bit of damage. This guy will use an attack called "Smash" that will reduce you to one HP. Then you'll get healed by Dagger, who is apparently the only one Zidane will listen to. You get 4 AP from him, though, which is pretty cool. After a bit of conversation, you'll get an opportunity to level up with Dagger, Qunia and Steiner. If you have it (and haven't already equiped it) be sure to equip the Ancient Aroma to Dagger. You'll wanna equip Clear Headed to your guys, too.

    If you run across a Malboro, you can get seriously worked. Steiner's "Shock" works well on them, though. Level 4 Holy works on the Mover enemies, but Odin doesn't. Head back through the doorway you came in via and follow that hallway all the way to the rest of your party. Moorock has followed you here, so be sure to use him to Tent /mogshop/switch out party members. Choose your party and head past the Moogle. That's right, backtrack one screen and grab the Holy Miter on the chair. Now go ahead and head back to the right. When you pass the room you found dagger in, you'll enter a little maze. Examine the controls at the top of the screen, then try to avoid the lighted bubbles. Watch the video to see how to do this. (NOTE: You can right click on that link and "save as" to import it into quicktime. Once you have it on your machine, you can expand it to watch this full screen, which will likely be easier to see.)

    Walk quickly through the maze and across the light bridge. In the next room, you'll find a device used to control a platform a little further on. There are two values here. Once controls the direction the platform faces, the other control shows the height it is stopped at. The way this works is, if you examine any ledge that's on a different level than the elevator, it'll come down to your level. The heading determines which direction the elevator entrance faces. Enter a value of 3, then head left and get onto the platform where you can. Once you get off, continue up, and you should be able to jump on again and get 20,007 Gil.

    Ride back down and go back to the control room, and this time choose a value of 4. Go back and keep getting on and off the elevator until you get to a circular room. If this works for you and you've made it to the 4th floor, skip the next section.

    (Optional) Note: It looks like there are a few things that can happen here. One time I ended up having my second party show up to help "man the controls" while you go play with the elevator. When that happens, have Zidane's party go left to where the elevator is. The ATE will let you switch between parties. If that happens to you, here's the magic formula:

    1. Use the ATE to become party 2.
    2. Set the Heading to 4 and press "X". Then press "O". If you don't do it in that order, it doesn't stay toggled.
    3. Switch to Zidane and get on the Elevator. You'll go up.
    4. When you get off the elevator, go all the way around and up, up up (you'll be on the 3rd floor).
    5. At the very top and far left, examine the far edge.
    6. Switch to party 2.
    7. Use the ATE to change the heading to 4.
    8. Hop on and "Go up to the fourth floor."

    When you get get to the fourth floor, it's tough to see - but there are three elevators here. You can find one by going to the bottom of the screen, then heading left, you can find another by going right and up, then coming toward the bottom of the screen, and the final one is up and left, the cuts back to the right. Read this section before heading out - if you're getting worked by the enemies here, you may want to take a different path than if not.

    Let's talk about where the various paths take you. The upper one and the left one both lead to different parts of the same general place. This next section (the elevator maze) is devided into two sections. If you need to save, do them in the normal order. NOTE: If you are confidant that these random encounters won't kill off your guys, go ahead and do the 2nd section, then the first. When you get to number 2 on the first (as written) one, take the other (lower right path) and get the chest there (steps 7 and 8), then follow 7 through 4 in reverse order. If you do these in the order I've written them below, you'll take a litle longer, but you'll save twice. You'll get all the stuff either way.
    Section one (Get me out of here!):
    1. Take the platform that's left and down.
    2. Of the two elevators on the next level, take the upper one.
    3. There are two more elevators here - one up and one down.
    4. Optional: Take the elevator down and right, then take the only elevator here and open the chest for Battle Boots . Go back down.
    5. Take the elevator going up and right.
    6. On the next level, take the only elevator you can get to.
    7. Save/Mognet/etc at the Moogle (Mozme). You can now leave this area by heading right past the moogle, BUT FIRST - See the strategy notes below!.

    Section two (I want stuff!):
    1. Take the elevator up and left on the fourth floor.
    2. Take the only elevator you see here.
    3. On the next level, there will be 3 other exits. Take the far right one (it's blue).
    4. On the next level, open the chest for an Elixir .
    5. Go back to the previous level, this time, take the far left elevator (it's blue too).
    6. Follow the path here to the chest for a Carabini Mail (steiner finally gets auto-regen).
    7. Go back up the elevator to the previous level.
    8. This time, take the pink elevator.
    9. You should be back in the circular room with three exits. Refer to Section One instructions above.

    OK - let's talk strategy. Since you'll be fighting some tough enemies here, let's be ready. Here are the abilities you want equiped, in order of (to me anyway) importance. Remember, if you have reflect enabled on all your characters, you'll want reflect-null for your healer so she can still use cure magics. If you have Freya in your party, don't bother with auto-regen, just use her Rei's Wind. I took Freya, Zidane and Eiko. The other person is arbitrary, in my opinion, so I took Steiner because I wanted him to learn some skills. I really recommend either Eiko or Dagger - you want a healer; remember, though, that Eiko knows holy, and that's a powerful spell. Freya is pretty good, too. Feel free to swap out Steiner with Vivi or Amarant (or Quina, if you have lots of powerful blue magic).
    1. Bandit and master theif (Zidane only)
    2. locomtion
    3. auto-reflect
    4. reflect-null (healer only)
    5. ability up (if you need it)
    6. clear headed
    7. insomniac
    8. auto-regen
    9. auto-life
    10. auto-haste
    11. dragon killer

    Boss: Silver Dragon
    You can steal Kaiser Knuckles , Dragon Mail and Elixir . By now I already had plenty of Elixirs and the Kaisre Knuckles, so I only wanted the Dragon Mail . Have Zidane steal until you have everything you want, then have him attack (don't forget about his Theivery skill!) In the mean time, use the other three to keep your guys alive. Have Freya use Rei's wind to heal, and Dragon Killer to attack. Steiner (or whoever) can use items to heal. Eiko or Dagger can cure, but Eiko has holy - and a trance with Holy can do two or three rounds of double white holy attack. THAT'S a powerful character. Anyway, after the battle, watch a few cut scenes, then fight...

    Boss: Garland
    You can steal Dark Gear , Ninja Gear and Battle Boots from Garland. Use the same attack pattern as above. Use white draw to replenish your magic, if you need to. Between Holy and Dragon's Crest, though, you shouldn't need to do much else. Afterwords, watch some cut scenes then begin the last battle on this disc...

    Boss: Kuja
    You can steal a Light Robe , a Carabini Mail and an Ether from Kuja. Watch out for his Flare Star attack. It can REALLY mess you up. Be ready to heal up when that happens. You probably already have the items he carries, so you may not want to steal. Eventually, he'll trance and cast Ultima, signaling the end of the battle. Get ready to run. After Kuja's Fantastic Pyrotecnics Display (TM), you'll regain control of Zidane. Head forward and around the bend until a light bridge shows up. Go across it and you'll get to a weird statue. As far as I can tell, there are no random encouners here. Run to where the genomes are and you'll auto-magically round them up and leave. Watch the cool cut scenes. Save your game (you don't wanna do all that again, do you?!?)


    Disc 4

    On the Invincible
    As soon as you take control of the invincible, press the triangle to return to the bridge. Head down one screen. On the far left is a chest. Open it for the Pisces Stellazio Coin (see the Stellazio Side Quest Section for more information). Talk with all your guys, if you want, then return to the bridge. There are a few things you can do now. Check out the optional side quests below (or to the left under their respective secions), and when you are ready head to the Memoria section below.

    Optional: Stellazio / Treno
    Pick up the Pisces Stellazio on the Invincible and head to Treno. Give it to Queen Stella and get your reward. If you've been following along, you'll have received the Robe of Lords . While you are in Treno, be sure to fight the Bahemeth to win a Circlet (if you are powerful enough, that is). FYI: If you steal, you can get a Phoenix Pinion . Not really worth it, ne? I used auto-haste, auto- Potion , auto-life, auto-regen and hp restore. My fight was Thievery (which causes Meteor Counter for 3K+ dmg), then Elixir . Repeat 3 times. My Thievery does 7856 dmg. Be sure to read the reset of the Stellazio Side Quest Section to see what to do next!!!

    Optional: Chocobos
    If you have not already completed the assorted chocobo-related side quests, be sure to do them now. This is pretty much your last chance. You should now be able to search for the treasure chest with the Ultima Weapon (Zidane) under the Shimmering Island.

    Quina, Quale, Quan and Viv
    If you have not done so already, put Vivi and Quina in your party and head to Quan's Dwelling. Go into the kitchen and watch the cut scenes. When the cut scenes are over, examine the clock for a pair of " Running Shoes ."

    Optional: Excalibur
    Go to Daguerreo. From the entrance, go left an take the elevator up to where the weapons shop is. Head right, into the Libray. Talk to the "Old Man" there on your left. He'll tell you he is VERY interested in an item called the Magical Fingertip . Head to Treno and buy it in the auction, then bring it back to him to aquire the Excalibur .

    Optional: Mognet
    NOTE: Be sure to read the whole Mognet Section to be sure you haven't missed anything. Then do the moogles below in the following order:

    1. When you get to disc four, take a ride to Alexandria (there's an Ether on the ground by the honeymooning couple) and make your way to the bell tower. You should be able to find Kupo, Chesnut (to jump rope) and Stiltzkin. Talk to Stiltzkin, then buy a Moonstone , Ruby and Elixir from him for 5555 Gil. Talk to him again and you'll get a Ribbon . Now go to Kupo (far left) and Mognet. He tells you he thinks you're all close to solving the mystery of Mognet. Get a letter for Atla. NOTE: If you have a Kupo Nut in your inventory, you should head to Gizamluke's Grotto and give it to the moggle there for an item (if you've done all the possible Kupo nuts so far, it should be an Aloha Shirt.
    2. Once you have the letter for Alta, take a ride west over to Burmecia. Head through the city up to the storeroom where you bought stuff from Stiltzkin earlier in the game. Give him he letter and get a Kupo Nut (if you don't have one already). Mognet again and you'll get a letter from Alta for Mogryo.
    3. Once you have this letter head over to Gizamaluke's Grotto and trade your Kupo Nut to Moguta for another phoenix pinion then head north to Black Mage Village. Head right to the windmill (where Bobby Corwen lives). Mognet to Mogryo and get a Kupo Nut and talk again to get a letter for Kumool.
    4. Leave Black Mage Village and give Moguta your Kupo Nut in exchange for an Ether . Head as far west as you can to where Ipsen's Castle (the upside down one) is. Head inside and take the stairs on the right to the "small room." Give Kumool a letter from Mogryo and you'll get a Kupo Nut . Mognet again and you'll get a letter for Mois.
    5. Give the Kupo Nut to Moguta (get a Tent ), put quina in your party then head to the Qu's Marsh entrance to Fossil Roo (up from the pond, right from the hut). Give Mois a letter from Kumool and get a Kupo Nut . Mognet again for a letter for Noggy.
    6. While going to exchange it, I met Ragtime (Question 15, only one more to go, lol). Cool! Anyway, exchange your Kupo Nut for another Tent then head to Daguerreo and go up the elevator on in the room on the right. Mognet with Noggy and get a Kupo Nut . Mognet again for a letter for Kupo (thus the circle is completed).
    7. Trade in your Kupo Nut (another Tent ) and head to Alexandria. Give Kupo the letter from Noggy to finally learn what this "item" is called (superslick). Oh, and you get a Kupo Nut , too. Heh. Leave the bell tower and go around the corner to miss Ruby's Theater. Talk to miss Ruby and get the superslick.
    8. Take the superslick to Mognet Central. Give the Superslick to Artemicion and watch him fix the machine. He'll give you a Protect Ring as a reward. Head toward the door and talk to the Moogles along the way. Mosh will tell you how many letters you've delivered (I had delivered 26). I took the final Kupo Nut to Mogut and got an Ether . That's the end of this Side Quest!

    Optional: Eidolon Wall Bonus
    OK. This little trick will teach you a little more about Eidolons and Dagger. First step, pull Dagger (and Ammarant, apparently) out of your party. I took Zidane, Vivi, Quina and Eiko with me. Head to Madain Sari and walk to Eiko's Kitchen, where you will meet Lani (the chick with the axe). Talk to her. Then talk again. She'll mention seeing some words in a small room. Look in the room downstairs (you'll see an exclamation mark at the front edge of the screen). There, Zidane will read:

    Time moves forward once
    Time moves backward once
    Nine is the last number
    It is also the first.

    This little piece of information gives you all the hints you should need to figure this one out. Head to the Eidolon wall. When you get there, you'll notice that things are rearrainged. You can now travel around the path and read the wall. The hint above is basically telling you to walk clockwise (right) around the room. When you pass the entrance, you should hear a sound. After that, turn around and go back. Repeat this process until you have done it nine times (you'll hear a different sound effect, and your characters will stop moving; a screen will pop-up telling you that HP an MP are restored, Status effects removed). After this, you'll be able to read all the Eidolon picture things. You'll also learn Dagger's real name and read the message Eiko's parents left for her about not leaving the village. Look for the entries written on that wall which start "I survived the storm" and "Eiko, my lovely child." For kicks, go change Dagger's name by findind the guy in Daguerro who wants to see your Namingway card (if you don't have one, go win one). In case you are curious, I haven't noticed that this change the game in any way, though I think it would be rad Easter Egg if this unlocked something.

    Optional: Restocked Shops
    Black Mage Village now has some cool stuff for sale. If you climb up the ladder in the Black Cat Synth shop you can listen to petty squabling. See the shops area (under the large heading: disc 4) for a list of which shops carry what. While you are in Black Mage Village, If you have Doga's Artifact and Une's Mirror you can use them on the phonograph machine at the inn.

    Optional: Vile Island Level Up
    The island where you met the Friendly Yan is a great place to level up - if you do it properly. These guys will do a LOT of damage to you in a very short period of time. Set your battle speed slow enough to control what's going on, and set auto-life, auto-regen, and auto-haste. If you have more than one of them show up at a time, you may want to consider casting STOP to keep it from doing awful stuff to your guys, then killing off the STOPed enemy. Incidentally, the more you wander around in a forest, the more likely ragtime is to show up. Incidentally, Return Magic is great here! Vivi can keep throwing commet back to the Yans for 5k - 9k dmg, even if the Yan misses! Of course, Vivi can miss too. You may want to consider having Quina learn Mustard Bomb by eating a bomb in the forest near Lindblum (yeah, you have to look around for quite a while if there's a bunch of Hydra Worm enimies).

    OK. Now that most of your optional side quests are finished, let's head to Memoria. If you've unequiped some abilities (like master theif, etc) renable them before continuing. You can leave and come back later (if you want) so don't feel like you absolutely must get every little thing done before proceding. Pay attention to your antibody, Locomotion, and reflect on each member for the Memoria area; you'll be glad you did. Head to the large glowing red sphere atop the Iifa Tree and press the "Circle" button to begin watching the fun. Eventually, you'll get sucked into a battle with Nova Dragon (I guess he doesn't go anywhere *rimshot*). Anyway, you can steal a Grand Armor , a Dragon Wrist and a Remedy .

    Mighty Guard, put him to sleep (go Vivi!) and use magics on him. If you have auto-regen enabled on your characters (and/or can keep putting him to sleep/slow him down) he's not really any threat. After a quick battle, watch the dialogue then head up the stairs. You can save by jumping into that large blackish bubble surrounded with swirly lights on the left. While you listen to the music from Final Fantasy VII (temple of the ancients) you can head just up past that and search on the right. There is a Kain's Lance hidden there. It's not as good as the Dragon's Hair , but it's better than just about everything else. Head up one screen. On the next screen, wind around the walkway and head out the doorway on the left.

    On that screen, go up the stairs until you get to the walkway leading out into thin air. There's a The Tower there (it's a weapon for Zidane; it's nowhere near as good as the Ultima Weapon ). Continue up to the next screen. You'll see a long walkway in the sky. Follow it and you'll hear the "Boss Music" start up. Congradulations, you get to fight the Chaos Guardias again. First up: Malaris. You can steal a Masamune , an Ultima Sword , and a Genji Armor . Of course, if you've been following along, you've probably already acquired each of these. BTW: when he gets killed, he'll cast Raining Swords" which will probably ruin your day if your guys aren't over 1300 HP at the end of the battle. Hint hint. Continue on and your party will come across "Alexandria." You'll learn a little. When the lesson is over, go look closely at the ruins. To the left of the ruins is an Angel Flute. To the right is a hidden save point.

    Continue on to the right and you'll come to a stairway that's kind of tough to see. You have to wrap around towards yourself. Go through the doorway at the top of the screen and continue on. At the top of the stairway (slightly left), Zidane can look around. This is your cue that he can hear something there. What he can hear is someone to play cards with. I strongly suggest you have the game saved before card batteling these guys. This is the "Ghost of the most infamous card master." This guy plays with Ribbon cards.

    You can get some really sweet cards, though. I played one of the ghosts and got a perfect, neting myself an Ifrt, 2xTwo Moons and 2x Madeen! As you cross the bridge to the right, Zidane will see a pair of travelers. You'll get a little more information, then you'll continue on. Head up the stairs and you'll come to the "Eye-in-the-Sky" staircase. After a bit of leture, search off to your left for the Rune Claws hidden there. Arm yourself for battle before head up the stairs. You get to fight Tiamat, and you'll want to prep a bit. First, turn off any auto- Potion and/or auto-regen abilities. (Zombie alert!). Corrolary: Stock up on Magic Tag status fixers! You can steal a Grand Helm , Feather Boots and a Blood Sword from him. Holy works well, as does Dragon's Crest.

    Watch out for his attacks, though. He can cause your entire party to get Zombied; this is very bad if you have auto-regen enabled (moaned the voice of experience). He can also absorb some of your magic, so use Chakra to recharge your guys if needed. After the battle, continue on up the stairs. On the next screen, there's another hidden save point on the right. You'll walk between two buildings down an alley, which is almost imposible to see. Tent /Save then head up and to the right. On the next screen, Zidane will look around if you walk to the lower right corner of the screen (another card ghost). Head left to the next screen and you'll walk through the bell tower - directly above the screen where you found the hidden save point. Go right and up the stairs to the next screen. After a brief lesson, head up the long stairway and over to the next screen. Save at the save point and get ready for a battle. Head down and into the waterfall. Watch Qunia spaz out, then get ready for...

    Optional: Master Synthesist/Hades
    If you head around behind (away from you) and to the right of the coral just to the left of where qunia had his fit and search, you'll hear a Mysterious Voice. It will say, "Who dares disturb my sleep? Leave at once, or you will die." Select "Don't Leave" from the pop-up window. You will be catapulted into a battle with Hades. Did you notice the music? Apparently we're back to the Festival of the Hunt now. :D Good luck! You can steal a Robe of Lords (really cool!), Battle Boots , Running Shoes and a Reflect Ring from him. Shock and Dragon's Crest can both do 9999 to him. After you beat him, you can come back here and have him synth stuff for you. This is how you can get the Pumice (from two pieces) and THAT is what teaches Dagger the powerful Ark summon. See the Shops Section under "Memoria" for a list of all the cool stuff you can get here!

    Continuing in Memoria
    Once you have beat Hades (but not if you've skipped past him) consider saving your game at the previous screen. After that, head forward to the end of the screen and up the short stairway. You'll get a little more explination, then get ready to fight, Water Chaos Krakken, Left Tentacle and Right Tentacle. A note about his attacks... Krakken casts Waterga against the whole party. Either equip something to make this HEAL you, or have everyone cast auto-reflect. Krakken carries a Glutton's Robe , a Wizard Rod , and a Genji Helmet . Right Tentacle carries a Wing Edge . Left Tentacle carries an Elixir . I usually have Zidane try to steal good stuff, and have everyone else kill of the tentacles. A shock and a Dragon's Crest, and no more tenticle. When they're gone, I steal what the main body is carrying, then proceed to wail on him. Feel free to wait until you've stolen everything first, though. For fun, throw a Tent at him and see if he's "Bitten by Silence/Darkness/Poison Snake!" When I had Dagger cast stuff, he was guarded against Blind, Mini, Confuse, Berserk and Silence.

    He'll get LOTS of heath back for it. It's weird. Anyway, once you've killed him off, head up the stairs to the clock room (Time Warp). At the top of the stairs (off to the right) is a save point. Through the arch is Card Master Empress. You can save and play here, but beware: she's tough! On the next screen you learn a little more. After the cut scene, climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder is a platform. The far left corner of the platform holds a " Mace of Zeus ," which allows Vivi to learn the Doomsday skill. The far right corner has a phantom you can play cards with. Go up the next ladder here and into the room.

    If you are worried about your guys getting hit by earth damage, you can equip auto-float to nullify this next guardian's starting attack. Also, if all your guys are at a level that's a multiple of 5, please level up before going on. He casts Level 5 Death, which kills anyone who's level is a multiple of 5. There are three doors here, which gradually fade out. Now you can fight 'Earth Chaos' Lich. You can steal a Black Robe , a Siren's Flute , and Genji Gloves . After defeating him, you can save/ Tent in the upper left corner of this screen. If you go through that doorway, you'll see a bit of a cut scene. When you see Zidane floating in space, you can either headbackwards or forwards. If you just stand there, nothing happens (even though he appears to be walking). When you get to the next screen, you'll hear a lot of talking, then be able to walk. Go up and right, then cut back toward the upper left side of the screen.

    On the next screen, head left. On the next screen, you'll head down, around a loop and back up to the top of the screen. On this screen, you can Tent /save/teleport-to-memoria-entrance. The enemies you fight throughout this area are tough, but worth it. Head through the portal at the end of this screen to fight "Deathguise." He carries Duel Claws , Black Belt and an Elixir . After you beat Deathguise, you don't get anything, but you can leave and go to the previous screen to save the game. You can (optionaly) equip any of the stuff you have just stolen. This is your last chance to head back. Once you head forward, you have to fight Trance Kuja and it's the end of the game. To let you know where I'm at now, I have Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and Quina - all of whom have a 9999 always hits attack (Thievery, Dragon's Crest, Shock, and Frog Drop).

    When you're sure you're done playing around, head forward and cue the endgame-battle music. He carries a Rebirth Ring , a White Robe and an Ether . He also has an attack called Flare Star that does serious damage to all your guys, so don't let the HP drop too far. He ends the battle with Ultima. After this battle, you'll have to chose four people who will fight, then you can item them all up. Don't hold back here; equip your best stuff and make sure you have anti-stop and rebirth. Now you get to fight Necron. You can steal an Elixir or four. Beat him, and the game is over. You'll want to be sure you have at least one or two character who are ready at all times to use Magic-Tags to cure zombie (ESPECIALLY if you use auto-regen). You may have to press "x" a LOT to advance the end-of-game dialogue.

    Congradulations. That's all, folks!

    Depending on what you have in your inventory, you may see a different series of things. Try Reverting to your last save and watching an ending without the Hammer and/or without Save the Queen.


    Mognet Side Quest

    Something has gone wrong at mognet central! You'll need to help deliver de letter (de sooner de better!) for all the poor mognetless moogles. To help you out, here is a list of all the moogles you'll need to find, and who their letters are from/to. Happy delivery! Be sure to checkout the rest of the story under "Optional: Mognet" on disc 4. You'll also have to have a chocobo who can open cracks (and some dead peppers to feed him). See the "Chocobo" section for more information on this topic.

    Moogle Locations
    Moogle name Location What to do
    Kupo Alexadra's Bell Tower The first moogle you meet, Kupo will tell you that they are having trouble delivering mail and ask you to give a message to Monty (evil forest).
    Later in the game, he'll give you a message for Mosh.
    Mosh Alexandria Castle Guard Room (See below for more) Give Mail from Kupo to Mosh
    Mosko Outside Prima Vista in Evil Forest Recieve a message from miss Ruby to Zidane.
    Monty Evil Forest at refreshing Spring (see below for more) Give Mail from Kupo to Montu then read mail from Stiltzkin to Monty.
    Mois Ice Cave - Frozen in ice Thaw ice and get Mail from Mois to Gumo
    Gumo Dali's Inn Give Mail from Ms to Gumo.
    Kumop After Vivi goes missing, Kumop is in the Celler under Dali Get a letter from Kumop to Mogki
    Mogki Lindblum Castle (guest bedroom) Give letter from Kumop, get letter to Atla
    Moodon Lindblum's Inn Get a letter from miss Ruby to Zidane. (See below for more)
    Moonte Lindblum Castle Dragon Gate Read a Letter From Stiltzkin
    Mogmi Gizamaluke Grotto Read a letter from Moodon.
    Grimo Southgate, bottom of the ravine Get a letter for Nazna
    Atla Ruined Burmecia Palace Give Atla a letter from Mogki then get a letter for Monev.
    Nazna Top of the Summit from Southgate Give Nazna a letter from Grimo then get a letter for Mochos
    Mogrich Treno (by the auction house) Read a letter from Stiltzkin.
    Mochos Treno (Gargan Roo, under doctor Tot's tower). Give Mochos a letter from Nazna
    Monev Clyra's Trunk, near the "Sand Fall." Give Monev a letter from Atla in exchange for a Kupo Nut .
    Mopli Clyra Settlement, Inn Read a letter from miss Ruby to Zidane
    Mopli Clyra Settlement, Antlion den; after Mages begin attack Get a letter from Mopli to Serino
    Serino Queen Braun's Ship, right after you see her call odin. Give Serino a letter from Mopli, then get a letter to deliver to Moodon.
    Mosh Alexandria Castle's Dungeon, after Dagger awakens from the Eidolon Ordeal. Get a letter for Monty.
    Monty Pinnacle Rocks, after gargant ride Give a letter from Mosh
    Moodon Lindblum's Inn, after alexandria attacks Give Moodon a letter from Serino, Read a letter from miss Ruby, Get a letter for Moonte
    Moonte Lindblum's Dragon's Gate Give Moonte a letter from Moodon.
    Mogki Fossil Roo, when you first ride the Gargant. Read a letter from Kuppo.
    Kuppo Fossil Roo (Hiding behind a wall, use the hammer to let him out. Get a Letter for Kupo from Kuppo.
    Mogmatt Conde Petie, in the shop Get a letter from Mogmatt to Suzana
    Mogryo Black Mage Village, by the Chocobo Get a letter from Mogryo to Mocchi
    Suzuna Mountain Path (Past Conde Petie) Give Suzana a letter from Mogmatt
    Mocchi Iifa Tree, on the roots Give Mocchi a letter from Mogryo
    Mocchi Iifa Tree, Hiding on the Trunk Read a letter from Stiltzkin
    Kupo (Disc 3) Still in Alexandria's Bell tower Give Kupo a letter from Kuppo, Read a letter from Mogrika to Kupo
    After you become Zidane, head back and read a letterfrom Stiltzkin.
    Mogirich Treno outside Auction House Read a letter from Kupo to Mogrich
    Mogki (Disc 3) Lindblum Castle - Guest Room Get a letter from Mogki to Moodon
    Moodon (Disc 3) Lindblum - Inn Give Moodon a letter from Mogki
    Mimoza Oeilvert - Outside Get a Letter for Mooel
    Mooel Oeilvert - Inside Give a letter from Mimoza to Mooel. Get a Kupo Nut .
    Mojito Kuja's Desert Palace, after Cid saves the day Get a letter from Mojito to Mogsam
    Mogsam Kuja's Desert Palace, hidden in Library Give a letter from Mojito to Mogsam
    Mogrika Esto Gaza Read a letter from Artemicion to Mgrika
    Get a letter from Mogrika to Moolan
    Molan Mount Gulug Give a letter from Mogrika to Moolan
    Get a letter from Moolan to Mogtaka
    Mogki Lindblum Castle - After Mount Gulug Get a letter from Mogki to Kumool
    Kumool Ipsen's Castle - Near entrance Give a letter from Mogki to Kumool
    Moorock Bran Bal Get a letter from Moorock to Mozme
    Mozme Pandemonium - Elevator maze Give Mozme a letter from Mooorock
    Kupo Get a letter for Atla (see Disc 4 section for more info)
    Atla Burmecia - Storeroom Give a letter from Kupo, get Kupo Nut and letter for Mogryo
    Mogryo Black Mage Village - Windmill Give a letter from Atla, get a Kupo Nut and a letter for Kumool
    Kumool Ipsen's Castle - Small Room Give a letter from Mogryo, get a letter for Mois
    Mois Qu's Marsh - Entrance to Fossil Roo (requires quina) Give a letter from Mois, get a letter for Noggy
    Noggy Duagerreo - elevator room on right Give a letter fom Mois, get a letter for Kupo
    Kupo Back to Alexandria's Bell tower Give Kupo a letter from Noggy.
    miss Ruby miss Ruby's Theater She's not a mog, but talk to her anyway (see disc four mognet section).


    Eedolons and Gems

    You can collect 'em all!
    Throughout the game, you'll encounter various gems. Your summoners can learn cool summons from these. But that's not all... You'll notice that there are places where you can synth those Ore you are carrying into a different Gem. Since the gems you end up with sometimes cannot be sold for the same ammount as the two substances it takes to make them, this often doesn't make sense. But there's another use for the gems in this game. So what's so special about them? Well, the more gems you have, the more closely aligned you are with it's associated summon. Meaning: the more you have, the more powerful your summon can be. Here are the gems associated with each summon.

    Summon Learn From Dmg linked to Where to Synth What it takes
    Ark Pumice Lapis Lazuli Memoria Ore , Dead Pepper *
    Atmos Amethyst Amethyst Daguerreo Ore , Annoyntment
    Bahamut Garnet Garnet Daguerreo Ore , Remedy
    Carbuncle Ruby Depends** n/a n/a
    Fenrir Sapphire Sapphire Daguerreo Ore , Antidote
    Ifrit Topaz Topaz Daguerreo Ore , Eye Drops
    Leviathan Aquamarine Aquamarine Daguerro Use 5 Ore on statue
    Madeen Ribbon Eiko's Level n/a n/a
    Odin Dark Matter Ore n/a n/a
    Phoenix Phoenix Pinion Phoenix Pinion Memoria Phoenix Down , Gyshal Greens
    Ramuh Peridot Peridot Daguerreo Ore , Soft
    Shiva Opal Opal Daguerreo Ore , Potion

    * to acquire Dead Pepper x99 quickly and free, head to chocobo's paradise (see Chocobos Section) and talk to the chocobo on the left of the Fat Chocobo.

    ** Carbuncle is an odd case. Depending on what you have equipped when you summon him, he'll grant you different status bonuses. For Vanish, Haste, and Shell, try it with a Diamond , Emerald , and Moonstone . Anything else, and you get reflect.


    Friendly (or at least not hostile) Monsters
    At random times during your fighting while traveling, you'll hear different music start to play. This is your not-so-subtle cue that it's time to NOT-FIGHT a monster. If some guy shows up with an 'X' on one side and an 'O' on the other, see the Ragtime Section. Otherwise, you'll want to be sure to give these guys what they ask for, and - in return - you'll get some great AP (making it totally worth it) but also some bonus stuff. You can fight them in any order you want, but I recommend fighting them in the order below, and I'll be sure to have markers in the standard walkthrough to show you when you can do them first.

    All but the last one can be done in any order, but some give things that the next one asks for. By defeating these guys, you'll gain MASSIVE AP. Also, if you get them all (and the last one must come last) you'll be able to land physical attacks against Ozma, the ultimate bad guy. See the Chocobos Section for more information on Ozma. One final thing: there's an enemy floating around called a Gimmie Cat who asks for a Diamond . He doesn't have the 'nice music' playing when he shows up, so he's not nice. If you give him a Diamond , he'll run away with it and you're hosed. You're welcome. ;)

    Mu (a red-brown squirrel looking thing)
    You'll first have the oppertunity to fight this guy wen you are heading from the top of the ice cave down toward Dali Village (on disc 1). Just fight some monsters in the area until he shows up. When he does, he'll ask for 1 Ore . Give it to him, and you'll get 10 AP and a Potion . If you have trouble finding this guy, just run back and forth between the ice cavern and the town of Dali. He'll say, "Thanks! Tell Mr. Ghost I said 'hi!'" You get 10 AP and a Potion (like I said above).

    Mr. Ghost
    If you take the Detour past Treno (at the beginning of Disc 2) and opt to go visit Quan's Dwelling (Where Vivi grew up), you'll be able to find this guy (Sometime called white ghost or blue ghost) in the plains area between Treno and Quan's Dwelling. Feed him an Ore . He'll say, "Much Appreciated! Please give my best regards to Ladybug." You'll get 10 AP, 0 Exp and a Hi Potion . If you're having trouble finding him, wander around the small green patch just outside Quan's Dwelling.

    When you first come out onto the Outer Contnent, wrap around under the bridge and go walk around near the marsh. You'll be able to find Ladybug (Called "Colorful Ladybug" sometimes.) This guy has a blue face, a green body, moth wings (the heck?) and, of course, a Red Bow! "I want some Ore ." Give two Ore . 'Allright! Tell Yeti I said "hello." Thanks!' You'll get 0 EXP, 20 AP, 0 Gil and an Ether .

    When you first leave the Conde Petie Mouintain Path, heading for Madain Sari, you can bypass the village and head West toward the edge of the penninsula. Head to the forest that's hidden there (behind a small mountain range). He's ugly and kinda Greenish (thus he is sometimes called, 'Green Yeti'). "Give me some Ore !!!" Give him two ores. "Thanks. Say hello to Nymph for me." You'll get 0 EXP, 20 AP, 0 Gil and an Elixir .

    Sometimes called the Green Nymph, you can find this monster as soon as you've made it passed Conde Petie. Since you have to go this way after you leave Madain Sari, I ususally recommend people not come here until you have to do so in the course of the game. When you come to the fork in the road at the end of the Conde Petia Mountain Path, take the left fork and wander around the forest near the exit. It took 5 random encounters before I found her. "I wish I had some Ore ..." Feed her three Ore . "Wow, thank you! Give some to Jabberwock, to, okay?" You get 0 EXP, 30 AP, 0 Gil and an Emerald .

    Also called Purple Jabberwock, this guy looks odd. When you first get to the Forgotten Continent, wander around in the forest east of Oielvert. You'll need to use your mountain chocobo to get there. There are two forests here, a large one and a small one. Find the small one and run around in it. This guy wants an Emerald , not Ore . DON'T confuse them. Throw him one. " Emerald ...." "........" "Feather Cicle..." You get 0 EXP, 40 AP, 0 Gil and a Moonstone . Don't convert this Moonstone to something else (or if you *do*, be sure to have a spare; you MUST give a Moonstone to the next monster).

    Feather Circle
    This guy is also called "Green Feather Circle." Find your way to the Lost Continent (icy one) and wander around the Chocobo Tracks (that's where I found him, anyway, he might be everywhere but I didn't meet him anywhere else). He wants a Moonstone . "Can you give me a Moonstone ?" "Thank you. Have you met Garuda?" You get 0 EXP, 30 AP, 0 Gil and a Lapis Lazuli .

    Rainbow Graruda
    To find Garuda (sometimes called Rainbow Garuda or Tucan Sam) head to the Popos Heights at the top of Gizamaluke's Grotto. That's right! Our favorite level-up place is also the place to meet this Fiendly Monster. Just wander around the other forest. Meaning, not the one that you go into to get back down into Gizamaluke's Grotto. If all your guys have Reflect enabled, it makes fighting things here a lot easier. He wants a Lapis Lazuli . " Lapis Lazuli !" "Urrrrgh!" "URGH! URGH! Urgh?" That's helpful isn't it? You get 0 Exp, 40 AP, 0 Gil and a Diamond .

    AKA: Yellow Yan or Friendly Yan. I'll assume you have a chocobo with Sky ability, because if you don't, you can't get here. Fly to the island that you went to for the "Fairy Island" chocograph, the one with the huge mountain, just north of the center of the map. This is VERY dangerous, so save before you do anything. Run around in the forest and pray that you run into the Yan with the "friendly music." If you think your guys are buff, and I DO mean buff, go ahead and fight in random battles. Otherwise, equip Flee Gil and run from every battle. I DID run into Yan eventually, so I was happy for that. "Give me a Diamond ." He's not a Gimmie Cat, so you CAN give him one. You should have two by this time. "Thanks a lot! Now you can reach the round guy!" You get 0 EXP, 50 AP, 0 Gil, 1 Rosetta Ring , 1 Elixir Card.


    Stellazio Side Quest

    There are 13 Stellazio Coins scattered throughout the land, and a collector of Stellazio Coins in Treno. In case you can't figure it out you are the new rare coin dealer. Just find the coins and bring them to the lady in treno and she'll give you cool stuff. Here are the coin names and where to find them. I'll also point out when you can get them durring the Walkthrough. You'll be rewarded for each on you bring her. Here are the rewards:
    1. 1,000 Gil
    2. Phoenix Pinion
    3. 2,000 Gil
    4. Blood Sword
    5. 5,000 Gil
    6. Elixir
    7. 10,000 Gil
    8. Black Belt
    9. 20,000 Gil
    10. Rosetta Ring
    11. 30,000 Gil
    12. Robe of Lords (at this point, you'll get them all back and have to find number 13.
    13. Cinna's Hammer (when you give them all back to her, along with number 13).

    Nope, you don't get a suicidal member added to your party in this game. ;) On disc 1, when you first enter the town of Dali and have spent the night in the inn, head over to the windmill and (without talking to Vivi) go inside and look in the upper left corner of the main room.

    When you first enter Burmecia (not outside the gates), head straight forward toward what looks like either an overturned cart or a broken bucket. Examine behind it for the Cancer Stellazio.

    When you are first en route to Treno (as Steiner, Dagger and Marcus), head past it to Quan's Dwelling (just follow the mountain range past Treno). When you enter, head along the path, then go behind the pillar in the middle of the screen and down the rope. Go to the bottom most part of the path and search there. It's kinda hidden.

    When you first enter Treno as Steiner and Dagger Throw 13 10 Gil coins into the fountain. You'll get the Gemini Stellazio coin back.

    After getting the Gemini above, head up the stairs to the right, then down the ladder on the next screen. Behind the item shop there (the back right corner) is the Taurus coin hidden on the ground.

    After you have spent the first night in Black Mage Village your party will ather at the town entrance. Head back into the Inn and search on the ground in the Guest Room of the Inn to find the Virgo coin.

    When you first visit Madain Sari, search around the upper right edge of the fountain in the middle of town (the fountain look broken at the correct spot).

    At the beginning of Disc Three, you'll be Zidane wandering around Alexandria. When you first cross the moat in the boat (hey that rhymes! Would a goat hair life jacket designed to keep you warm while you went from town to castle be a goat moat boat float coat? Oh, sorry. I got distracted there.) you can enter the tower on the left. Go in, then take the door on the left leading to the room with the statue of Neptune. The Leo Stellazio is on the floor in the back.

    On Disc Three, you'll end up in Lindblum after the attack on Alexandra. While you are searching fo the three potions, head one screen up from the Inn and search on the far left (just down from the construction workers).

    When you first get the Airship, head to Daguerreo. Go right from the entrance and search in the water there.

    When you first enter Ipsen's Castle, there's a chest to your right. Open that for Ipsen's Coin. You must stay inside the castle, though, so don't go there if you aren't ready.

    When you first start disc 4 you'll be on the ship Invincible. Press triangle to go to the bridge, then go down one screen to the core. On the far left is a chest with the Pisces Stellazio Coin.

    After you receive the Robe of Lords for giving Stella the Pisces , talk to her again. Tell her there is one more, and you'll get all the Stellazio back. The writing on the Stellazio is, evidently, they key to the location of the 13th.

    Coin Writing
    Aries The story of 12 Zodiacs. The 11 Zodiacs pondered. How best to catch Virgo 's heart? Aries headed east.
    Taurus Taurus had an idea. He would give Virgo a gift. Through the forest and over the mountain, he found a star.
    Gemini Gemini thought by the river: 'I will sing her a song.' He didn't know where she was, but he hoped his song would reach her.
    Cancer Cancer headed to the cape where Virgo waited. The sun was setting into the ocean. Would he finally see her?
    Leo Leo was waiting for the sun to set into the ocean. Then Cancer showed up, and they began to fight. Into the ocean they fell.
    Virgo Watching the sunset from the cape, Virgo whispered, "My only wish is to be with you now..."
    Libra Libra was a perverse fellow. He would always walk in the opposite direction of the sun. Would he ever see Virgo ?
    Scorpio Scorpio was very timid. He always looked at his shadow, until on day he decided to look away. He walked up a hill.
    Sagittarius Sagittarius dashed though the night, Defying the chilly northern wind that was stinging his right cheek.
    Capricorn Impatient Capricorn ran up a hill toward the sun and fell asleep from exhaustion.
    Aquarius Aquarius arrived late. He asked everyone, "Who kissed Virgo ?"
    Pisces Pisces said to Aquarius , " Virgo made her choice. Go see him and he'll tell you the rest.
    From this, you are supposed to figure out that you need to look where you looked for all the other coins. I'll give you a hint - the Scorpio story seems weird. That's right, head to Quan's Dwelling! Go around the pillar, down the rope and search where you found the Scorpio . Under where it used to be, you'll find the Ophiuchus Stellazio coin. "Their future was uncertain, but Scorpio and Virgo kissed in the light of dusk. That moment meant everything. =by Ophiuchus =" The Scorpio an Virgo sparkle for some reason. Go back to Treno and give it to Queen Stella. You'll receive Cinna's Hammer for a reward.

    Congradulations. You're done with this side quest.



    This section tells you what you can buy where. There are three major types of shops: Item, Weapon and Synth. Also included is a list of notes that may tell you how to find a hidden shop, when things are avilable, etc. In retrospect, I'm discovering how ugly this layout looks. I'll be constructing a better layout soon. Please be patient!

    Alexandria (Disc 1):

    Evil Forest Crash Site

    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Broadsword , Iron Sword , Rod , Mage Staff , Wrist , Leather Wrist , Bronze Gloves , Leather Hat , Feather Hat , Rubber Helm , Bronze Helm , Leather Shirt , Silk Shirt , Bronze Armor
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent
    Synth: none
    Notes: none

    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Iron Sword , Javelin , Rod , Fork , Leather Wrist , Glass Armlet , Bronze Gloves , Silver Gloves , Steepled Hat , Headgear , Iron Helm , Leather Plate and Linen Curiass .
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops and Tent .
    Synth: Butterfly Sword ( Dagger , Mage Masher ), The Ogre (2x Mage Masher ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ).

    Lindblum's Dragon Gate
    Weapons: n/a
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: n/a

    Southgate - Bottom of the Ravine
    Weapons: n/a
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: n/a

    Burmecia - Mogshop

    Southgate Summit Shop
    Weapons: Air Racket , Mythril Rod , Glass Armlet , Silver Gloves , Mythril Gloves , Steepled Hat , Headgear , Magus Hat , Rubber Helm , Iron Helm , Barbut , Bronze Vest , Linen Curiass
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: The Weapons and Item shop are both in the same place. the lady at the bottom of the rest area (left of the moogle).

    Southgate: Base on Alexandria's side.
    Weapons: n/a
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent .
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: Part time Mary's shop.

    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent
    Synth: Butterfly Sword ( Dagger , Mage Masher ), The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft )

    Clyra Settlement
    Weapons: Partisan , Multina Racket , Mythril Rod , Flame Staff , Ice Staff , Needle Fork , Bone Wrist , Mythril Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Thunder Gloves , Magus Hat , Bandana , Mage's Hat , Mythril Helm , Chain Plate , Mythril Vest , Chain Mail , Mythril Armor .
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Annoyntment , Tent .
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: For weapons talk to Burmecian Soldier Dan outside of the Inn, for items, talk to Star Maden Nina in the center of down (down from the high temple).

    Lindblum (post destruction)
    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Ice Brand , Partisan , Multina Racket , Stardust Rod , Flame Staff , Ice Staff , Lightning Staff , Leather Wrist , Glass Armlet , Bone Wrist , Mythril Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Thunder Gloves , Magus Hat , Headgear , Bandana , Mage's Hat , Mythril Helm , Silk Shirt , Leather Plate , Bronze Vest , Chain Plate , Mythril Vest , Chain Mail , Mythril Armor .
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Annoyntment and Tent .
    Synth: Butterfly Sword ( Dagger , Mage Masher ), The Ogre (2x Mage Masher ), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut )
    Notes: You'll probably want to Synth the Barette and the Exploda as soon as you can.

    Lindblum's Dragon Gate, after destruction
    Weapons: Ice Brand , Partisan , Multina Racket , Stardust Rod , Mythril Armlet , Thunder Gloves , Bandana , Magus Hat , Mythril Helm , Chain Plate , Mythil Vest, Adaman Vest , Mythril Armor .
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent .
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: This is the first time you can buy a Remedy . I Strongly suggest investing in 50 or so.

    Fossil Roo
    Weapons: Ice Brand , Partisan , Multina Racket , Stardust Rod , Mythril Armlet , Thunder Gloves , Bandana , Mage's Hat , Mythril Helm , Chain Plate , Mythril Vest , Adaman Vest , Mythril Armor
    Items (Mogki, Kuppo and the Treasure Hunter all have the same items): Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: Talk to Mogki for Items, and the Treasure hunter at the end of Switch Two's Upper Course for weapons/armor/items.

    Conde Petie
    Weapons: Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Stardust Rod , Flame Staff , Ice Staff , Lightning Staff , Oak Staff , Mythril Fork , Mythril Armlet , Magic Armlet , Lamia's Tira, Ritual Hat , Adaman Vest , Magician Cloak
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: n/a

    Black Mage Village
    Weapons: Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Stardust Rod , Mage Staff , Flame Staff , Ice Staff , Lightning Staff , Oak Staff , Mythril Fork , Leather Wrist , glass armlet, bone wrst, Mythril Armlet , Magic Armlet , Leather Hat , Feather Hat , Steepled Hat , Headgear , Magus Hat , Bandana , Mage's Hat , Lamia's Tiara , Ritual Hat , Silk Shirt , Leather Plate , Bronze Vest , Chain Plate , Mythril Vest , Adaman Vest , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: Butterfly Sword ( Dagger , Mage Masher ), The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle (Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring )

    Madain Sari
    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Golem's Flute , Pinwheel MagcArmlet, Lamia's Tiara , Ritual Hat , Demon's Vest , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: n/a
    Notes: You can't shop until after Eiko agrees to break the seal on the Iifa tree.

    Alexandria (Disc 3)
    Weapons: Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Ice Brand , Partisan , Ice Lance , Cat's Claws , Poison Knuckles , Stardust Rod , Healing Rod , Lamia's Flute , Flame Staff , Ice Staff , Lightning Staff , Oak Staff , Pinwheel , Glass Armlet , Bone Wrist , Mythril Armlet , Magic Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Thunder Gloves , Lamia's Tiara , Ritual Hat , Twist Headband , Barbut , Mythril Helm , Gold Helm , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest , Brigandine , Mythril Armor , Plate Mail .
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , rememdy, Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Magician Robe ( Mage Staff , Magican Cloak), Desert Boots (Lather Hat, Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots (Desert Boot, Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), Pearl Rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir )

    Lindblum (Disc 3)
    Weapons: Coral Sword , Partisan , Ice Lance , Poison Knuckles , Magic Racket , Healing Rod , Lamia's Flute , Cypress Pile , Mythril Fork , Pinwheel , Chimera Armlet , Thunder Gloves , Twist Headband , Mantra Headband , Dark Hat , Gold Helm , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest , Brigandine , Mythril Armor , Plate Mail
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Magician Robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magicin Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), Pearl Rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir ).

    Esto Gaza (BEFORE you vist the Forgotton Continent
    Weapons: Mythril Dagger , Mythril Sword , Mythril Spear , Mythril Claws , Mythril Racket , Mythril Rod , Mythril Fork , Mythril Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Mythril Helm , Mythril Vest , Mythril Armor .
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Vaccine , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent
    Notes: The shops are inside the building, and to the right.

    Oeilvert - Mogshop outside (Mimoza)
    Weapons: Diamond Sword , Trident , Mythril Claws , Magic Racket , Healing Rod , Fairy Flute , Cypress Pile , Silver Fork , Pinwheel , Chimera Armlet , Egoist's Armlet , Thunder Gloves , Diamond Gloves , Mantra Headband , Dark Hat , Green Beret , Gold Helm , Cross Helm , Brigandine , Judo Uniform , Plate Mail , Gold Armor
    Items: Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent .

    Kuja's Desert Palace: Mojito's Mogshop
    Weapons: Diamond Sword , Trident , Mythril Claws , Magic Racket , helaing Rod , Fairy Flute , Cypress Pile , Silver Fork , Pinwheel , Rising Sun , Chimera Armlet , Egoist's Armlet , Diamond Gloves , Mantra Headband , Dark Hat , Green Beret , Cross Helm , Brigandine , Judo Uniform , Gold Armor .
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Magic Tag , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent .

    Esto Gaza (AFTER you vist the Forgotton Continent
    Weapons: Gladius , Zorlin Shape , Diamond Sword , Flame Saber , Heavy Lance , Scissor Fangs , Magic Racket , Asura'sRod , Hamelin , Cypress Pile , OctagonRod , Silver Fork , Rising Sun , Egoist's Armlet , N-Kai Armlet , Jade Armlet , Diamond Gloves , Venetia Shield , Black Hood , Red Hat , Cross Helm , Judo Uniform , Power Vest , Gold Armor , Shield Armor .
    Items: Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Magic Tag , Vaccine , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent
    Notes: The shops are inside the building, and to the right.

    Weapons: Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Zorlin Shape , Rune Blade , Obelisk , Tiger Fangs , Mythril Racket , Asura'sRod , Hamelin , OctagonRod , Rising Sun , Bone Wrist , Mythril Armlet , Magic Armlet , Chimera Armlet , Egoist's Armlet , N-Kai Armlet , Jade Armlet , Venetia Shield , defens gloves, Lamia's Tiara , Twist Headband , Golden Hairpin , Coronet , Diamond Helm , Gaia Gear , Demon's Vest , Demon's Mail , Diamond Armor .
    Synth: Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Sargatanas ( Gladius , Zorlin Shape ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), magician robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Glutton's Robe ( Mythril Fork , Cotton Robe ), White Robe ( Gaia Gear , Jade Armlet ), Black Belt ( Gaia Gear , N-Kai Armlet ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet (old choker, Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), pearl rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir ), Promist Ring ( Chimera Armlet , Ruby ), Battle Boots ( Feather Boots , Wing Edge ), Rebirth Ring ( Diamond , Anklet ), Angel Earrings ( Fairy Earrings , Barette ), Garnet ( Ore , Remedy ), Amethyst ( Ore , Annoyntment ), Peridot ( Ore , Soft ), Sapphire ( Ore , Antidote ), Opal ( Ore , Opal ), Topaz ( Ore , Eye Drops ), Thieves Gloves ( Mythril Armlet , Sargatanas )

    Ipsen's Castle - Kumool's Mogshop
    Weapons: Mage Masher , Iron Sword , Mythril Spear , Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Mythril Rod , Lamia's Flute , Oak Staff , Needle Fork , Rising Sun , n-kiarmlet, Jade Armlet , Venetia Shield , Red Hat , Golden Hairpin , Cross Helm , Diamond Helm , Power Vest , Gaia Gear , Shield Armor , Demon's Mail
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Vaccine , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: n/a

    Bran Bal - Moorock's Mogshop
    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Zorlin Shape , Orichalcon , Defender , Holy Lance , Avenger , Mythril Racket , Bistro Fork , Rising Sun , dragon Wrist , Defense Gloves , Coronet , Flash Hat , Adaman Hat , Platinum Helm , Demon's Vest , Minerva's Plate , Platina Armor
    Items: Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Vaccine , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent

    Disc 4

    After you get the invincible on Disc 4, you may want to revisit some of the shops you've already been to. They have new stuff.

    Black Mage Village
    Weapons: Wizard Rod , Siren's Flute , High Mage Staff , Thief Hat , Holy Miter , Dark Gear .
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Vaccine , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent .
    Synth: Butterfly Sword ( Dagger , Mage Masher ), The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Sargatanas ( Gladius , Zorlin Shape ), Masamune ( Zorlin Shape , orichalon), Duel Claws ( Dragon's Claws , Tiger Fangs ), Priest's Racket (air racket, Cachusha ), Bracer ( Battle Boots , Venetia Shield ), Gauntlets ( Mythril Gloves , dragon Wrist ), Golden Skullcap ( Gold Helm , Golden Hairpin ), Circlet ( Coronet , Rosetta Ring ), Grand Helm ( Cross Helm , Power Belt ), Rubber Suit ( Minerva's Plate , Egoist's Armlet ), Brave Suit ( Mythril Vest , mytril Rod ), Light Robe ( Magician Robe , Glass Armlet ), Grand Armor ( Mythril Sword , Mythril Armor ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , leather suit), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Running Shoes ( Battle Boots , Emerald ), Rosetta Ring ( Madain's Ring , Holy Lance ), Garnet ( Ore , Remedy ), Amethyst ( Ore , Annoyntment ), Peridot ( Ore , Soft ), Sapphire ( Ore , Antidote ), Opal ( Ore , Potion ), Topaz ( Ore , Eye Drops ), Lapis Lazuli ( Ore , Dead Pepper ).
    Notes: You can only get these items on Disc 4.

    Weapons: Orichalcon , Defender , Ultima Sword , Holy Lance , Avenger , Kaiser Knuckles , Mythril Racket , Fork , Bistro Fork , Rising Sun , Magc Armlet, Egoist's Armlet , Dragon Wrist , Power Wrist , Defense Gloves , Aegis Goves, Mage's Hat , Lamia's Tiara , Golden Harpin, Coronet , Flash Hat , Adaman Hat , Platinum Helm , Kaiser Helm , Demon's Vest , Minerva's Plate , Ninja Gear , Platina Armor , Carabini Mail , Dragon Mail
    Synth: Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Sargatanas ( Gladius , Zorlin Shape ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe (silkshirt, Bandana ), magiian robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Glutton's Robe ( Mythril Fork , Cotton Robe ), White Robe ( Gaia Gear , Jade Armlet ), Black Robe ( Gaia Gear , N-Kai Armlet ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), reflect ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), pearl rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir ), Promist Ring ( Chimera Armlet , Ruby ), Battle Boots ( Feather Boots , Wing Edge ), Rebirth Ring ( Diamond , Anklet ), Angel Earrings (fairy earrings, Barette ), Garnet ( Ore , Remedy ), Amethyst ( Ore , Annoyntment ), Peridot ( Ore , Soft ), Sapphire ( Ore , Antidote ), Opal ( Ore , Potion ), Topaz ( Ore , eye drops), Thieves Gloves ( Mythril Armlet , Sargattanas).

    Memoria (Hades)
    Synth: Robe of Lords ( White Robe , Black Robe , 30K gil), Tin Armor (Hammer, Ore , 50k gil), Protect Ring ( Dark Matter , Rebirth Ring , 40k gil), Pummice (Pummice Piece, Pummice, 50k gil), Garnet ( Ore , Remedy ), Amethyst ( Ore , Annoyntment ), Peridot ( Ore , Soft ), Sapphire ( Ore , Antidote ), Opal ( Ore , Potion ), Topaz ( Ore , Eye Drops ), Lapis Lazuli ( Ore , Dead Pepper ), Pumice Piece (Hammer, Pumice , 25k gil), Save the Queen ( Javelin , Silver Gloves , 50k gil), Phoenix Pinion ( Phoenix Down , Gyshal Greens ), Ether ( Echo Screen , Vaccine ).

    Ipsen's Castle Mogshop
    Weapons: Mage Masher , Iron Sword , Mythril Spear , Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Mythril Rod , Lamia's Flute , Oak Staff , Needle Fork , Rising Sun , N-Kai Armlet , Jade Armlet , Venetia Shield , Red Hat , Golden Hairpin , Cross Helm , Diamond Helm , Power Vest , Gaia Gear , Shield Armor , Demon's Mail
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Vaccine , Annoyntment , Tent

    Weapons: Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Ice Brand , Partisan , Ice Lance , Cat's Claws , Poison Knuckles , Stardust Rod , healing Rod , Lamia's Flute , Flame Staff , icestaff, lighning staff, Oak Staff , Pinwheel , Glass Armlet , Bone Wrist , Mythril Armlet , Magic Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Thunder Gloves , Lamia's Tiara , Ritual Hat , Twist Headband , Barbut , Mythril Helm , Gold Helm , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest , Brigandine , Mythril Armor , Plate Mail
    Synth: The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Magician Robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring ( Lightning Staff , Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), Pearl Rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir )
    Notes: Talk to people. They're not in their normal shops...

    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Broadsword , Iron Sword , Rod , Mage Staff , Wrist , Leather Wrist , Bronze Gloves , Leather Hat , Feather Hat , Rubber Helm , Bronze Helm , Leather Shirt , Silk Shirt , Bronze Armor
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent

    Weapons: Coral Sword , Partisan , ice lnace Poison Knuckles , Magic Racket , Healing Rod , Lamia's Flute , Cypress Pile , Mythril Fork , Pinwheel , Chimera Armlet , thundergloves, Twist Headband , Mantra Headband , Dark Hat , Gold Helm , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest , briandine, Mythril Armor , Plate Mail
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent .
    Synth: The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , teepledhat), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Magician Robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Desert Boots (leatherhat, Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf (feather hat, Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha ( Magus Hat , Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring (lightning staff, Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension ( Lamia's Tiara , Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet , Madain's Ring ), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), Pearl Rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir )
    Notes: Alice's Item shop is in the weapon shop, now.

    Madain Sari
    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Golem's Flute , Pinwheel , Magic Armlet , Lamia's Tiara , Ritual Hat , Adaman Vest , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Magic Tag , Annoyntment , Tent

    Burmecia Mogshop
    Weapons: Needle Fork , Glass Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Steepled Hat , Headgear , Magus Hat , Barbut , Bronze Vest , Linen Curiass
    Items: Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Tent .
    Notes: Find Atla during the mognet side quest...

    Weapons: Dagger , Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger , Gladius , Ice Brand , Coral Sword , Partisan , Ice Lance , Cat's Claws , Poison Knuckles , Multina Racket , Stardust Rod , Healing Rod , Lamia's Flute , Oak Staff , Magic Armlet , Mythril Gloves , Thunder Gloves , laia's tiara, Ritual Hat , Twist Headband , Mythril Helm , Gold Helm , Magician Cloak , Survival Vest , Brigandine , Linen Curiass , Mythril Armor , Plate Mail .
    Items: Potion , Hi Potion , Phoenix Down , Echo Screen , Soft , Antidote , Eye Drops , Remedy , Annoyntment , Tent
    Synth: The Ogre ( Mage Masher x2), Exploda ( Mage Masher , Mythril Dagger ), Rune Tooth ( Mythril Dagger x2), Angel Bless ( Mythril Dagger , Gladius ), Cotton Robe ( Wrist , Steepled Hat ), Silk Robe ( Silk Shirt , Bandana ), Magician Robe ( Mage Staff , Magician Cloak ), Desert Boots ( Leather Hat , Leather Shirt ), Yellow Scarf ( Feather Hat , Steepled Hat ), Glass Buckle ( Glass Armlet , Leather Wrist ), Germinas Boots ( Desert Boots , Fork ), Cachusha (bgus hat, Rubber Helm ), Coral Ring (lightning staff, Rod ), Gold Choker ( Linen Curiass , Soft ), Magician Shoes ( Germinas Boots , Bone Wrist ), Barette ( Needle Fork , Barbut ), Power Belt ( Glass Buckle , Chain Mail ), Madain's Ring ( Bone Wrist , Stardust Rod ), Fairy Earrings ( Magic Armlet , Soft ), Extension (lamoia's tiara, Multina Racket ), Reflect Ring ( Anklet madain's ring), Anklet ( Gold Choker , Peridot ), Feather Boots ( Magician Shoes , Phoenix Pinion ), Black Belt ( Twist Headband , Survival Vest ), Pearl Rouge ( Moonstone , Elixir ).
    Notes: When I came back to Treno on Disc four I was a "dealer" card master. I was able to play 10 opponants in the arena that I couldn't play before. Odd.



    Ragtime Q and A
    As you are walking around in the forests, you'll probably come across a guy named "Ragtime" at some point. When he shows up, you'll hear different music. If you hear the music and some guy show up with an 'X' on one side and an 'O' on the other, that's Ragtime. If anything else shows up, see the Friendly Monsters Section. You'll wanna answer his questions right everytime to get a cool prize!

    Note that you can meet Ragtime at any point you're wandering in a forest - provided it's been more than 20 seconds since your last battle. If you're explicitly looking for Ragtime, make sure you PAUSE for 20+ seconds after each battle. You can run into him a maximum of four times before you get to the outer continent, and then another six times before you get Hilda Garde 3. After than, the remaining six encouters are unlocked.
    Since the system determines how many seconds you'll be able to move with the controller button depressed, you can game the system by repeatedly tapping the direction button instead of holding it down. Ragtime encounters, however, do not follow this algorithm and can happen any time you're moving around in a forest. By exploiting this concept, you can rapidly get all available Ragtime appearances in any forest - including four back-to-back encouters in the forest just outside the Ice Cave toward the beginning of Disc 1 - netting you a quick 7,000 gil.
    Here are the questions and their answers. Plus, for each correct answer you give him, you get something in return. Remember, "O" is TRUE and "X" is false. Here's the list for that first:

    1. 1000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    2. 1000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    3. 1000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    4. 2000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    5. 2000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    6. 3000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    7. 3000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    8. 4000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    9. 4000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    10. 5000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    11. 5000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    12. 6000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    13. 6000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    14. 7000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    15. 7000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.
    16. 10,000 Gil, 0 Exp, 0 AP, No Items.

    Here are all the questions and their answers. The number next to the answer signifies what order I got the questions in when I met him while writing this walkthrough. As allways, YMMV (Your Milage May Vary):

    Question Answer
    "I want to be your Canary" was writen by Lord Afon. False (2)
    Chocobo Forest is located between Lindblum and South Gate. True (4)
    The Theater Ship Prima Vista was built in Artania Shipyards. False (1)
    The 15th Lindblum war started in 1600. False (3)
    Lindblum Castle is larger than Alexandria Castle. True (7)
    Some Mus are friendly and don't attack. True (9)
    Berkmea Cable Cars have been running for 8 years. True (10)
    Only one desert exists in the entire world. False (12)
    Conde Petie is a village of Goblins. False (14)
    Prima Vista means love at first sight. False (11)
    Treno's cafe, Card Carta, is member's-only. True (13)
    Bobo Bird is a bird that brings you fortune.
    (OK, the Lindblum Inn statue says "Bobo Birds are symbols of good fortune, according to an Olgan Myth. Despite that, however...)
    False (15)
    You can defeat Ragtimer. True (16)
    Theater Ship Prima Vista uses Mist as its source of energy. True (5)
    Fossil Roo is a tunnel that connects Treno and Alexandria False (6)
    Lindblum's Air Cabs opperate around the clock. True (8)

    Defeating Ragtime
    After you have answered all the questions, the *next time* you encounter Ragtime he'll deliver your score. If you've gotten them all correct, you'll get a bunch of XP (5963 for me), but no AP. Oh, and you'll also receive a bunch of Gil and a Protect Ring . I'm not sure if having Quina's Millionaire skill affects the outcome, but I received 89,445 Gil on time, but 59,630 another. @.@ The Protect Ring will block 50% of all elemental damage and lets you learn both Half MP, Mag Elem Null, and Long Reach. Long Reach is super useful for putting fighers in the back row, and Mag Elem Null let's you cast elemental magic, but have it do non-elemental damage (this allows Vivi to reflect-all firaga against an enemy that would otherwise be healed by fire type damage.)


    Frog Catching

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I think this mini-game isn't your best use of time. That being said, here's everything you need to know about Frog Catching. Throughout the game, you'll come across swamps (or marshes). When you get to the center of one, Qunia will ask Zidane if he can catch frogs. If you say yes, you'll have to opportunity to run around as Qiuna and catch them. You can only catch a frog that's on land, so don't go after ones in the water. Certain areas have more tough frogs to catch. When you do catch frogs, be careful to not catch them all. If you leave at least one male and one female frog, the'll produce more frogs. This means you can come back and catch more later. When I do this, I usually like to leave at least 4 frogs in an area. That way I'm pretty much guarenteed there will be a male and a female left.

    Frog Drop
    The point to this mini game is two-fold. First, your, um, father figure?, will show up and give you stuff, depending on how many frogs you've caught. Second, Quina has a blue magic (the stuff he learns from eating enemies) he can use called "Frog Drop." When used, this skill causes a massive frog to fall from the sky and damage an opponant. The ammount of damage dealt by this attack is DIRECTLY related to the number of frogs you have caught. To find out what your damage will be, simply multiply the number of frogs you have caught by your current level:
    Level 12, 5 Frogs: 60 pts.
    Level 15, 10 Frogs: 150 pts.

    You can catch frogs in any of the four marsh areas around the map. There's one on the island you start out on, one just below black mage village, one on the island to the far left of the map and one north (and slightly west) of Oeilvert; it's also east of Ipsen's Castle. As mentioned earlier, you can also get items from Quale for catching some frogs. After catching a certain ammount, he'll appear and give you stuff. Here's what he gave my character, and when.
    Number Item
    2 Ore
    5 Ether
    9 Silk Robe
    15 Elixir
    23 Silver Fork
    33 Bistro Fork
    45 Battle Boots
    99 Fight with Quayle for a Gastro Fork.

    Fighting Quayle:
    When you finally get your 99th frog, Quayle will appear and challange you to a battle. You can steal a Glutton's Robe , Robe of Lords , Ninja Gear , and an Elixir . I tried the Tent trick, but a snake didn't bite him. I used auto-regen, auto-haste, auto-life on all my guys. I didn't really need auto-reflect, mostly because I had Angel's Snack. Watch out for Return Magic. He's immune to all the status abnormalities he casts at you, and the water attacks just heal him. I made extensive use of Quina's various blue magics. The first thing I did was setup mighty guard. I also made use of white wind to restore HP and Angel's Snack to cure status abnormalities. The only thing it didn't cure was confuse, but I had dagger equiped with a weak weapon, so she could just smack whoever was confused (unless it was her).

    Once I had stolen everything, I just wailed on him. In a concerted effort to make up for all the times it's killed me off right before I defeated a boss, the game gave Zidane trance JUST AFTER I finished stealing. I was able to Grand Lethal the snot out of him. :D Flare does a decent amount of damage, as does Frog Drop, since by deffinition you've got at least 99 times your level in damage by the time you get here. Ark, Shock, Thievery, and Dragon's Crest are all pretty powerful here, too. Since I was going after him on Disc 4, this wasn't really much of a fight. I moped the floor with him. I got an Elixir from the battle.


    Blue Magic

    Throughout the game, Quina will be able to eat enemies that are nearly dead (10% or so of HP left). If it's a certain kind of enemy, and if he hasn't learned it already, Quina will learn a cool spell that can be used in battle later on. These are referred to as "Blue Magic" in FF9. Here are the spells he can learn, where to get them, what the do ad how much they cost (in MP) to use. Any enemy that is struckthrough has been reported to me as missing from this walkthrough - however I did not learn the skill in question when *I* tried it. As always, YMMV (your milage may vary).

    Enemy Magic Learned Description MP Required
    Gigan Toad Frog Drop A large frog falls down and injurs one opponant (see Frog Catching Section for more info). 10
    Cactuar 1000 Needles Hits enemy for 1000 pts of damage 8
    Behemoth, Epitath, Ironite, Mistodon Angel's Snack Remedy is cast on all your party members (cures all status abnormalities). 4
    Sahagn, Axoloti Aqua Breath Causes water damage to all enemies 4
    Carrion Worm, Cerberus, Gimme Cat, Stilva, Yan Auto-Life Once during battle, each of your characters will revive if KO'd. 14
    Anemone, Malboro, Worm Hydra Bad Breath Lots of Status Abnormalities on your enemies! 16
    Ash, Veteran Doom Casts doom on an enemy (a timer will countdown from 10 to 0, then casts death). 12
    Adamantoise, Earth Guardian, Shell Dragon Earth Shake Earth Magic damage to all opponants 20
    Chimera, Kraken, Wraith Frost Casts Status Abnormality "Freeze" on enemies. 8
    Goblin, Goblin Mage Goblin Punch Hits one enemy for non-elemental magic damage. 4
    Axe Beak, Blazer Beetle, Jabborwock, Mandoragora, Muu Limit Glove If your HP = 1, this will do major non-elemental magic damage to an enemy. 10
    Carve Spider, Grand Dragon, Lamia, Lizard Man, Ochu, Sand Scorpion Level 3 Def-less Reduces an enemy's Defense when it's level is a multiple of three. (3,6,9,etc) 12
    Feather Circle, Torama Level 4 Holy Casts Holy Magic against any enemy whose level is a multiple of four. (4,8,12,etc) 22
    Draco Zombie, Lich, Stropper, Whale Zombie Level 5 Death Casts Status Abnormality Death against any enemy whose level is a multiple of five (5,10,15,etc) 20
    Magic Vice, Ring Leader Magic Hammer Transfer some of an enemy's MP to you. 2
    Armstrong, Dragon Fly, Ogre, Trick Sparrow, Zagnhol Matra Magic Reduces your enemies HP to 1 (sometimes) 8
    Ant Lion, Gargoyle, Gigan Octopus, Myconid, Serpion Mighty Guard Casts both Shell AND Protect on ALL party members. 64
    Bomb, Grenade, Red Vepal Mustard Bomb Casts status abnormality Heat on one enemy. 10
    Abomination, Grimlock, Nymph, Seeker Bat Night Casts status abnormality Sleep on EVERYONE (including your guys). 14
    Bandersnatch, Basilisk, Hedgehog Pie, Python, Skeleton, Yeti Pumpkin Head Does non-elemental Magic damage; the lower your HP gets, the more damage it does. 12
    Ghost, Hectoeyes, Zombie Roulette Randomly casts status abnormality Death on SOMEONE (including your guys!) 18
    Abadon, Red Dragon, Tiamat Twister Wind Magic Damage to all enemies 22
    Drakan, Hornet, Vice, Troll Vanish Make a party member turn invisible (if you are hit by an attack, even magic, this effect wears off) 8
    Garuda, Griffen, Zemzelett, Zuu White Wind Restores HP to all party members. 14


    Chocobos Section

    Ok. You can do a LOT with chocobos in this game. This is how you get your characters their ultimate weapons, get the best gear and learn all the skills you can learn (by finding and equiping armor/accessories/weapons). The chocobo is also the window to the toughest battle in the game (Ozma). It's more fun than the chocobo side quests in FF7 or FF8, in my opinion. Anyway, here's the stuff you can do and how to do it and where to do it.

    Chocobo's Forest: My first Chocobo!
    When you leave Lindblum (and after you get Quina, if you want him/her) be sure to head due east and across the bridge to the Chocobo's Forest. You can learn a lot here. On your first visit, you'll be given Gyshal Greens and sent on your way. Leave and go to the South about 5 footsteps until you see the chocobo tracks in the ground. They look like *ahem* "Consumate V's!" Consumate! Geeze. Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him on the face. Sorry. I guess I got a bit side-tracked there. Anyway, once you get there, open the menu, select item and choose Gyshal Greens . Kweeeh! Talk to Choco (to ride him) them ride back to chocobo forest.

    Now go up and talk to Mene (the Moogle) and ask him what the big secret is. Go ahead and pay for these games. They are fun and you can earn some really cool stuff when you get good enough. Read the directions (they are pretty good, and I can't explain it any better), check out the "emulator cheat" note below if you want, then go looking for treasures. I got two Gyshal Greens , an Antidote an an Eye Drops on the first round. Mene said, "That's amazing" and I got double points and 10 extra seconds, during which I found another Gyshal Greens and choco's beak got stronger. On my third try, I got a Chocograph. Keep at it until you get all the chocographs (Mene will volunteer "Choco says he can't find any more Chocographs here for now" - this includes chocograph pieces), then head outside and look for some treasures. By the time I was finished, I'd passed one hour and earned:
    9 Chocographs
    2 chocograph pieces
    13 Beak levels
    950 Gil
    Of course, I probably spent twice that much gil playing, but I earned it back easily from the Hi Potion , Tent , Potion , status healer and Ether items. Now it's time to go do some hunting! (See treasure locations below). Walk out of the forest and Choco will pick you up and you're on your way!

    Emulator Cheat Note!
    If you are playing the game on an emulator that has save state/load state functionallity, there's a way to make this process go unbelievably fast by exploiting a couple of weaknesses in the PRNG (pseudo-random number generator.) Each time you begin a game of choco hot and cold, the first time you press square and make choco search, the game randomly decides where the first treasure is. That means you can start the game, press square, then use the emulator to save the game state. From there, you can search at your leasure until you find where the treasure is. Once you've found it, load the game state and head straight to where you found the treasure. Once you've dug it up and received your points, press square to search and then save the game state and repeat the process of finding the treasure, loading the game, and going strait to the treasure.

    There's a added bonus to this as well. The game doesn't chose what the treasure is until you find it. That means you can keep reloading the save state, running to the spot, digging it up, and then deciding if you want to keep it or not. You can find all the chocographs really quickly this way. I think I was able to complete the entire first forest in about 10 minutes or so. As an added perk, you finish each round so quickly that Mene gives you massive bonus points for early finishes - leveling up choco's beak really quickly.

    If you want the Robe of Lords and/or Protect Ring early on in the game, practicing this can be an effective way to do that. With a little practice, you'll find you can end with over 40 seconds still on the clock, netting you between 250 and 350 points every game (my record is finishing with 53 seconds left which netted me 375 points. But really, this is all about how far away each of the digs are from each other). If you can earn 250-350 points each time, it's only 30-40 attempts to get the 10k points you need for the Robe of Lords . I spent around 2.5 hours and earned enough points to buy both the robe and ring, and I also found a Cachusha , a Barette , and tonnes of other items and Gil. If you do opt to leverage this knowledge, you probably won't need a lot of money. You will dig up so much Gil that it pretty much pays for itself without you having to go sell stuff off. In fact, one time I managed to dig up 5,000 Gil. I don't think that's very likely for most folks, though. I've played through this game at least 10 times, and I can only remember getting that once. In any event, speed is the most important factor. The faster you complete the attempt, the more points you can earn.

    Chocobo's Lagoon
    When you first acquire the Blue Narcisist, you'll be able to vist most of the treasure locations you couldn't get to before, plus you'll be able to go visit Chocobo's Lagoon. Go grab the "Cold Field" treasure, then head to the lower left corner of the World Map and wind around among the islands there. One island has a big hole on the side of it - that's Chocobo's Lagoon. You have to call Choco from a different island, and then use the reef ability to make your way back to this one. The next island due west should have chocob tracks AND a shore line that the Blue Narcisist can dock at. (Side note: if you walk around on the beach here you can encounter a Whale Zombie from which Quina can learn Level 5 Death - very useful againt Grand Dragons.) When you get on the reef, head west until you get to a brown continent (the Forgotten Continent) and go slightly north and east along its cost. This will allow you to get back east to the Chocobo's Lagoon. Hunt around until you get all the chocographs/pieces here. Here's what I got:
    Chocographs: 4
    C-Graph Pieces: 0
    Gil: 900
    Beak Levels: 3

    Back to Chocobo Forest
    At this point, Mene says to go back to Chocobo's Forest or search for treasure. I recommend searching, because when I went back to the forest, choco said he couldn't find any more chocographs there, either. However, if you had a mountain chocobo, you could do stuff here. Go find all the treasures, you should be able to climb mountains now. Head back to Chocobo's Forest and play hot-and-cold until you have all the Chocographs and pieces. Here's what I got:
    Chocographs: 4
    C-Graph Pieces: 2
    Gil: 2850
    Beak Levels: 10

    Chocobo's Lagoon
    After you use the above chocographs, you should be able to access the Chocobo Lagoon's deep water area. Head back and get more chocographs. Here's what I got:
    Chocographs: 3
    C-Graph Pieces:
    Gil: 900
    Beak Levels: 10

    One Last Romp in Chocobo Forest
    Once you get the airship (and not before) you can head back to Chocobo's Forest and get another Chocograph using pieces.
    Chocographs: 0
    C-Graph Pieces: 2
    Gil: 1200
    Beak Levels: 6

    Chocobo's Air Garden
    When you have found all the Chocograph Pieces, you'll be able to put them together and form a single chocograph. It'll point you to the Misty Ocean, where you'll learn how to fly. Look at all the chocograph pieces. They'll tell you where you can go to fly to Chocobo's Air Garden. Visit each location until you see the dark black shadow. You'll know it when you find it. When you do, float above it (don't stand on it!) so that your shadow is inside it, then feed Choco a Dead Pepper . You'll launch up to Chocobo's Air Garden. When you get there, you'll do more or less what you've been doing this whole time. There are three more chocographs to find, then you'll have them all. Get them, then head out to find the treasures. When you are done, see the next section.
    Chocographs: 3
    C-Graph Pieces: n/a
    Gil: 350
    Beak Levels: 3

    Chocobo's Paradise
    Once you have found all the Chocograph Treasures, fly Choco to the tiny island in the far North West corner of the map. Land in the trees and feed chocobo a Dead Pepper at the crack in the mountain. A hole will open up and you can enter Chocobo's Paradise!!! When you get there, go right and step on the pond at the far edge of the screen. After a brief discussion with Fat Chocobo, you'll be able to understand the chocobos. Now go talk to all these chocobos and learn the locations of the Bubbles and Cracks (or just read the bottom of this section). Talk to the chocobo to the left of the Fat Chocobo and you'll get up to 99x Dead Pepper . You can also play cards with Fat Chocobo for the Chocobo cards. I beat him with perfect, but I didn't get anything out of it other than a handfull of swell chocobo cards.

    Zidane's Ultimate Weapon
    When the Shimmering Island is gone (read: at the beginning of disc 4), you can swim choco out to the center of where it used to be (check you position on the World Map ). Here's the trick to this. Open the World Map and find the Shimmering Island. Swim out on choco until you are there. You'll know you close to the correct spot when you switch to the full screen map and the hand showing your position doesn't jump - it just stays in the same place and says, "Shimmering Island." Use overhead view (so your POV doesn't change) and switch to the full map. Move the hand out of the way, and use circle to toggle your location on and off. You should see a small "plus" sign which indicates your exact location. Make sure that is lined up directly over the white dot indicating the island. Feed Choco a Dead Pepper there, and he should dive and find a treasure chest. You'll get 10 Aquamarine , 1 Ultima Weapon , 1 Maximillian and 1 Invincible Card.

    As you root around on choco in the forest, etc, you'll build up points. When you get to a certain level, you can trade them in for stuff. Here's the trade range:
    Points Exchange for
    10 Gyshal Greens
    150 Phoenix Down
    250 Ore
    450 Ether
    1,800 Viltgance Card
    3,500 Wing Edge
    8,500 Protect Ring
    10,000 Robe of Lords

    Chocobo's Dream World:
    From time to time the chest you find will contain strange smoke and make you go visit the dream world There, Choco will gain new abilities. Here is a list of all abilities and where they are learned:
    Ability Where to be Learned
    Reef Healing Shores
    Mountain Dawn Lagoon
    Ocean Green Plains
    Fly Mist Ocean

    Treasure Hunting!
    Once you have found chocographs, you can go hunting while on Choco. Just press Triangle and select "Open Chocograph menu. Next, select the treasure you want to search for. Now, when you are on the main world screen (and riding choco, obviously) you can press square to have choco search for a treasure. As he gets closer to the treasures, his "kweh" becomes more and more adamant. Here are the different treasures, where you can find them and what kind of chocobo you need to have (more on that later). See the timeline table below this one for more info.
    What you need Where to Find Chocograph Name Location What you get
    Field 1 Streamside Very Close to Chocobo Forest. Search near the river's outlet on the other side of the little bridge. Call Choco from the tracks near Chocobo's Forest. 2 Elixir , 3 Hi Potion , 4 Ether , 2 Germinas Boots .
    Field 1 Between Mountains Head west from the Streamside chocograph treasure. When you hit the water, turn south. Call choco from the tracks near Chocobo's Forest 5 Potion , 5 Hi Potion , 2 Tent , 2 Cotton Robe
    Field 3 Uncultivated Land When you first get the Mountain ability, point Choco to the evil forest. You can now go over mountains to get here. Search a little south of Alexandria in the patch of marsh-looking soil. 10 Antidote , 1 Jade Armlet , 3 Wing Edge , 1 Cargo Ship Card
    Field 1 Healing Shore Due North of Clyra, between the mountains and by the beach (not on the shore). Call Choco from the tracks near Clyra. Choco learns REEF ability
    Field 1 Abandoned Beach Call Choco from the tracks just East of Qu's Marsh on the Outer Continent. Search the ground near the entrance to Black Mage Village's Forest (by the shore, in the grassy area). 9 Phoenix Pinion , 5 Phoenix Down , 12 Peridot , 1 Diamond Gloves
    Field 1 Cold Field When you get the Blue Narcisist on Disc 3, head to the Lost Continent (the one covered in ice) and call Choco at the tracks just east of Esto Gaza. Feel free to buy stuff here, too. The chocograph spot is a few steps east and slightly south of the tracks. 5 Echo Screen , 7 Hi Potion , 3 Tent , 1 theater ship card
    Ocean 3 Forgotten Lagoon South of Esto Gaza, along the coast of the Forgotten Continent. 8 Gyshal Greens , 5 Ether , 7 Hi Potion , 1 Dragon's Claws
    Reef 1 Faraway Lagoon Call Choco at the Tracks on the island to the west of the Forgotten Contenent. Head to the east coast (inside the lagoon) of the Forgotten Contenent. Search all the little Fijords. 37 Potion , 6 Magic Tag , 1 Shield Armor , 1 Gaia Gear .
    Reef 2 Abandoned Lagoon Around the Western shoreline, near where Fossil Roo comes out on the Outer Continent is a beach with a forest and tracks. Call Choco at the rack, and head west along the reef until you get to the weird penninsula WAY South of the Conde Pedie paths. It's in the cove. 6 Soft , 4 Ether , 1 Feather Boots , 1 N-Kai Armlet
    Reef 1 Bird's Eye Logoon When you first get the reef ability, pop back through gizamaluke's grotto, and call choco by using Gyshal Greens on the tracks just south of Qu's Marsh. Head west past Qu's Marsh, slightly south, and out onto the reefs. Just past the furthest tiny island, you'll find the Bird's Eye Lagoon treasure. 8 Potion , 4 Phoenix Down , 3 Ether , 1 Magician Robe
    Reef 1 Small Beach Right after getting Bird's Eye Lagoon above, head back to Chocobo's Forest and use the beach there to enter the reef, heading south east along the shore until you come to the end of the penninsula. There's a small island off the tip of the penninsula with a beach. The chest is on the beach, not in the water. 4 Remedy , 2 Elixir , 8 Rising Sun , 1 Oak Staff
    Reef 2 Dawn Lagoon From the tracks outside of Chocobo's forest, take Choco east along the southern edge of the contient. Jump in to water south of Treno and search around the island in the tiny bay due south of Treno. Choco gains Mountain ability
    Mountain 3 Forbidden Forest From the top of Southgate, follow the ridgeline north and west. Search in the forest at the bottom of all the mountain ranges. 7 Ether , 2 Elixir , 10 Wing Edge , 1 High Mage Staff .
    Mountain 3 Green Plains On a plateu where a line going north from the Ice Cave would mean one going West from the Evil Forest. It's on the grassy plain that doesn't have a tree. Search along the edge bordering the mountain going up. Choco learns Ocean Ability.
    Mountain 3 Dusk Plains Head due West from olivert (and south from the final crack). Of the four levels to the ground, search on the 2nd (tucked inside the other). 12 Phoenix Down , 14 Ore , 1 Kaiser Knuckles , 1 Iron Man Card
    Mt 3 Forgotten Plains When you first end up on the Forgotten Continent, you can go north and slightly west to find chocobo tracks. From there, head west and a little south. You'll see two tiny patches of green and a lot of desert. Search the mid-level platau near the grasslands. 17 Ore , 5 Ether , 14 Opal , 1 Demon's Mail [sic]
    Ocean 4 Sea At Dusk Head West from Clyra until the Screen turns darker. Search the ocean areas where a picture matches the Chocograph. 15 Phoenix Pinion , 1 White Robe , 1 Diamond , 1 Masamune Card
    Ocean 4 Ocean Along the Western Edge of the Forgotten Continent, in the deep sea far, far west of Clyra. 27 Ore , 1 Light Robe , 1 Whale Whisker , 1 Alexander Card
    Ocean 3 Cold Lagoon Along the Northern Coast of the Lost Continent (the one covered in ice) is a Fijord east and north of Esto Gaza. 11 Peridot , 9 Opal , 15 Sapphire , 19 Topaz ,
    Ocean 5 Mist Ocean Swim to the two islands off the north eastern coast of the Mist Continent, Due North of Alexandria Harbor. Choco learns the Fly Ability
    Sky 6 Outer Island Fly Choco to the Island East from Kuja's Palace. Search the northern area of the island. 21 Amethyst , 16 Garnet , 1 Genji Armor , 1 Ragnarok .
    Sky 4 Outer Island 2 Fly Choco to the small island Due East from Madain Sari and North from Kuja's Desert Palace. Search the edge of the forest on the Southern side. 11 Sapphire , 1 Circlet , 1 Pumice Piece , 1 Hilda Garde 3 Card
    Sky 6 Fairy Island Fly Choco to the island just north of the center of the map. It's got one HUGE mountain in it. You can't miss it. Search along the base of the eastern face of the mountain 33 Potion , 15 Annoyntment , 1 Holy Miter , 1 Dark Matter Card
    Sky 6 Forgotten Island Fly Choco to the island Due EAST of Ipsen's Castle Search the large platue near the forest (the ocean end of it). 1 Ribbon , 1 Rebirth Ring , 13 Amethyst , 1 Ark Card
    Under "Where to Find" you'll see numbers instead of locations. Here's the meaning of those numbers:
    1. Chocobo Forest, first time.
    2. Chocobo Lagoon
    3. Chocobo Forest, after you have Mountain Ability
    4. Chocobo Lagoon, after you have Ocean Ability
    5. Chocobo's Forest, after you have the Airship (find all chocograph pieces to complete this one)
    6. Chocobo's Air Garden, After you have the Airship

    This table will let you know how early you can go get these treasures.

    Chocograph Name Timeline
    Streamside As soon as you get your first chocograph, in Chocobo's Forest
    Between Mountains As soon as you get your first chocograph, in Chocobo's Forest
    Uncultivated Land When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Healing Shore When you first leave Gizamaluke's Grotto, head north past the tornado, though the mountains and off to the right to find chocobo tracks. Call the chocobo there and then search along the shore.
    Abandoned Beach When you first leave Fossil Roo and wander around on the Outer Continent, be sure to call choco at the tracks just east of the Qu's Marsh here and head south to the entrance of Black Mage Village.
    Cold Field When you first acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three
    Faraway Lagoon When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Bird's Eye Logoon When you first aquire your REEF able chocobo (see 'Healing Shore' above) you can access this location.
    Small Beach Anytime after you have the REEF ability, head to Chocobo's Forest and see the table above for more specific instructions.
    Dawn Lagoon When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Forbidden Forest When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Green Plains When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Dusk Plains When you are sent to Olivert on the Hilda Garde 1
    Forgotten Plains When you are sent to Olivert on the Hilda Garde 1
    Sea at Dusk When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Ocean When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Cold Lagoon When you acquire the Blue Narcisist on Disc Three.
    Mist Ocean When you first get the Airship, dig up all the Chocograph Pieces
    Outer Island When you first get Fly Ability
    Outer Island 2 When you first get Fly Ability
    Fairy Island When you first get Fly Ability
    Forgotten Island When you first get Fly Ability

    Bubbles and Cracks
    Thoughout the land there are some bubbles and some cracks. If you feed Choco a Dead Pepper at the bubble or the crack, he'll go nuts and grab whatever is under the bubbles or crack. Here are the locations:
    Bubble or Crack Location Contains
    Bubble Top of map, in the middle 50 Potion , 25 Hi Potion , 9 Ether , 7 Elixir
    Bubble Quan's Dwelling: Pilot Choco to Quan's Dwelling (east of Treno) and go inside. Go all the way through to the other side and examin the bucket at the end. If you have a Dead Pepper , you'll be allowed to use it. 9 Ore , 15 Topaz , 1 Tiger Racket , 1 Red Rose Card
    Bubble Search the ocean between the Outer Continent and the Mist Continent, due North of Alexandria. 8 Straw Hat , 8 Pearl Armlet , 7 Aloha T-Shirt , 8 Sandals
    Bubble Far West of Qu's Marsh, North of Chocob's Lagoon (and a little west). It's hidden inside the curl of the tip of the Forgotten Continent. 10 Remedy , 1 Black Robe , 1 Genji Gloves , 1 Blue Narciss Card
    Crack On the northmost island, North and East of Madain Sari is a crack. Mognet Central
    Crack Near the Northeastmost tip of the Frozen Continent. Examine the mountians. 41 Lapis Lazuli , 1 Rosetta Ring , 1 Protect Ring , 1 Airship Card
    Crack Due North from Olivert, about half-way further up the continent is a crack hidden in a bend near a tiny forest. 19 Eye Drops , 1 Madain's Ring , 1 Genji Helmet , 1 Hilda Garde 1 Card
    Crack Head Due Southwest from the crack above, and you'll walk over two mountain rages. Half way between the above crack and Olevert, you'll find (if you look REALLY HARD) the final crack. 1 Maiden Prayer , 1 Dragon's Hair , 1 Guantlets, 1 Odin Card

    Great Enemy Ozma:
    Anyone who gets the referece in the title get's 24 bonus cool points and a free entry into my $10,000 cash prize pool to be established when I win the Pulitzer Prize for online game related content. ;) Wouldn't that be a great category? *I'D* vote for it. Anyway, I recommend reading through this whole section a few times before trying this. If you don't, please don't say I didn't warn you. ;) I really don't recommend you try this if your characters are below level 99. You probably think I'm joking, don't you?

    It's a VERY tough battle and level 70 characters can't even stay alive long enough for everyone to have a single turn (I'm not exagerating here, actually). Oddly enough, while level 70 characters are just toast, level 80ish characters can beat him. (Let me phrase it this way: My level 70 characters died off quickly, but I was able to beat him with all my characters at level 80.) That being the case, while you CAN start this battle on Disc 3 (as soon as choco can learn the "Fly" ability), I don't really recommend it until most of the way through disc 4. After completing all the chocobo quest stuff (and the Friendly Monsters Section, if you want to use physical attacks), with the possible exception of Zidane's Ultimate Weapon, save your game (no really, I mean it) and head to Chocobo's Air Garden.

    Instead of talking to Mene, though, head to the back island (you can walk on the clouds, go under the land bridge and walk up the steps at the back) and look around the little hill there. When the battle begins, if you have completed the friendly monster section, you'll get a message that says, "The spiritual power raised the attack range." In other words: you can actually use physical attacks on him (if you have not completed the Friendly Monsters Section, you'll recieve the standard 'out of range' message when you try to attack him.). He carries a Pumice Piece , Dark Matter , Robe of Lords and an Elixir . The Robe of Lords is likely the only think you don't have, so concentrate on that. Here are some additional tips for better results.

    Defensive Tips:

    • Be level 99 (You think I'm joking, don't you?)
    • Equip Weapons/Armor/Accessories that block or absorb Shadow and/or Holy Damage. Chimera Armlet , Ninja Gear , Demon's Mail , Ribbon . If you don't take Steiner or Freya, but give the other 4 you choose Egoist's Armlet as they nullify shadow damage. Also equip any Pumice Pieces you have - they absorb holy and shadow damage. A Protect Ring will nullify 50% of all magic elemental attacks and a Ribbon will nullify 50% of fire/ice/thunder/holy.
    • Auto-Regen is very useful, auto-reflect isn't.
    • As far as status abnormalities, you only have to be prepaired for: Confuse, Berserk, Poison, KO, Mini, Darkness and maybe Venom.
    • As implied by the above: You do not need to protect against Stop, Petrify, Heat, Freeze, sleep, Death Sentence, Gradual Petrify, Virus, Silence, Trouble or Zombie
    • Clear Headed and Antibody are musts, as is Bright Eyes for any character who will be using physical attacks.
    • Auto- Potion is useful.
    • If you have enough left over, give them auto-life - though I think it's a must.
    • If one character is wearing a Rebirth Ring , it will cause phoenix to be summoned (one time only), if your party is annihilated.
    • Take Eiko and make use of Phoenix
    • If you can do enough damage fast enough, he'll busy himself with healing.

    Offensive Tips
    • Be level 99 (Well, it's true!)
    • Set your battle speed to slow
    • Holy does lots of damage
    • Flare does a little damage.
    • Meteor does a little damage.
    • Steiner's Shock, Freya's Dragon Crest and Zidane's Grand Lethal (wait for a trance) are good for wacking him

    Miscelaneous Tips
    • You can't cast reflect on him; he's guarded against it (It would have let you deflect his curaga, though: If you thought of this strategy, you're on the right track).
    • Try to get your characters close to trance, but not over
    • It's a lot easier if your guys are not levels which are multiples of 4 or 5.
    • Use Gyshal Greens to remove berserk status, use Remedy for all other status abnormalities.
    • Don't bother with a Potion or an Ether ; use your elixirs - they are give to you "For such a time as this."
    • You will get EXP and AP for this. If you need them, Equip the Level Up or Abiliy Up abilities.
    • Counter isn't useful; he never physically attacks you
    • Ozmose doesn't work, don't bother

    OK.  I know it looks bad, but for now I'm going to leave this as text.  Here are the
    weapons/armor/accessories/abilities I used, as well as a play-by-play  (which some people find usefull).
    Zidane (Level 97):
    -  Ultima Weapon 		- Auto-Haste		- Counter
    -  Circlet 		- Auto-Life		- Body Temp
    -  Chimera Armlet 	- Auto-Regen		- Eye 4 eye
    -  Ninja Gear 		- HP+20%		- Antibody
    -  Ribbon 		- Gamble Defense	- Bright Eyes
    Eiko (Level 78):
    -  Priest's Racket 	- Auto-Haste		- Auto- Potion 
    -  Holy Miter 		- Auto-Life		- Clear Headed
    -  Chimera Armlet 	- Auto-Regen
    -  Demon's Vest 		- Guardian Mog
    -  Protect Ring 		- Antibody
    Vivi (Level 81):
    -  Mace of Zeus 		- Auto-Haste		- Antibody
    -  Holy Miter 		- Auto-Life		- Auto- Potion 
    -  Chimera Armlet 	- Auto-Regen
    -  Demon's Vest 		- Clear Headed
    -  Protect Ring 		- Mag Elem Null
    Steiner (Level 80):
    -  Ragnarok 		- Auto-Haste		- Level Up
    -  Grand Helm 		- Auto-Life		- Antibody
    -  Gauntlets 		- Auto-Regen
    -  Demon's Mail 		- HP +20%
    -  Ribbon 		- Counter
    * Ozma Casts Flare on Vivi (near death, uses  Potion )
    * Steiner Casts Shock on Ozma
    * Vivi Casts Focus on self
    * Ozma Casts LV5 Death.
    - Steiner Dies (Come back)
    * Eiko tries to cast reflect on Ozma, but he's Guarded?!?
    * Vivi Casts Flare on Ozma for 4606
    * Ozma Casts Meteor
    - Zidane Dies (Comes Back)
    - Vivi Dies (Comes Back)
    - Eiko Die (Comes Back)
    - Stenier Near Death.
    * Steiner casts shock for 9999
    * Ozma casts Berserk on steiner
    * Ozma casts LV4 Holy
    - Steiner gets hit for 1630
    - Zidane, Eiko and Vivi are missed.
    * Zidane uses elixr on self, but was already healed up.
    * Vivi Casts Meteor on Ozma, but that misses.
    * Ozma casts Curaga on self for 8160.
    * Eiko casts Holy for 4042
    * Berserk'd Steiner hits for 5301
    * Ozma casts Curaga on self for 8976.
    * Ozma Casts Flare Star:
    - Zidane takes a LOT of damage.
    - Eiko Dies
    - Vivi takes very little damage
    - Steiner takes moderate damage
    * Zidane finally throws useless  Elixir  on Vivi.
    * Vivi Casts flare on Ozma for 4410
    * Berserk'd Steiner attacks for 5358
    * Ozma casts Curse
    - Zidane takes major damage, Mini.
    - Eiko was already dead
    - Vivi takes major damage, Blinded, Mini.
    - Steiner takes major damage, Blinded, Mini.
    * Zidane finally thows  Phoenix Down  on Eiko.
    * Ozma casts flare on Vivi - Vivi dies.
    * Eiko casts Esuana on Steiner: Un-mini, Un-blind, Un-Berserk.  Celebrate for 2 seconds, then...
    * Ozua casts Curse.
    - Zidane takes heavy damage
    - Vivi is already dead.
    - Eiko Dies, AND is mini'd.
    - Steiner takes heavy damage, Mini, Blind, Berserk.
    * Zidane throws  Phoenix Down  on Vivi.
    * Mini Steiner hits Ozma for 261 points.  Whee.
    * Ozma casts Holy on Zidane: "Guard" pops up.  :)
    * Vivi uses a  Remedy  on Steiner, Darkness and Mini go away - still berserk.
    * Berserk Steiner hits Ozma for 4845
    * Ozma casts L5Death
    - Steiner Dies.
    * Vivi finally throws the  Gyshal Greens  that WOULD have woken up steiner.  "Miss."
    * Eiko summons Phoenix "Rebirth Flame."
    - Steiner wakes up
    - Ozma hit for a wopping 22 points of damage.  Whee.
    - Ozma casts "Death" on Vivi, who of course dies.
    * Steiner hits Ozma for 9999
    * Ozma casts Curaga on self for unknown ammount.  I really hate the display engine they use, you know that?
    * Ozma casts Curse again:
    - Zidane trances.
    - Eiko goes near death
    - Vivi dies, mini
    - Steiner takes major damage, mini.
    * Zidane casts Theivery for 6732.
    * Ozma casts curaga for unknown ammount.
    * Mini-Steiner casts shock for 261
    * Ozma casts flare at Eiko, who dies before she can summon phoenix (to bring vivi back).  Grrrr.
    * Zidane casts grand lethal for 9999.
    * Steiner uses  Remedy  on self.
    * Ozma casts curaga on self for 7500.
    * Zidane wastes DYNE by throwing a  Phoenix Down  on Vivi.
    * Steiner throws phoenx down on Eiko.
    * Ozma casts Holy on Zidane: Guard.  That may be the coolest thing.
    * Vivi throws  Remedy  on self to cure mini.
    * Zidane casts Grand Lethal for 9999.
    * Steiner casts final shock (now he's out of MP): 9999.
    * Ozma casts curaga for 8160
    * Eiko throws  Elixir  to Steiner, all MP back.
    * Ozma casts LV4 Holy.
    - Steiner takes moderate damage
    - Eiko, Vivi and Zidane are missed
    * Vivi casts "Ozmose" to try and steal some magic power from Ozma (It doesn't work: 0MP.)
    * Zidane casts Grand Lethal for 9999.
    OZMA DIES!!!!!
    EXP: 16383, 100 AP.
    Recieved:  Pumice  and 18,500 Gil.
    Mene: "Y-You're very strong, Kupo!  That's amazing!  Kupo!"
    Mene: "I recorded how I feel right now on a card, kupo!  I'll give you secret info too!"
    Mene: "You have too many cards.  I'm gonna leave it here, kupo."
    Received Strategy Guide.
    Mene: One More Bonus: HP and  MP restored, Status effects removed.
    [ That was an Ozma card, btw.  But I had a better one. ]


    Racing Hippaul

    At the beginning of Disc 1, and/or at the beginning of Disc 3 you can race a young hippo named Hippaul. In alexandria, talk to Hippolady on the street just left of the main gate leading outside. As you race Hippaul, you'll get rewards as he levels up. As far as I can tell, he only levels up if YOU win. I guess he's really big on negative reinforcement. Weird. Anyway, if you are doing this, though, be sure you have card space available (you get cards as rewards and you can only carry 99 of them). You can check his level by talking to him. As you race him, sometimes his levels go up by 5, and sometimes less. Here are his levels after each time I raced him (he starts at 1): 5, 10, 15, 16, 20, 25, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 (about 15 minutes), 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 (8 more minutes), 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 (another 8 minutes), 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 (another 8 minutes). Overall time: approximately 45 minutes.

    Here are some pointers to help you out on this mini-game.

    • Try to do this in one sitting but take breaks to rest your hands if they get numb. The higher his level, the faster you have to do it.
    • Put the controler on a level surface, such as the ground, and use both hands. It's much easier than one-handed.
    • Use different fingers on each hand. I use the pointer of my right hand and the middle finger of my left. When I try to use the same finger on each hand, they start mashing at the same time. Some kinda weird wiring in the brain, I guess.
    • Don't watch the screen. I don't know why, but watching the screen messes up my rhythm
    • Turn off the sound, or play other faster-paced music.
    • When it gets REALLY tough (after level 70) turn off your analog controler and use the right stick. Put it between to fingers and flick your hand (not Wrist ) back and forth


    Here are the rewards you'll get and the required level:
    Hippaul's Level Number of races Reward
    10 2 Wyerd Card
    20 5 Carrion Worm Card
    30 7 Tantarian Card
    40 12 Armstrong Card
    50 22 Ribbon Card
    60 32 Nova Dragon Card
    70 42 Genji Card
    80 52 Athlete Queen

    Technically you can continue to race him after level 80 and he continues to get faster unti level 100. But you won't get anything for future races (other than maybe a Wrist injury. To be clear, I kind of cheated to get Vivi to run that fast. I used a RaspberPi Zero to build a rediculously fast keyboard that pressed a and z over and over again. Since I'm playing the game on OpenEmu, those keys are mapped to square and circle. If you can get him to level 100 without any extra help, you have my admiration. But since I've been dealing with bad carpal tunnel for the last 20 years, I opted to cheat just a bit. Here's the code, if you're curious:

    import time
    NULL_CHAR = chr(0)
    def write_report(report):
        with open('/dev/hidg0', 'rb+') as fd:
      while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Release all keys


    Mordid's Coffee Quest

    Meet Mordid
    When you first visit the town of Dali (after the Ice Cave) be sure to have Zidane check out the large tower outside down. In the hut at the bottom of the tower is a man named Mordid who REALLY likes his coffee. He agrees to make a trade with you. If you will find the three major types of coffee hidden around the land, he'll trade you a working model of the Prima Vista airship for it. This model helps you get a "Level S" treasure hunter rank. I'm not sure why this is all that great, but apparently it is. ;) Anyway, here are the locations/times you can get this stuff.

    Moccha Coffee
    On Disc 2, when you first visit Chocobo's Forest, be sure to visit South Gate, just North of the forest. Search near the spring that Cinna was playing in earlier for the Moccha Coffee .

    Kirman Coffee
    Also on Disc 2, when you get to Madain Sari be sure to search the kitchen. You can't do this until after Eiko's Dinner party, though. You can find the Kirman Coffee in the lower left corner of the kitchen when you are helping Eiko clean up.

    Burman Coffee
    Save once you get outside and head through Southgate to the town of Dali. Save outside the village, then head inside. Head straight to the mayor's house and snoop around. Check the desk and you'll get a Mini-Brahne . Search it another time or two until the Mayor's Son says "Zzz..." Now check the Heater and you'll receive the Mayor's Key . Head into the windmill and search the room that's always said, "You need the Mayor's Key " before. Search where the chest is (behind the chocobo). Then search again and reach for whatever is undernieth it to get the Burman Coffee .

    Head out of Dali and go to the the "Observatory Mountain" just a bit North-East. Mordid should be standing at the bottom of the stairs. Go talk to him and he'll be VERY happy you have the beans. Give them to him, and he'll send you the model of the Theater Ship. This model will show up in your Tantalus Hideout when you get to Disc 4. Look for it before heading to the Iifa tree again.



    All about Jewels
    In FF9, Jewels serve a few different purposes. First, specific Jewels allow appropriate characters to learn various Summons. Additionally the power of certain Summons is proportional to the quantitiy of a specific type of Jewel you keep in your inventory. The most important thing to keep in mind is this - never sell your Jewels unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing - and how it will impact your game in the future. This is one of those nuances of FF9 that bugs a lot of people.

    Ore can be won from multiple enemies all throughout the game. If you're on the first three discs, don't worry about selling off some - but be sure to keep at least 75 or so on hand. You can use it to heal your characters in battle (it will restore 4 times the number of Ore in inventory HP.)

    When equiped, Peridot is used to learn the Thundara and Ramuh skills. You can steal it from: Griffin, Mistodon, Stroper, Grenade, and Tiamat enemies. It can be found in a chest in Pinnacle Rocks and synthesized later in the game. If you use it in battle, it will give you HP based on the number you have in inventory.

    You can first acquire Sapphire by killing off Gnolls when you first leave Conde Petie, as well as Drakan and Red Dragon enemies. Sapphires let you learn Fenrir and High Tide. They can also be synthesized later in the game. Theoretically you can get HP by using them in battle (proportionally linked to the number in your inventory), but you probably don't want to do that.

    When you first get to the Conde Petie mountain path, collecting all four colored gems and placing them in the stone monolith to the right of the Moogles will net you a Moonstone . This will allow you to learn Beast Killer and Shell. This one can NOT be synthed later, so be sure to grab it while you can!








    Lapis Lazuli

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